The following references are recommended throughout the study of this course to enhance your knowledge in occupational health and safety or environmental science. Some of these references are available in HKMU Library:
ACGIH (2001) Air Sampling Instrumentation for Evaluation of Atmospheric Contaminants, 9th edn, ACGIH.
ACGIH (2010) Threshold Limit Values for Chemical Substances and Physical Agents and Biological Exposure Indices, ACGIH.
Agardy, F J (2009) Environmental Engineering (Sixth Edition): Environmental Health and Safety for Municipal Infrastructure, Land Use and Planning, and Industry, John Wiley & Sons.
Anthony, V (2010) Safety, Health and Environment, 1st edn, Prentice Hall.
Burgess, W A (1995) