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HKMU becomes the first University of Applied Sciences in Hong Kong

Dear Colleagues,

After months of speculation, the Education Bureau announced on 21 March 2024 that HKMU has been designated as the first University of Applied Sciences (UAS) in Hong Kong.

One question that may pop up in the minds of members of the HKMU community is why we have so enthusiastically embraced the government's initiative to establish UASs in Hong Kong when we already have so much on our plate – constructing a new campus, developing research infrastructure, academic reforms, and acquiring one or more student hotels, just to name a few.

From my perspective, HKMU's objectives in becoming a UAS are:

  1. to provide our students with a top-drawer professional education;
  2. to nurture competent professionals to sustain the social and economic development of Hong Kong and beyond; and
  3. to establish the vital role of Vocational and Professional Education and Training (VPET) in achieving #1 and 2 above.

These objectives are in line with the consistently articulated strategic goals of our university: first, to provide quality education for our students; second, to help our students establish clear career paths; and third, to prepare students to become good citizens.

Indeed, HKMU offers a wide variety of professional programmes that track market trends and meet industry needs, most of which are applied in nature and strongly connected to business/industry associations and professional bodies. In this context, HKMU is, in substance, already a UAS. Thus, our university is in the best position to spearhead the development of UASs in Hong Kong.

The Government's commitment to dedicating resources and effort to establishing UASs will further enhance recognition of VPET and foster the nurturing of exceptional talent for Hong Kong and beyond.

Helping UASs develop will help HKMU develop and vice versa.

Yes. There is more work to do, but we should set our sails, as the wind is blowing (in the right direction).

Paul LAM Kwan-sing