President's Message

Home About HKMU President's Message

Professor Paul LAM Kwan-sing Welcome to Hong Kong Metropolitan University (HKMU).

Founded in 1989 as The Open Learning Institute of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Metropolitan University (HKMU) has grown into a vibrant, all-round, comprehensive university, with education, research and serving society as its three core strands.

The University formulated its Strategic Plan 2024–2028 under the theme “Extending the Horizon”, which encompasses six strategic areas and 54 commitments to ensure the long-term sustainable development of HKMU. These include our plans to expand our portfolio of academic programmes, enhance student support, build an outstanding team to strengthen learning, teaching, research and knowledge transfer, and foster international engagement, partnerships and collaboration.

As the only self-accrediting self-financing university in Hong Kong, we have always made use of our flexibility to respond quickly to market trends and industry needs by offering high-quality professional programmes. As a result, HKMU enjoys the largest share of the self-financing tertiary education market in terms of the number of students.

The Government has adopted a strategy of fostering industry–institution collaboration and diversified development to promote vocational and professional education and training. This means providing students with diverse learning and employment opportunities to nurture more professionals with applied skills, which is in line with the vision and mission of HKMU.

In early 2024, the University applied to the EDB to become the first University of Applied Sciences (UAS) in Hong Kong and was so designated. HKMU offers applied degree programmes that combine theory and practice to nurture talent with both applied skills and knowledge, who contribute to society while raising the status of vocational and professional education and training.

The University is strengthening its connections with industry to offer more applied degree programmes. We already offer one such academic programme to train commercial pilots in partnership with the Hong Kong International Aviation Academy. This marked our first major collaboration with industry as a UAS, with more collaborative projects to come.

As a founding member of the Alliance of Universities of Applied Sciences, we look forward to more universities joining the Alliance and working with the Government to enhance public understanding of UASs and applied degree programmes and to promote the development of UASs in Hong Kong.

With the rapid development of the University, there is an urgent need to construct a new campus to accommodate the increased demand for teaching and research. The University plans to build a new academic complex close to the current campuses in Ho Man Tin. It will be positioned as the HKMU Hub for Community Health and Wellness and incorporate community, elderly and environmentally friendly elements, as well as public space, to encourage connections and interaction with the community. The new building is expected to be completed and ready for opening in 2028.

In December 2024, we acquired a Grade A office building with a panoramic view of Victoria Harbour in Hung Hom. With a total gross floor area of about 280,000 square feet and 155 parking spaces, the building, named MU Tower, will provide quality space to support the long-term development of the University.

With many of our initiatives off to a flying start and looking to the future, we are setting our eyes on becoming an influential player in the international higher-education arena. The University will continue to work with all sectors of the community in a concerted effort to promote social progress and contribute to Hong Kong and the nation.

Professor Paul LAM Kwan-sing

Professor Paul Lam Kwan-sing

Professor Paul Lam Kwan-sing became the President of The Open University of Hong Kong on 1 April 2021. Professor Paul Lam studied for his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees at the University of Hong Kong between 1979 and 1984. He was awarded a Commonwealth Scholarship in 1984 to undertake his doctorate study at the University of Sheffield in the UK. He took up a Postdoctoral Fellowship at King’s College, the University of London, and then returned to Hong Kong to take up a lecturing position at City Polytechnic of Hong Kong in 1988. He subsequently held positions in a number of universities, including the Chinese University of Hong Kong (1990-1992) and the Victoria University in Australia (1992-1994). He joined the Department of Chemistry (formerly the Department of Biology and Chemistry) at City University of Hong Kong in 1994. Professor Lam is a front-runner in the higher education sector in Hong Kong and is well-versed with academic development and university administration. Prior to joining the OUHK, he was the Executive Director of Special Projects, Jeanie Hu Professor of Science and Chair Professor of the Department of Chemistry at City University of Hong Kong. During his long service at City University since 1994, he has assumed other management positions as Acting Vice-President (Undergraduate Education), Vice-President (Student Affairs), Chief-of-Staff and Director of State Key Laboratory of Marine Pollution. Professor Lam is a renowned scholar and expert in environmental chemistry, ecotoxicology, and environmental risk assessment. Among his academic achievements, Professor Lam's work in ecology and environmental analysis has raised environmental awareness and defined new sensitive analytical methodology for emerging chemicals of concern. He developed techniques for trace analyses of these chemicals in key environmental matrices, contributing to the international harmonization of analytical methods to address such concerns. By providing key evidence relating to the distribution and persistence of such chemicals, his research influenced policy and legislation globally. Professor Lam was the author or co-author of over 400 publications in international refereed journals. He has been responsible for over 35 major government consultancy projects in the environmental field, including the assessments of risks to Hong Kong cetaceans and waterbirds from toxic contaminants. He was awarded the Natural Science Award (Second Class) in 2011, 2012 and 2019 by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China. He was appointed a Justice of the Peace in 2008 and was awarded the Silver Bauhinia Star in 2014 by the HKSAR Government.

Professor Paul LAM Kwan-sing

Professor Paul LAM Kwan-sing is President of Hong Kong Metropolitan University and Chair Professor of Environmental Chemistry.


Professor LAM received a Bachelor's and Master's degree from the University of Hong Kong between 1979 and 1984. He was awarded a Commonwealth Scholarship in 1984 to undertake doctorate studies at the University of Sheffield in the UK. He took up a Croucher Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship at King's College, University of London, and in 1988, he returned to Hong Kong to take up a lecturing position at City Polytechnic of Hong Kong. He subsequently held positions in a number of universities, including the Chinese University of Hong Kong (1990–1992) and the Victoria University, in Australia (1992–1994). In 1994, he joined the Department of Chemistry (formerly the Department of Biology and Chemistry) at City University of Hong Kong.


