There will be 16 hours of tutorial support. You are urged to attend the tutorials.
An educational purpose
Tutorials have an educational purpose. They aim to provide:
- a meeting place for you and other students to discuss issues and further develop your understanding of each unit
- a place where your tutor can answer your questions immediately -- and help you on the path to success.
An opportunity to practise
Tutorials also provide you with a valuable opportunity to practise speaking and listening in English. Remember, the more you practise, the better you will become! It is much more fun to have a discussion, or carry out a conversation in a room full of other students than to try and achieve the same result in an isolated situation by yourself.
A few tips
Here are a few tips about tutorials.
- Avoid that lonely experience
Distance learning involves working on your own. Many students find this a lonely experience and feel very isolated. But, you don't need to study alone! At the tutorial you will find other students who are just like you. You will often find they are having the same problems or want to discuss the same topic in more detail.
- Plan in advance
You will find out in advance when and where the tutorials are to be held. Write this information in your diary, and promise yourself that you will attend all eight tutorials.
- Develop a relationship with your tutor
Try and develop a relationship with your tutor. Speaking to your tutor face-to-face at a tutorial is a good place to start! It is your tutor's job to help you learn. He or she should:
• mark and comment on your assignments,
• keep an eye on your progress; and
• assist you if you have any problems throughout the course.
You in turn must communicate your learning needs to your tutor. For this reason, contact your tutor if you:
• do not understand any part of the study units; or
• have a question or problem with an assignment, or about the comments or grading of an assignment.
Day school
The course has one day school. It includes a session in which a guest speaker will share with you some tips for effective speaking and listening.
This course makes use of the Online Learning Environment (OLE). On this platform, you will find the multimedia components of the course as well as course news, schedules, study units and tutorial notes.
You can apply for assignment submission extensions through the OLE. You can also communicate with the tutor and other students through the OLE's discussion board.
Please remember that all course communication will be carried out electronically through the OLE and webmail. Therefore, make a habit of checking the OLE for ENGL A090 and your HKMU email account regularly.