The following introduces the organisation of the course content, the materials provided or required, as well as information on the course assessment. After going through them, you will be ready to set off on a journey into the realms of discrete mathematics and algorithm analysis.
Organisation of course content and study units
In addition to this Course Guide, the course will provide or expect students to have access to the following materials or resources.
Study units
All COMP 3630SED study units will be presented to you as hard copies and uploaded to the Online Learning Environment (OLE) as PDF files. There are eight study units.
Unit 1 introduces sets and logic: in this unit, you will learn about set notations, set operators, Venn diagrams, propositions, logical operators, truth tables, logical equivalence, De Morgan's Laws, rules of inference, predicates and universal and existential quantifiers.
Unit 2 covers the fundamentals of proofs: we will cover direct proofs, proof by contraposition, proof by contradiction, proof by cases and mathematical induction (MI).
Unit 3 discusses functions: you will be introduced to functions and their domain, codomain and range; arrow diagrams and common functions: modulus, floor and ceiling, one-to-one, onto and bijective functions, inverse and composition of functions, sequences and strings, relations, Cartesian products, partial order and total order.
Unit 4 provides a step-by-step guide to implementing counting methods and the Pigeonhole Principle: you will learn the basic principles, permutations and combinations, generalised permutations and combinations, binomial coefficients and combinatorial identities, and then the Pigeonhole Principle.
Unit 5 focuses on algorithms: you will learn the definition of an algorithm, and then we will go on to cover pseudocode and time complexity analysis, including best case, worst case, average case, asymptotic notation, recursive algorithms, proof of correctness and the Euclidean algorithm.
Unit 6 introduces recurrence relations: we will cover the Tower of Hanoi, solving recurrence relations, the Fibonacci sequence, selection sort, insertion sort, binary search and merge sort.
Unit 7 deals with graph theory: topics covered include graphs, vertices, edges, weighted graphs, paths and cycles, Hamiltonian cycle and the travelling salesperson problem.
Unit 8 consolidates the concepts of graph algorithms by introducing you to spanning trees, minimal spanning trees, breadth-first search, depth-first search and Dijkstra's algorithm.
Set textbook
The following textbook has been chosen as the set textbook for this course:
Johnsonbaugh, R. (2018) Discrete Mathematics, 8th ed., Global ed., Pearson.
This textbook will be provided to you as part of the course materials.
Presentation Schedule
The Presentation Schedule for this course is available on the OLE. On this schedule, you will see the approximate time for completing assignments, attending tutorials and surgeries and so on.
All the assignments for this course will be released as electronic copies through the OLE with submission due dates in accordance with the timetable provided in the Presentation Schedule. Once an assignment is released, you will be required to download and complete it within the indicated period, and submit your work electronically through the relevant submission links on the OLE. For more details about the assignments, please refer to the 'Assessment' section of this Course Guide.
Equipment requirements
To access the OLE platform and complete your assignments in this course, you will need a personal computer (PC) or similar device with an Internet connection.