Professor LAM is a front-runner in the higher education sector in Hong Kong and is well-versed with academic development and university administration. Prior to joining HKMU, he was the Executive Director of Special Projects, Jeanie Hu Professor of Science and Chair Professor of the Department of Chemistry at City University of Hong Kong. During his long service at City University of Hong Kong since 1994, he assumed other management positions as Acting Vice-President (Undergraduate Education), Vice-President (Student Affairs), Chief-of-Staff and Director of the State Key Laboratory of Marine Pollution.


Professor LAM is a renowned scholar and expert in environmental chemistry, ecotoxicology, and environmental risk assessment. Among his many academic achievements, Professor LAM's work in ecology and environmental analysis has raised environmental awareness and defined new sensitive analytical methodology for emerging chemicals of concern. He developed techniques for trace analyses of these chemicals in key environmental matrices, contributing to the international harmonisation of analytical methods to address such concerns. By providing key evidence relating to the distribution and persistence of such chemicals, his research has influenced policy and legislation globally.


Professor LAM is the author or co-author of over 500 publications in international refereed journals. He has been responsible for over 35 major government consultancy projects in the environmental field, including the assessment of risks to Hong Kong cetaceans and water birds from toxic contaminants. He was awarded the Natural Science Award (Second Class) in 2011, 2012 and 2019 by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China.


Professor Lam actively participates in community service. He is currently Chairman of the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority, Ex-officio Member of the Education Commission, Member of the Advisory Committee on the Northern Metropolis, Member of Global STEM Professorship Scheme Assessment Panel under the Innovation, Technology and Industry Bureau, Member of the Land Sharing Pilot Scheme Panel of Advisors, and Member of the Standing Committee on Judicial Salaries and Conditions of Service. He was Chairman of the Advisory Council on the Environment from 2010 to 2016. He was appointed a Justice of the Peace by the Hong Kong SAR Government in 2008 and was awarded the Silver Bauhinia Star in 2014 by the HKSAR Government.


Professor Paul LAM Kwan-sing


Doctor of Philosophy1988University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
Master of Philosophy1984University of Hong Kong
Bachelor of Science1982University of Hong Kong



Occurrence, Bioaccumulation, and Toxicities of Emerging Chemicals of Concern in Environmental Matrices, Second Class Natural Science Award, Ministry of Education, People's Republic of China 2019 (as Principal Investigator)
Environmental process mechanism and quantitative structure-activity relationship study on emerging pollutants, Second Class Natural Science Award, Ministry of Education, People's Republic of China 2012 (as Co-Investigator)
Geochemistry and risk assessment of perfluorinated compounds in the Chinese southeastern coastal region, Second Class Natural Science Award, Ministry of Education, People's Republic of China 2011 (as Principal Investigator)
Distinguished Alumni Award 2019, Faculty of Science, University of Hong Kong
Award, Silver Bauhinia Star, Hong Kong SAR Government (2014)
Member, HKSAR Justices of the Peace (non-gov), Hong Kong SAR Government (2008)
Visiting Fellow, National Research Centre for Environmental Toxicology, Australia (1998)
Jackson Memorial Fellow, Griffith University, Australia (1998)
Croucher Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship tenable at King's College, London (1987-1989)
Commonwealth Scholarship tenable at the University of Sheffield (1984-1987)
'Highly Commended Talk' award for a paper delivered to the British Ecological Society in 1984
Swire Scholarship, the University of Hong Kong (1983-1984)
Postgraduate Studentship, the University of Hong Kong (1982-1984)



City University of Hong Kong:
2020-2021 Executive Director of Special Projects, Vice-President Level (Concurrent appointment)
2020-2021 Jeanie Hu Professor of Science
2005-2021 Chair Professor, Department of Chemistry
2013-2019 Chief-of-Staff (Vice-President) (Concurrent appointment)
2010-2020 Director, State Key Laboratory of Marine Pollution (Concurrent appointment)
2009-2013 Vice-President (Student Affairs) (Concurrent appointment)
2007-2008 Acting Vice-President (Undergraduate Education) (Concurrent appointment)
2004-2007 Associate Dean, Faculty of Science and Engineering (Concurrent appointment)
2006-2007 Acting Head of Department, Department of Biology and Chemistry (Concurrent appointment)
2001-2005 Professor (Reader), Department of Biology and Chemistry
1996-2001 Associate Professor (Scale A), Department of Biology and Chemistry
1994-1996 Associate Professor (Scale B), Department of Biology and Chemistry

Victoria University of Technology, Australia:

1992-1994 Lecturer, Department of Environmental Management

Chinese University of Hong Kong:

1990-1992 Lecturer, Department of Biology

City Polytechnic of Hong Kong:

1988-1990 Lecturer, Department of Applied Science



Master of Philosophy: 19 completed
Doctor of Philosophy: 55 completed



Editor-in-chief Aquatic Toxicology (2019-2023)
Subject Editor Ecosystem Health and Sustainability (2014-present)
Associate Editor Journal of Environmental Sciences (2015-present)
Member Editorial Board of Advances in Environmental Research (AER) (since 2011)
Member Editorial Board of Environmental Chemistry (HUANJING HUAXUE)
Associate Editor Chemosphere (Environmental Toxicology and Risk Assessment) (2004-2008)
Member Editorial Advisory Board, Environmental Science & Technology (2010-2022)
Hon. Professor Nanjing University, China
Hon. Professor South China Normal University, China
Hon. Professor University of Queensland, Australia
Visiting Prof. National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan.
External PhD Advisor Shantou University, China (2017-2019)
Member Management Committee and Steering Committee of the Marine Ecology Enhancement Fund, Hong Kong Airport Authority (2016-2020)
Member Advisory Council on the Environment, HK SAR Government (2005-2016)
Deputy Chairman Advisory Council on the Environment, HK SAR Government (2009)
Chairman Advisory Council on the Environment, HK SAR Government (2010-2016)
Member Town Planning Board, Hong Kong SAR Government (2006-2012)
Member Country and Marine Parks Board, Hong Kong SAR Government (2005-2011)
Chairman Marine Parks Committee, Country and Marine Parks Board, Hong Kong SAR Government (2005-2011)
Member Marine Mammal Conservation Working Group, Hong Kong SAR Government (2001-2007)
Member Red Tide/Harmful Algal Bloom Expert Advisory Group, Hong Kong SAR Government (2004-2020)
Member Management & Development Committee of the Mai Po Marshes, WWF Hong Kong (2001-2005)
Member Wetland Advisory Committee, HK SAR Government (1999-2004)
Chairman Management sub-committee, Wetland Advisory Committee, HK SAR Government (1999-2004)
Member HKSAR Steering Committee for Research Themes under the Research Endowment Fund (2009-2017)
Member Advisory Committee on Post-service Employment of Civil Servants, HK SAR Government (2011-2017)
Member Independent Commission Against Corruption Operations Review Committee (2015-2020)
Member HKSAR Witness Protection Review Board Panel (2015-2020)



