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Our Staff Are Our Most Valuable Asset

Dear Colleagues,

It was heart-warming to see over 200 colleagues join the sharing session titled “Why we can't just leave the university as it is” on 30 March. Among the topics discussed were the challenges the University faces recruiting and retaining staff.

Although high staff turnover is not a phenomenon unique to our University, this does not lessen the gravity of the situation, especially at a time when many initiatives are underway or being planned.

The high turnover rate puts a heavy strain on our manpower resources, increases the workload of colleagues who stay and drives them to consider other alternatives. We must break this vicious circle to allow the University to move forward as planned.

On 16 March, the University Council approved the recommendations for Phase 1 of our Pay Level Review (PLR) for full-time clinical staff in Bands 4 and 5. The PLR for all other full-time staff (Phase 2) commenced in January 2023 and is expected to be completed by the end of this year.

The main objective of PLR Phase 2 is to review the pay packages for full-time staff to ensure that they are competitive in the market, including UGC-funded and self-financing tertiary education institutions, and to propose appropriate changes to enhance the University's competitiveness in attracting, retaining and motivating talent, while maintaining its financial sustainability. Some possible refinements to the Pay and Reward System and the normal retirement age will also be studied.

While a more competitive remuneration package will help our staff recruitment and retention efforts, I know that more will need to be done to create a better working environment for all HKMU employees.

In this connection, the University is currently exploring ways to provide more opportunities for professional development and career advancement for our faculty and staff. The possibility of implementing flexible work schedules and environments to achieve a healthier work-life balance, as well as family-friendly policies, will also be examined.

We will know we have succeeded when our colleagues feel happy coming to work, and that is our goal!

Paul LAM Kwan-sing