Vol 16 Issue 1 (Feb 2007)

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President's Message
Chief Executive presides over Fifteenth Congregation

Emeritus President, entrepreneurs and conductor awarded honorary doctoral degrees

Include us in the educational hub plan
An OUHK degree -- a dream come true
Wireless LAN service upgraded
300 students survey WLANs from a ferry
New books
OU Study Planning Day
Use of Ho Man Tin Swimming Pool in March and April
Sponsorship and Donations
OUHK Chan Tak Education Fund supports police officers to study
Recent donations
Programmes and Courses
OUHK-trained Police College graduates awarded LESM certificates
OUHK full-time business programmes: choices galore
Comparing enterprise culture in Taiwan and Hong Kong
LiPACE updates

Tse Wai-hei competes in Asian Games

Monopoly champion Connie Ho
Angela Wong among Hong Kong's top 20 affiliates in ACCA exams
Astrophotographer Canon Lau
Student Support and Activities
SIFE (OUHK) inauguration and training on capital markets
Football Club wins championship
Christian Fellowship hiking tour
PRC Law Society year plan
Commemorative talk on Dr Sun Yat-sen