From Ministry of Science and Technology, Peoples' Republic of China:

YearSourceAmount (in HK$)
2018Research Projects funded by the Mainland Government
“Conventional and Emerging Chiral Halogenated Flame Retardants in Marine and Estuarine Food Webs in Subtropical Hong Kong Waters: Accumulation Profiles, Trophic Transfer, and Source Identification”

From Hong Kong SAR Government:

YearSourceAmount (in HK$)
2017Sustainable Fisheries Development Fund (SFDF)
“Establishment of a commercially viable recirculating system for rearing fish fingerlings: a demonstration project for public education”

From Municipal Government of Shenzhen:

YearSourceAmount (in RMB)
2017Shenzhen Innovative Technology Committee
“Study on Ecological Thresholds in Urbanised Coastal Bay Areas”

From Natural Science Foundation of China:

YearSourceAmount (in HK$)
2012Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Grant
Assessment and Characterisation of Novel and Unknown Per- and Polyfluorinated Compounds in Pearl River and Yangtze River Delta

From Hong Kong Research Grants Council:

YearSourceAmount (in HK$)
2012NSFC/RGC Joint Research Scheme, Research Grants Council
Pharmaceuticals in Municipal Sewage Treatment Works of China: Behaviour and Risk Assessment
2015Collaborative Research Fund (CRF), Research Grants Council
“Benthic and epiphytic toxic algae (BETA): An emerging threat to coral ecosystems in Hong Kong waters”
2009Collaborative Research Fund (CRF), Research Grants Council
“Algal Toxins: Development of Analytical and Bioassay Detection Methods and Assessment of Environmental Transfer in Marine Food Webs”
2016General Research Fund (GRF), Research Grants Council
“Environmental assessment of chiral pharmaceuticals in Hong Kong and its surrounding region: occurrence, fate and potential toxicological significance”
2014General Research Fund (GRF), Research Grants Council
“Conventional and emerging halogenated flame retardants in marine and estuarine food webs in subtropical Hong Kong waters: accumulation profiles, trophic transfer, and source identification”
2013General Research Fund (GRF), Research Grants Council
“Population trends, food sources, habitat use, and trace element exposure of marine mammals in Pearl River Delta: using teeth as biological time capsules for tracing environmental changes”
2010General Research Fund (GRF), Research Grants Council
“Measurement and assessment of novel halogenated flame retardants in waterbirds and marine cetaceans in Hong Kong”
2008General Research Fund (GRF), Research Grants Council
“Distribution, accumulation, and trophic transfer of perfluorinated compounds, and total and extractable organic fluorine in an aquatic food web of a tropical wetland”
2007Earmarked Research Grant (CERG), Research Grants Council
“Measurement and assessment of perfluorinated compounds in waterbirds and marine cetaceans in Hong Kong”
2005Earmarked Research Grant (CERG), Research Grants Council
“Study of Perfluorinated Compounds and Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) in the Pearl River Estuary”
2004Earmarked Research Grant (CERG), Research Grants Council
“Assessment of the Transfer of Contaminants Accumulated in Fisheries Resources to Cetaceans in Hong Kong: A Novel Assessment of Bioavailability Using an In Vitro Physiologically-based Extraction Test (PBET)”
2003Earmarked Research Grant (CERG), Research Grants Council
“Assessment of Risk to Cetaceans along the South China Coast Due to Contaminants with Special Reference to the Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphins”
2002Earmarked Research Grant (CERG), Research Grants Council
“Assessment of Risk to Ardeids in Hong Kong Due to Organochlorine and Organotin Contaminants with Special Reference to the Mai Po/Inner Deep Bay Ramsar site”
2000Earmarked Research Grant (CERG), Research Grants Council
“Biokinetics and biotransformation of PSP toxins in green-lipped and common fan mussels in Hong Kong”
1997Earmarked Research Grant (CERG), Research Grants Council
“Use of protein phosphatase inhibition assay for screening tumour-promoting toxins in aquatic systems: a colorimetric approach”
1996Earmarked Research Grant (CERG), Research Grants Council
“Sublethal effects of toxicants on the patterns of energy allocation and nutrient utilisation of freshwater snails”
As a core member of the Area of Excellence Scheme “Marine Environmental Research and Innovative Technology – MERIT” under the University Grants Committee of the Hong Kong Special Administration Region, China (Project No. AoE/P-04/2004). The total funding for a team of 23 local members and 5 overseas members is HK$45 million for 5 years (2004-2009).  
As the Director of the State Key Laboratory of Marine Pollution (2010-2020), which receives HK$ 10 million annually from the Innovation and Technology Commission of the Hong Kong SAR Government.  



