This practical topic sets out the materials you'll need for your study of ECON A314; in particular, it introduces you to the course's five study units.
In addition to this Course Guide, the course has the following important components. Please ensure that you have all of these materials available.
Study units
The study units are listed and briefly described below.
- Unit 1 Simple time-series forecasting models
The focus of this unit is to expose you to the basic time-series analysis technique and to help you apply this technique in forecasting. You will learn to identify trends and seasonal and cyclical patterns from data, and apply smoothing methods to make forecasts. You will also learn to perform forecasting using regression models, which will be applied to analysing real world economic and business data. You will learn to
apply the time-series models to analyse and forecast the trend and cycle of particular business sectors.
- Unit 2 The ARIMA (Box-Jenkins) forecasting models I
In this unit, you will learn about a more sophisticated model for forecasting — the ARIMA time-series model. You will be introduced to the moving average and autoregressive process, and the concept of stationarity will be discussed.
- Unit 3 The ARIMA (Box-Jenkins) forecasting models II
In this unit, you will learn the basic principles of identification and estimation using the ARIMA models, and learn how to apply the model in business forecasting.
- Unit 4 Forecasting in practice
The focus of this unit is offering you a review of practical forecasting techniques, with concrete examples of demand forecasting.
- Unit 5 The management of forecasting
In this unit you will learn to monitor and improve forecast performance. Evaluating and comparing the accuracy of forecasts will also be discussed. You will then see how a set of forecasts may be combined
to produce a superior composite forecast. You will also learn how to develop a forecasting system.
In each unit there are self-test questions and practice exercises. Most of these questions are selected from your textbook and the accompanying instruction manual. Make sure that you attempt all the questions to check that you understand the study units.
Some of the data in this course may be formatted in electronic form and made available on the OLE.
There is one compulsory textbook for this course:
Wilson, J H and Keating, B (2009) Business Forecasting, 6th edn, McGraw-Hill.
Assignment File
There will be two assignments.
Presentation Schedule
The Presentation Schedule is available on the Online Learning Environment (OLE). It gives the dates for completing assignments, and attending tutorials, and so on.