The course materials include the Course Guide, eight study units, and an Assignment File.
Course materials (print and online)
In addition to this Course Guide, there are other important components of the course. Ensure that you have all of these materials available and can identify the various components in the course. If you do not have the appropriate HKMU-produced materials, you should contact the Educational Technology and Publishing Unit of HKMU immediately. The textbook, however, is your own responsibility.
Study units
Each of the eight study units in this course contains four to five weeks of work. As an experienced distance learner, you know that you have to plan your own study schedule. It is important that you complete self-tests and assignments on time and pass the examination. The course is structured so that each unit builds upon previous knowledge. Each unit includes different ways to help you study, for example:
- Reading the study units.
- Reading the textbook.
- Completing the self-tests and exercises that appear throughout the units. These will require you to think, observe or undertake some activity that is designed to help you apply the knowledge you have gained.
- Completing the assignments.
Units 1 to 3 of the course take advantage of the textbook (listed in the next section). Units 4 to 8 are 'stand-alone' units, although these units will also refer to supplementary readings and Internet resources from time to time. Thus the study units and the textbook are the main teaching components of the course.
Set textbook
McClellan, J H (2017) Digital Signal Processing First, Global edn, 2nd edn, Pearson.
Assignment file
Assignment details for this course are contained in the Assignment File, which will be available for downloading from the OLE in due course. The nature of these assignments is described in the section on assignments below. You are required to complete your assignments and send them, together with an assignment form, to your tutor.
Practical work
You will use the software package GNU Octave to perform some exercises. GNU Octave is a very important and popular tool for the analysis and synthesis of digital signal processing systems, as well as carrying out multimedia processing. GNU Octave is available to download and install from
Presentation schedule
The Presentation Schedulefor ELEC S334 Signal Processing and Multimedia Technology is available on the OLE. Remember, you are required to submit your assignments by the dates given. Do not fall behind in your work!
Computer hardware and software
A computer system suitable for running Octave and accessing the Internet for the online components is required for this course. The minimum configuration of the computer system is:
- PC with Intel dual-core 2GHz processor with 4GB RAM
- Microsoft Windows 8.1 or above (English)
- 64GB of free disk space
- Internet access
- Video display resolution at 1280 x 1024 or higher
- GNU Octave 4.2.1 or above
- MediaInfo 0.7 or above
How to work through the course material
You should pay particular attention to this Course Guide and all instructions in the study units.
Study units
You must read each study unit carefully because it guides your learning. Each unit tells you what to do and how to approach any assignment related to the unit. If you do not read the study unit carefully, you may miss important information. You must read both the study units and the textbook. They are not alternatives.
It is also useful to read as widely as possible. Try to read articles in books and journals, other materials from the Internet on the topics, and related cases, if possible. Do remember to use HKMU Electronic Library for up-to-date electronic references. The more widely you read, the better your appreciation and understanding of signal processing and multimedia technology will be.
Each study unit is organized into a number of sections. The first section provides an introduction to the unit. It explains how the unit is organized and what you are to study in it. The main content sections that follow guide your learning and direct you to complete self-tests. Finally, the conclusion section contains a summary of the unit and the answers to self-tests.
Throughout the study units you will find non-assessed self-tests. The questions are usually short and provide immediate feedback on your understanding of a technique or principle you have just read about. By attempting to answer these questions, you will have instant feedback on your progress. The answer key for self-tests is included at the end of the unit, but you should attempt to answer all the questions before looking at the answers.
Checking your understanding
At the beginning of every unit there are objectives related to the unit content. You should keep these objectives in mind while you study the unit. When you finish the unit, return to these objectives and check that you have achieved them. Some of the concepts in this course will be new to you, and you may have to make an effort to understand them. Technical terms are explained in the textbook or study unit. Keep a note of your problems and raise them with your tutor as soon as possible. Be specific about the problems so that your tutor can help you much more easily.