> 30 major consultancy projects, with total contract value of > HK$40,000,000, including:  
“Provision of Consultancy Services to Develop Options for a Fisheries Monitoring Programme in Hong Kong” for Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (2019-2021)  
“Fish Resources Study for the Proposed Marine Park in the Brothers Islands” for Highways Department (2012-2017)  
“Provision of Services for the Technical Review and Statistical Analysis of the Datasets of Waterbird Monitoring Programme for the Deep Bay Area” for Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (2012-2016)  
“Assessment of Environmental Contaminants in Marine Mammals in Hong Kong” for Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (2008-2009)  
“Study on Persistent Organic Pollutants in Local Waterbirds in Hong Kong” for Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (2006-2007)  
“Independent Expert to Investigate the Alleged Claim of High Oyster Mortality in Deep Bay due to the HK-SWC Construction Works” for Highways Department (2004)  
“Development of a Biological Indicator System for Monitoring Marine Pollution” for Environmental Protection Department (2001-2003)  
“Consultancy Study on Fisheries and Marine Ecological Criteria for Impact Assessment” for Agriculture and Fisheries Department (1999-2001)  
“Environmental Impact Assessment on the Construction of a Large Thermal Power Station (approx. 5000 MW) at Black Point” for China Light and Power Company (1991)  
“Environmental Impact of Marine Fish Culture Industry in Hong Kong” for Hong Kong Government (1989-1990)


Professor Paul LAM Kwan-sing

2024.11.25 The 35th Congregation
2024.11.1 HKMU 35th Anniversary Banquet
2024.8.27 2024 Inauguration Ceremony for New Undergraduate Students
2024.7.30 The 34th Congregation
2023.12.8 The 33rd Congregation
2023.9.21 第十九屆「自在人生自學計劃」畢業典禮 (in Chinese only)
2023.8.29 2023 Inauguration Ceremony for New Undergraduate Students
2023.8.14 Learning and Teaching Week 2023
2023.7.12 The 32nd Congregation
2022.11.29 The 31st Congregation
2022.8.30 2022 Inauguration Ceremony for New Undergraduate Students
2022.8.26 First Anniversary Ceremony of the School of Open Learning
2022.8.19 World Vocational and Technical Education Development Conference
2022.8.16 香港都會大學2021-22年度獎助學金頒授典禮 (in Chinese only)
2022.8.15 Teaching and Learning Week
The 38th Speech Day of SALEM-Immanuel Lutheran College
HKMU LiPACE Graduation Ceremony
The 30th Congregation
IIBG 2021 Conference
2021 China Annual Conference for International Education & Expo
2021 Inauguration Ceremony for New Students
Launch Ceremony of Hong Kong Metropolitan University
香港公開大學2020-21年度獎助學金頒授典禮 (in Chinese only)
Opening Ceremony of the Summer School for Global Leadership 2021, The HKFYG Jockey Club School of Global Leadership
「香港劏房家庭對過渡性房屋的看法研究(第一階段)」研究結果發布會 (in Chinese only)
「百年歷史·當代中國」歷史文化知識競賽 (in Chinese only)
第一屆華文創意寫作與跨媒體實踐國際研討會 (in Chinese only)
The Installation of Professor Paul LAM Kwan-sing, the 6th President of The Open University of Hong Kong

Professor Paul LAM Kwan-sing

2025.02.22 Dot Dot News 港首間應科大校長:應打破應科大「次一等」偏見 (in Chinese)
2025.02.22 Bastille Post 都大校長林群聲:「應科大」屬大學類別非職訓場所 院校與業界關係密切 (in Chinese)
2025.02.22 RTHK 應用科學大學發展 / 香港都會大學校長林群聲、聖方濟各大學署理校長盧鐵榮 (in Chinese)
2025.02.12 Greater Bay Area Times 都大獲贈張愛玲、宋淇及宋鄺文美珍貴手稿遺物建立數碼典藏傳承瑰寶 推動中國現代文學研究 (in Chinese)
2025.02.12 ifeng News 香港都會大學獲贈張愛玲手稿及書信 將建數碼典藏推動研究 (in Chinese)
2025.02.12 Sing Tao Daily 張愛玲展|都會大學獲贈數千件張愛玲書信及手稿遺物 主題式分批展出 部分從未曝光 (in Chinese)
2025.01.08 Wen Wei Po (有片)鐵窗苦讀24年 香港首位獲頒博士學位的在囚者 (in Chinese)
2025.01.08 Sing Tao Daily 赤柱監獄辦證書頒發典禮 首有在囚人士獲本地大學博士學位 (in Chinese)
2025.01.06 Wen Wei Po 都大獲捐3億港元 支持何文田新校舍大樓建設 (in Chinese)
2024.12.31 Now News 都會大學校長林群聲:職專課程獲專業認證可改變社會看法 (in Chinese)
2024.12.24 Ming Pao 都大校長親簽聖誕卡 「送暖」在囚學生 勉勵「每天充滿無限可能」 (in Chinese)
2024.12.24 Sing Tao Daily 都大林群聲聖誕前夕寄心意卡 支持在囚學生進修學習 (in Chinese)
2024.12.23 Hong Kong Economic Times 聖誕節|都大校長林群聲向在囚學生寄出近400封心意卡 涉110多名立德學院學生 (in Chinese)
2024.12.10 Sing Tao Daily 程介明陳婉嫻等4人 獲都大頒榮譽博士學位 (in Chinese)
2024.12.09 Hong Kong Commercial Daily 陳婉嫻等四人獲都大頒授榮譽博士學位 (in Chinese)
2024.11.26 Hong Kong Commercial Daily 「樂聚同行」身心健康嘉年華 鼓勵市民關注身心健康 (in Chinese)
2024.11.23 Wen Wei Po 「樂聚同行」身心健康嘉年華鼓勵市民關注身心健康 (in Chinese)
2024.11.22 Sing Tao Daily 都大推出夢想啟航計劃 助學生提升職場軟實力 (in Chinese)
2024.11.21 Hong Kong Commercial Daily 都大推出夢想啟航計劃 提升學生職場軟實力 (in Chinese)
2024.11.21 Hong Kong Economic Times 職場軟實力|都大為學生謀求好出路 推出「都大夢想啟航計劃」 (in Chinese)
2024.11.18 Hong Kong Economic Journal 應香港都會大學 35 周年 飛躍蛻變再創新里程 (in Chinese)
2024.11.11 Sing Tao Daily 應科大聯盟成立 都大校長林群聲:明年初推出國際會議 (in Chinese)
2024.11.11 HK01 應用科學大學聯盟成立80個商會企業加入 明年辦國際交流會議 (in Chinese)
2024.11.11 TVB News 「應用科學大學聯盟」成立 將透過國際會議等提高職專教育認受性 (in Chinese)
2024.11.03 Sing Tao Daily 都會大學林群聲:計劃建立衛星校園和工業中心 (in Chinese)
2024.11.03 Ming Pao 都大35周年校慶 籌劃「衛星校園」培訓學生 (in Chinese)
2024.11.03 Hong Kong Economic Times 都大35周年校慶晚宴圓滿舉行 繼往開來續創無限可能 (in Chinese)
2024.10.09 Master Insight 林群聲校長:支持香港,就要支持香港的大學 (in Chinese)
2024.09.24 Master Insight 推動職專教育聯盟 助力應用科學發展──專訪香港都會大學林群聲校長 (in Chinese)
2024.09.16 Economic Herald 都大於港、深兩地舉辦校友晚宴 慶祝大學成立35周年 (in Chinese)
2024.09.15 Ta Kung Pao 慶祝大學成立35周年  都大港深兩地舉辦校友晚宴 (in Chinese)
2024.09.12 Economic Herald 都大獲研資局撥款3,450萬港元 佔總額四成續冠自資院校 (in Chinese)
2024.09.11 Sing Tao Daily 都大獲研資局撥款3450萬 佔年度資助總額四成 連續2年成自資院校之冠 (in Chinese)
2024.09.11 Hong Kong Commercial Daily 都大獲研資局撥款3450萬元 涉及41項目 續冠自資院校 (in Chinese)
2024.09.05 TVB News 都大擬新校舍大樓設綜合診所 提供物理治療、醫療化驗等服務 (in Chinese)
2024.09.05 Sing Tao Daily 都大斥10億購酒店作學生宿舍 林群聲:如有合適酒店 不排除買多一幢 (in Chinese)
2024.09.05 Sing Tao Daily 都大收生人數增 林群聲:成為應科大是原因之一 (in Chinese)
2024.09.05 Hong Kong Economic Times 大學收生|都大內地生佔19%貼近2成上限 林群聲:盼當局再放寬 (in Chinese)
2024.09.05 SCMP Hong Kong Metropolitan University reports 23% jump in number of first-year students
2024.09.02 Sing Tao Daily 都大歡迎學生重返校園 校長派水果打氣 (in Chinese)
2024.08.31 Sing Tao Daily 都大校長林群聲獲委任考評局主席 (in Chinese)
2024.08.31 Wen Wei Po 林群聲任考評局主席 9月起生效 (in Chinese)
2024.08.30 Ming Pao 都大校長林群聲任考評局主席 (in Chinese)
2024.08.23 Hong Kong Commercial Daily 都大設立職業發展顧問委員會 為學生就業與職涯規劃提供意見 (in Chinese)
2024.08.10 Sing Tao Daily 都大校長率團訪浙江高校 加強兩地學術及科研合作 (in Chinese)
2024.07.25 Hong Kong Economic Times 都大「薈創點」年度創業比賽 鼓勵實踐創意 全方位支援學生初創 (in Chinese)
2024.07.03 Ming Pao 都大發4000萬獎學金 惠逾1700生新高 (in Chinese)
2024.07.02 Hong Kong Economic Times 大學事務︱都大本學年派4,000萬獎學金創歷年新高 1,700名學生受惠 (in Chinese)
2024.07.02 Sing Tao Daily 都大獎學金總額達4000萬元 超過1700學生受惠 創歷年新高 (in Chinese)
2024.06.29 HK01 都大擱置肇慶分校計劃 校長林群聲稱因疫後當地經濟有變 (in Chinese)
2024.06.29 i-Cable 林群聲專訪|都大擱置肇慶分校計劃 科學及技術學院有意遷入北都教育城 (in Chinese)
2024.06.29 i-Cable 有理有得傾|林群聲 (in Chinese)
2024.06.28 Hong Kong Economic Journal 都會大學購城木酒店作學生宿舍 (in Chinese)
2024.06.28 Hong Kong Economic Times 都大購紅磡酒店作學生宿舍命名MU88 據悉去年以10億洽購 (in Chinese)
2024.06.28 Dot Dot News 首屆都大傑出校友獎頒獎禮 校長:四位得獎者均是熱心公益典範 (in Chinese)
2024.06.13 RTHK 鏗鏘集 應用科學新方向 (in Chinese)
2024.05.24 Phoenix TV 時事大破解 | 對話香港都會大學校長林群聲:香港都會大學膺首間應用科學大學 (in Chinese)
2024.05.03 Ta Kung Pao 都大與華大教育合作 培育生命科學專才 (in Chinese)
2024.05.02 Hong Kong China News Agency 香港都會大學與華大教育中心合作培育專才 (in Chinese)
2024.05.02 Economic Herald 都大與華大教育中心簽訂合作備忘錄 開辦專業課程培育生命科學專才 (in Chinese)
2024.04.12 Sing Tao Daily 都大校長林群聲 獲續任4年 (in Chinese)
2024.04.12 Ming Pao 都大校長林群聲續任 下年4月生效 (in Chinese)
2024.04.11 HK01 都會大學|林群聲獲續任校長 新任期四年 明年4月生效 (in Chinese)
2024.04.11 South China Morning Post Hong Kong aviation academy, university team up to offer new degree for pilots
2024.04.11 Now News 國際航空學院與都會大學合辦機師工商管理課程 (in Chinese)
2024.04.11 i-Cable 航空學院與都大合辦 全港首個機師學位課程 (in Chinese)
2024.03.25 RTHK 香港都會大學成本港首間應用科學大學 (in Chinese)
2024.03.25 Now News 【時事全方位】都大膺首間應科大學(二) (in Chinese)
2024.03.25 Now News 【時事全方位】都大膺首間應科大學(一) (in Chinese)
2024.03.25 Hong Kong Commercial Daily 都大何陳婉珍粵劇研藝中心開幕 首部翻譯劇本料最快年內面世 (in Chinese)
2024.03.25 Sing Tao Daily 都會大學粵劇研藝中心開幕 料年內推出首部翻譯劇本 (in Chinese)
2024.03.22 Sing Tao Daily 都大成香港首間應科大學 (in Chinese)
2024.03.22 RTHK 香港都會大學成為首間應用科學大學 [千禧年代] (in Chinese)
2024.03.21 TVB News 都大成首間應用科學大學 可獲額外資助開辦更多職專教育課程 (in Chinese)
2024.03.21 i-Cable 都大成為首間應用科學大學 校長:冀改職專教育刻板印象 擬辦體育、酒店等課程 (in Chinese)
2024.03.21 Now News 都會大學:新課程包括體育、酒店及航運管理等 (in Chinese)
2024.03.19 Sing Tao Daily 都大今起辦職業博覽 參展企業及機構增四成 (in Chinese)
2024.03.01 Ta Kung Pao 都大啟動初創基金 助師生創業 (in Chinese)
2024.02.29 Sing Tao Daily 撥億元作「應科大聯盟」啟動資金 (in Chinese)
2024.02.29 Hong Kong Economic Journal 都大啟動5000萬元初創基金 (in Chinese)
2024.02.29 Hong Kong Ta Kung Wen Wei 都大啟動5000萬初創基金 支援師生校友實現創業夢 (in Chinese)
2024.02.28 Hong Kong Economic Journal 【預算案】都大歡迎預留資源支持應用科學大學發展 (in Chinese)
2024.02.28 Hong Kong Ta Kung Wen Wei 預算案|教育界:將發揮優勢培養人才 吸引全球人才來港 (in Chinese)
2024.02.25 HK01 都大籌備成首間應用科學大學 校長林群聲:不代表會降低收生標準 (in Chinese)
2024.02.25 Oriental Daily News 都大轉型應科大 校長冀助學生認清方向 (in Chinese)
2024.02.24 RTHK 【#香港家書】香港都會大學校長林群聲教授 (in Chinese)
2024.02.19 HK01 都大新用地申請獲城規會通過 擬建19層教學大樓、校園空間增四成 (in Chinese)
2024.02.18 Oriental Daily News 都大新大樓項目 獲城規會通過 (in Chinese)
2024.02.17 Sing Tao Daily 都會大學於何文田建19層新大樓 城規會開綠燈 料最快下月獲批成港首間應用科學大學 (in Chinese)
2024.02.17 Sing Tao Daily 都會大學於何文田建19層新大樓 城規會開綠燈 料最快下月獲批成港首間應用科學大學 (in Chinese)
2024.02.07 Sing Tao Daily 都大可望成首間獲認證應用科學大學 (in Chinese)
2024.02.07 都大擬申請為應科大 校長林群聲:日後不減科學以外學科 (in Chinese)
2024.01.18 SCMP New path to success requires open minds
2024.01.17 Ming Pao 都大有利合作 指導學生論文實習就業 (in Chinese)
2024.01.16 Sing Tao Daily 都大與有利集團簽備忘錄 培育建造業專才 推動應用研究 (in Chinese)
2024.01.10 Ming Pao 都大校長賀年卡寄逾300在囚生 (in Chinese)
2024.01.07 Sing Tao Daily 都大醫療科學實驗室開幕 辦檢驗科學研討會慶祝35周年校慶 (in Chinese)
2024.01.07 Hong Kong Ta Kung Wen Wei 都大醫療科學實驗室正式啟用 未來擬全面智能化 (in Chinese)
2024.01.01 RTHK 教學有心人 (in Chinese)
2023.12.18 Ta Kung Pao 都大獲教育局撥款逾3700萬 成立工業中心 (in Chinese)
2023.12.18 Hong Kong Commercial Daily 都大獲教育局撥款逾3700萬 成立工業中心及發展相關課程 (in Chinese)
2023.12.13 HK01 都大頒授榮譽博士 表揚4人貢獻香港 陳肇始榜上有名 (in Chinese)
2023.12.13 Sing Tao Daily 陳肇始鍾志平等4人 獲都大頒榮譽博士 (in Chinese)
2023.12.07 Hong Kong Commercial Daily 都大第33屆冬季畢業典禮 校長勉勵畢業生應對AI世代 (in Chinese)
2023.11.23 HK01 都大成為首間自資院校參與創新科技署「創科實習計劃」 (in Chinese)
2023.11.23 Hong Kong Economic Journal 都大參與創科實習計劃 (in Chinese)
2023.11.23 Sing Tao Daily 首所自資院校參與創科實習計劃 都大為STEM學生提供實習機會 (in Chinese)
2023.11.22 Hong Kong Economic Times 【流感疫苗】都大首辦流感疫苗接種日 30名護理學生服務回饋師生 (in Chinese)
2023.11.22 Hong Kong Commercial Daily 都大首辦流感疫苗接種日 維持安全健康校園環境 (in Chinese)
2023.11.20 Hong Kong Economic Times 【應用科學大學】都大勢申請成為應科大 林群聲:培育綜合學科職專人才 (in Chinese)
2023.11.14 Hong Kong Economic Times 【大學教研】都大成立深圳研究院 成本港首間自資院校進駐深圳虛擬大學園 (in Chinese)
2023.11.15 Wen Wei Po 香港都會大學深圳設研究院 (in Chinese)
2023.11.14 Dot Dot News 都大成立深圳研究院 為進駐深圳虛擬大學園首間自資院校 (in Chinese)
2023.10.26 Ming Pao 推動「應用科學大學」 享資助 SSSDP有優先 (in Chinese)
2023.10.25 Sing Tao Daily 施政報告2023︱都大:全力配合政策 培養更多高質素人才 (in Chinese)
2023.10.25 HK01 施政報告|最快明年本港首誕應用科學大學 課程優先獲SSSDP資助 (in Chinese)
2023.09.19 Ming Pao 都大運動及康樂管理課程獲納入第二輪「應用學位課程先導計劃」 (in Chinese)
2023.09.14 Oriental Daily News 都大獲研資局撥款2910萬 稱冠自資院校 (in Chinese)
2023.09.15 Hong Kong Commercial Daily 都大獲研資局撥款2910萬元 校長林群聲:續投放資源鼓勵教員開展更多研究 (in Chinese)
2023.09.13 Hong Kong Economic Journal 都大獲研資局撥款2910萬 涉27項目 (in Chinese)
2023.09.06 Ming Pao 都大聯招新生升兩成 檢測認證熱門 (in Chinese)
2023.09.06 HK01 都大聯招新生比去年增加19%連續三年增長 取錄逾3000名新生 (in Chinese)
2023.09.06 Sing Tao Daily 本地升學|都會大學聯招JUPAS新生 連續3年增加 (in Chinese)
2023.08.21 Sing Tao Daily 都大粵劇研藝中心 名伶演出賀成立 (in Chinese)
2023.08.20 HK01 都大陳婉珍粵劇研藝中心成立 楊潤雄:有助向本地及海外推廣粵劇 (in Chinese)
2023.08.20 Hong Kong China News Agency 都大何陳婉珍粵劇研藝中心成立 多位名伶獻藝 (in Chinese)
2023.08.18 Sing Tao Daily 都大校長喜迎新生加入都大家庭 (in Chinese)
2023.08.18 Hong Kong Commercial Daily 都大迎新日逾1600人參與 林群聲冀新生盡情體驗精彩校園生活 (in Chinese)
