Learning and Teaching in the Hong Kong School Context

Home Admissions Course Guide Learning and Teaching in the Hong Kong School Context

This Course Guide has been taken from the most recent presentation of the course. It would be useful for reference purposes but please note that there may be updates for the following presentation.

EDU E100

Learning and Teaching in the Hong Kong School Context

EDU E100 Learning and Teaching in the Hong Kong School Context is a five-credit, foundation level course in the Bachelor of Language Studies (English) (Honours) and Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Primary/Secondary) combined programme. It is specially designed to introduce student teachers to the school system and facilitate their entry into the teaching profession.

EDU E100 aims to:

  • Develop in learners a basic understanding of the Hong Kong education and school system.
  • Provide learners with knowledge of the structure and operations of primary and secondary schools.
  • Introduce learners to the roles and responsibilities of school teachers.
  • Develop in learners a basic understanding of the teaching–learning processes.
  • Lay a firm foundation for learners to become teachers in the future.

Upon completion of this course, you should be able to:

  1. Explain the functions of schools.
  2. Describe the main features of the Hong Kong education system.
  3. Discuss the images and roles of teachers.
  4. Compare the different perspectives on teaching and learning in schools.
  5. Plan ways to meet the challenges of teaching.
  6. Give an account of the daily activities of a teacher.
  7. Reflect on your reasons for deciding to become a teacher.

The following table provides an overview of the study units in the course, the amount of time it is likely to take to complete each unit and the timing of the associated assignments.


Units Weeks of workAssignments
1Getting to know our schools and the school system2 
2Becoming a teacher2Assignment 1
3Teaching and learning in schools4 
4Classroom teaching and beyond2Assignment 2
5Gaining practical experience5Assignment 3

The materials for EDU E100 Learning and Teaching in the Hong Kong School Context consist of this Course Guide, five study units with Readings, two video clips and an Assignment File, all of which are provided by HKMU.


Course Guide

The Course Guide tells you briefly what the course is about, what it contains, and how you can work your way through it. It also gives you information about tutors and face-to-face sessions, and assessment. Remember to refer to the Course Guide throughout the course to help clarify important points about studying EDU E100.


Study units

As noted above, there are five study units in this course, each consisting of three to five weeks of work. They include specific objectives, detailed explanation and illustration of the course content, and directions for the use of and comments on the Readings. The units also contain activities and tutorial questions. The activities aim to reinforce your learning, help you to gain deeper understanding and stimulate reflection. The tutorial questions should help you to examine broader issues related to the units and enhance the sharing of your views with other students.



The Readings provide you with more in-depth understanding of some of the ideas discussed in the units.


Video clips

There are two video clips containing excerpts from lessons, which are related to Units 4 and 5.


Assignment File

The Assignment File provides an overview of the nature and requirements of the course assignments. It guides you carefully through the three assignments, including a portfolio.


Tutorial Manual

The Tutorial Manual explains the role of tutorials and provides you with an overview of the coverage of, and activities for, each tutorial.

The course supports you through face-to-face tutorials, telephone tutoring, and the Online Learning Environment (OLE).


Face-to-face and telephone tutoring

To supplement your self-study, there are eight two-hour tutorials. In addition, at the beginning of the semester, there will be a student orientation for new students.

In the tutorials, your tutor will answer your questions about any problems you may face during your studies and hold other activities, such as small-group discussions, to enhance your learning. As sharing and collaboration are important for effective learning, we encourage you to participate actively in tutorials, sharing your viewpoints, challenging each other's ideas and helping one another to make progress on the course. More details about the tutorials are given in the Tutorial Manual provided in this mailing.

If you have any difficulties with your studies, you may also consult your tutor by telephone during the assigned time-slots.


Online Learning Environment (OLE)

This course is supported by the HKMU Online Learning Environment (OLE). The study units are placed online and you can make use of the facilities in the OLE to write down notes during study. The OLE also provides you with hyperlinks to useful websites and other relevant resources.

You will have the opportunity to use the online Discussion Board as an additional means for communicating and discussing — with your peers, tutors and the Course Coordinator — issues arising from course materials and your experience during the school attachment. Most activities in the study units have also been placed online so that you can share your views with others conveniently through the OLE. In addition, one of the assignments requires you to participate in online discussion.

You should refer to the Online Learning Environment User Guide for more details about the operation and use of the OLE.

The following strategies are recommended for working through the course:

  1. Organize a study schedule. Refer to the course overview and to the Study Schedule provided by your Course Coordinator for more details. Note the number of weeks suggested for each unit and how the assignments relate to the units. Once you have decided on your own study schedule, do everything you can to stick to it. The major reason students fail is that they fall behind with their course work. If you get into difficulties with your schedule, please let your tutor know before it is too late to help you.
  2. In working through each unit, you should:
    • read the overview;
    • work through the unit, carrying out activities and studying the Readingswhen asked to do so;
    • post any questions you have about the unit or your views on any points raised in the unit on the Discussion Board of the OLE. Note any comments and questions from other students and give responses whenever possible.
  3. After completing the whole course, review the materials and complete your final assignment.

The course is designed to assist you to move easily from the stated objectives, through the study units and the required Readings, to the school attachment and assignments.

Course assessment includes continuous assessment only. This involves three assignments, all of which will be counted towards your final course result. The first two assignments are short essays and the last one is a reflective report on your observation of learning and teaching in the Hong Kong school context. Assignment 3 is a compulsory assignment. All assignments must be submitted electronically via the OLE.


The relative weightings of the three assignments are as follows:

Assignment 1   25%

Assignment 2   25%

Assignment 3   50%


The pass mark for each assignment is 40. To complete the course successfully, you must achieve an overall pass in assignments 1–3 and you must pass assignment 3.

We hope that by studying EDU E100 Learning and Teaching in the Hong Kong School Context you will gain a general understanding of the Hong Kong education system, the learning and teaching processes in the school context, and the roles and responsibilities of teachers. We hope that you will develop a good foundation to become a teacher in the future.

We wish you every success in the course.

The course developers are Professor Yvonne Fung and Dr Thomas Tang.

Professor Yvonne Fung has a BSc, AdvDipEd and MEd from the University of Hong Kong, a DipEd from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and a PhD from Nottingham University.

Dr Thomas Tang has a BSc and DipEd from the University of London, a DipEd from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and an AdvDipEd, MEd and PhD from the University of Hong Kong.

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