ENGL E210 consists of this Course Guide, five study units and assignments, all of which are provided by HKMU.
Course Guide
The Course Guide tells you briefly what the course is about, what it contains and how you can work through it. It also gives you some information about tutorials and assessment.
Study units
As you saw in the 'Course overview', ENGL E210 contains five study units.
- Unit 1 deals with the skills needed to describe, narrate and explain events and experiences.
- Unit 2 considers the skills needed to summarize and express opinions and arguments.
- Unit 3 focuses on note-taking, discussions and presentations.
- Units 4 and 5 are concerned primarily with the development of the listening andspeaking skills you need to perform tasks and express yourself in English in the workplace. Unit 4 deals with the skills of explaining, reporting and proposing; and Unit 5 considers persuading, negotiating and participating in meetings.
Each unit includes specific objectives, as well as a very wide range of practice activities to help you to improve your English language speaking and listening skills.
Recommended books
There is no set text for the course.
However, for ENGL E210 - and indeed all your degree courses in the English medium – you will need a good English dictionary. We recommend either the most current edition of the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English or Collins Cobuild English Dictionary, though there are also other very useful ones such as the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.
Audio-visual material
The course includes a number of audio recordings which give you an opportunity to practise listening and speaking skills, and you are directed to them at the appropriate points in each unit. Video clips are also used to help you to develop your presentation and speaking skills. These recordings and clips can be accessed via the Online Learning Environment (OLE) under 'Multimedia'.
Assignment File
This file gives you details of what is required in your assignments, their due dates, how many marks each is worth, and how each will be graded. Assignments must reach your tutor on or before the due date. Please read the Student Handbook for the University policy on late assignments.