2023.07.16 Sing Tao Daily 都大校長林群聲接受板球挑戰 勉勵DSE考生迎難而上︱Kelly Online (in Chinese)
2023.07.16 Hong Kong Economic Times 【DSE放榜2023】都大校長林群聲接受板球挑戰 屢敗屢試經驗勉考生冷靜面對逆境 (in Chinese)
2023.07.16 Hong Kong Economic Journal 都大校長接受板球挑戰 勉勵考生迎難而上 (in Chinese)
2023.07.12 HK01 都大畢業典禮頒授逾3,000學位 校長林群聲:畢業生需要與AI合作 (in Chinese)
2023.07.12 Sing Tao Daily 都大舉行夏季畢業典禮 校長林群聲寄語畢業生擁抱AI革命 (in Chinese)
2023.07.12 Hong Kong Economic Journal 都大校長籲新一代擁抱人工智能革命 (in Chinese)
2023.06.22 Sing Tao Daily 都大學生訪大灣區了解當地創科發展 校長林群聲:學生可認清事業定位及發展方向 (in Chinese)
2023.06.22 HK01 都大疫後首辦大灣區交流團 30學生到訪深圳廣州創科企業了解機遇 (in Chinese)
2023.06.23 Oriental Daily News 教育要聞|都大設研藝中心 推廣粵劇文化 (in Chinese)
2023.06.08 South China Morning Post New Cantonese opera troupe and research centre in Hong Kong, backed by Ina Chan, third wife of late Macau casino tycoon Stanley Ho, aim to widen art form's appeal
2023.06.07 Sing Tao Daily 教育要聞|都大設研藝中心 推廣粵劇文化 (in Chinese)
2023.06.07 Ming Pao 伙香港粵劇藝術團展學術研究 都大譯粵劇英文版助推廣 (in Chinese)
2023.06.06 Hong Kong China News Agency 香港都會大學將於8月成立粵劇研藝中心 (in Chinese)
2023.03.10 Ming Pao 都大疫後首就業博覽 參與僱主倍增 (in Chinese)
2023.03.09 Sing Tao Daily 都大辦就業博覽吸引3000學生參與 過百大型企業提供逾2000職位 (in Chinese)
2023.02.13 Hong Kong Economic Times 【第25屆渣馬】都大馬拉松隊再戰渣馬 跑出「都大精神」 (in Chinese)
2023.02.09 Sing Tao Daily 都大「破格」擬九龍購入酒店作宿舍 (in Chinese)
2023.02.09 Ming Pao 都大購酒店改宿舍吸內地生 可增400宿位 冀成交流聚腳點 (in Chinese)
2023.02.09 Oriental Daily News 都大擬購酒店改作宿舍 400宿位予內地生交換生 (in Chinese)
2023.02.09 Wen Wei Po 都大擬斥資5000萬設基金助學生創業 (in Chinese)
2023.02.09 Sky Post 都大推半億初創基金 資助最高百萬 助尋融資策略伙伴 (in Chinese)
2023.02.08 TVB News 都會大學指會因應社會及行業需求靈活開辦課程 紓緩人才不足 (in Chinese)
2023.02.08 am730 搶人才|紓緩人才荒 都會大學增護士學位學額 醫療化驗課程首批學生今年入學 (in Chinese)
2023.02.08 ifeng News 香港都會大學:可因應需求 靈活開辦課程 (in Chinese)
2023.02.08 Hong Kong China News Agency 香港都會大學新設多項實用課程紓緩“人才荒” (in Chinese)
2023.02.08 Now News 政府放寬可招收內地生比例 都大指不會立刻收滿額 (in Chinese)
2022.12.14 Master Insight 田家炳基金會40周年教育論壇 朱經武、李焯芬及九大院校校長齊聚為香港教育把脈獻策 (in Chinese)
2022.12.13 China Daily Hong Kong HK uni heads offer insights on enhancing national education
2022.12.01 Hong Kong Economic Times 【大學發展】都大物理治療中心12.5起運作 提供復康治療等料每年服務約3,000人次 (in Chinese)
2022.11.30 HK01 都大畢業禮頒授逾7000學位予畢業生 校長林群聲勉勵繼續終身學習 (in Chinese)
2022.11.28 HK01 都大疫下首辦實體僱主交流活動 校長林群聲透露正籌辦新本科課程 (in Chinese)
2022.11.24 Ming Pao 【Emily】都大再辦環校跑 校長放眼組馬拉松隊 (in Chinese)
2022.10.24 Sing Tao Daily 懲教署與都會大學簽合作備忘錄 助在囚人士轉移學分銜接課程 (in Chinese)
2022.10.19 Hong Kong Commercial Daily 都大認同施政報告人才培訓措施 一直有支援在囚人士持續進修 (in Chinese)
2022.09.16 Journal of World Education 教研並重推動學校轉型 合作辦學助力人心回歸 (in Chinese)
2022.09.06 Ming Pao 都會大學校長:高教界迎「英雄莫問出處」時代 (in Chinese)
2022.09.05 Bastille Post 都會大學師生迎新學年 校長寄語學生:成功要靠個人努力 (in Chinese)
2022.08.19 The Standard HKMU President welcomes freshmen on campus
2022.08.15 Ming Pao 在囚學生報讀都大 4年升三成 助學金獲批率43% 校長籲公眾增支援 (in Chinese)
Sing Tao Daily 都大未來兩個學年 擬新增醫療化驗課程 (in Chinese)
Ming Pao 高峰20%教員離職 都大校長:已補缺 (in Chinese)
SCMP Universities 'face crisis' in wave of departures
2022.07.08 Ta Kung Pao 呈交審批 肇慶分校最快一年後收生 (in Chinese)
TVB News 都大將開設全新醫療課程 校長稱會彈性收生培育有潛質學生 (in Chinese)
Now News 香港都會大學今明兩年開辦醫療化驗碩士及學士課程 (in Chinese)
Hong Kong Economic Times 都大新設醫療教研設施加強學生培訓 校長林群聲指會做好課程吸引學生 (in Chinese)
Hong Kong Economic Times 林群聲指與學生會關係好 就任逾年「做得好有滿足感」 (in Chinese)
HK01 都會大學新開辦醫療化驗學士及碩士課程 十月增設物理治療中心 (in Chinese)
People's Daily 香港都會大學新設教研設施 加強醫療人才培訓 (in Chinese)
2022.04.01 Headline Daily 林群聲上任都大校長一周年 分享將積極招攬世界級學者提升教研質素 (in Chinese)
Hong Kong Economic Times 【大學發展】校長林群聲上任一周年分享都大發展方向 將積極招攬世界級學者 (in Chinese)
The Standard Metropolitan University sets up support center for Hospital Authority's Covid-19 hotline
Hong Kong Economic Times 【第五波疫情】都大設熱線中心助醫管局接聽查詢 由護理及健康學院師生負責 (in Chinese)
Sing Tao Daily 疫情消息|都大師生參與抗疫工作 林群聲:繼續跟社會齊心協力 (in Chinese)
Hong Kong Commercial Daily 都大舉行第30屆畢業典禮 頒授學位予7000畢業生 (in Chinese)
Education Media 專訪香港都會大學校長 林群聲教授 力行務實大學路 (in Chinese)
The Standard Aiming for new heights
Headline Daily 林群聲:面對新挑戰 (in Chinese)
Sing Tao Daily 都會大學學分擬「五轉三」(in Chinese)
Hong Kong Economic Journal 都會大學11月推國安教育納必修科 (in Chinese)
The Standard University plans to ease student paths
SCMP Hong Kong Metropolitan University latest to introduce compulsory national security course on 'common core values' of good citizens
Wen Wei Po 小時貧窮靠苦學成才 魚販之子成大學校長 林群聲:草根憑獅山精神 輸起跑圖強取勝 (in Chinese)

