
Home About HKMU Governance & Organisation Court


The Court is the supreme advisory body of the University.  The membership of the Court is as follows:
  • The Honourable Mr John LEE Ka-chiu, GBM, SBS, PDSM, PMSM


  • Dr Eddy C. FONG, GBS, JP

Chairman of the Council:

  • Ir Dr Conrad WONG Tin-cheung, BBS, JP

Deputy Chairman of the Council:

  • Mr Henry TONG Sau-chai, MH, JP

Treasurer of the Council:

  • Mr Arnold CHENG Ka-kui


  • Prof. Paul LAM Kwan-sing, SBS, JP

Vice Presidents:

  • Prof. Reggie KWAN Ching-ping (Provost)
  • Prof. Ricky KWOK Yu-kwong
  • Prof. LUI Yu-hon, MH

Members appointed by the Chief Executive:

  • Mr Paul CHONG Kin-lit, BBS, MH
  • Dr CHOW Pak-chin, BBS, JP
  • Mrs Sandra MAK Wong Siu-chun
  • Mr Michael NGAI Ming-tak
  • Mr Gary YEUNG Man-yui, MH

Members appointed by the Council:

  • Dr the Honourable Bunny CHAN Chung-bun, GBM, GBS, JP
  • Dr Michael CHAN Yue-kwong
  • Mr Winfred CHAN Hon-pun
  • Dr Eva CHENG LI Kam-fun, JP
  • Dr Edward CHEUNG Wing-yui, BBS
  • Ms Virginia CHOI Wai-kam, JP
  • Ms Sophia KAO Ching-chi, GBS, SBS, JP
  • Dr Peter LEE Kwok-wah
  • Prof. John C Y LEONG, GBS, SBS, JP
  • Mr LEUNG Kwok-shing
  • Mrs Joanna LI LAU Lai-hing, MH
  • Mr Abraham SHEK Lai-him, GBS, SBS, JP
  • Dr Gerald C S SIU
  • Mr Hermes TANG Yi-hoi, SBS, CDSM, CMSM, JP
  • Prof. Yuk-Shan WONG, GBS, SBS, BBS, JP
  • Dr Vincent WOO Wing-fai, BBS, MBE
  • Dr Silas YANG Siu-shun, JP

Deans of Schools:

  • Prof. Alan AU Kai-ming, Lee Shau Kee School of Business & Administration
  • Dr Benjamin CHAN Tak-yuen, Li Ka Shing School of Professional and Continuing Education
  • Prof. Andy CHIN Chi-on, School of Education & Languages
  • Prof. Charles KWONG Che-leung, School of Arts & Social Sciences
  • Dr LI Kam-cheong, School of Open Learning
  • Prof. Philips WANG Fu-lee, School of Science & Technology
  • Prof. Janet WONG Yuen-ha, Dean, School of Nursing & Health Studies

President of the Students’ Union:

  • Mr CHAN Tsz-lok 

Chairman of the Students’ Union Council:

  • Vacant

Secretary to Court:

  • Ms Fiona WONG Man-wai