Professor Paul LAM Kwan-sing

2025.03.03 CONNECT| President - Eileen Chang Gifts Augment HKMU's Literature and Culture Collection
2025.02.03 CONNECT| President - Generous Donations Driving the University Forward
2025.01.01 CONNECT| President - Making 2025 Another Year of Success
2024.12.02 CONNECT| President - Is University Accommodation a Critical Success Factor?
2024.11.01 CONNECT| President - Cross the River by Feeling the Stones
2024.10.02 CONNECT| President - A “Victim” of Our Own Success?
2024.09.02 CONNECT| President - Welcoming the new academic year with positivity
2024.08.01 CONNECT| President - Encouraging Student Recruitment Figures
2024.07.02 CONNECT| President - Let's Move Forward Together!
2024.06.03 CONNECT| President - Exciting News about the Accommodation
2024.05.24 Town Hall Meeting
2024.05.16 Let us Reflect and Move Forward
2024.05.02 CONNECT| President - HKMU Foundation off to a flying start
2024.04.02 CONNECT| President - HKMU becomes the first University of Applied Sciences in Hong Kong
2024.03.21 Letter to Hong Kong – Universities of Applied Sciences
2024.03.01 CONNECT| President - Homantin Plaza Learning Centre
2024.02.01 CONNECT| President - A Small Team organises a Big Party
2024.01.03 CONNECT| President - The New Year welcomes many “Firsts”
2023.12.01 CONNECT| President - 2023 Policy Address sets new tasks for HKMU
2023.11.03 CONNECT| President - Making an impact through research
2023.10.03 CONNECT| President - Success in Student Recruitment: Challenges and Opportunities
2023.09.04 CONNECT| President - Sizable projects help focus our research efforts
2023.08.03 CONNECT| President - HKMU is there for inmate students
2023.07.07 CONNECT| President - From Time Tunnel to Gallery Space
CONNECT| President - HKMU students shine on the big stage
CONNECT| President - Our Staff Are Our Most Valuable Asset
CONNECT| President - Nurturing the entrepreneurship spirit at HKMU
2023.03.30 Town Hall Meeting
CONNECT| President - The Road to Research at HKMU
CONNECT| President - Working together for a Better Future
CONNECT| President - Welcoming the New Year with exciting news
Town Hall Meeting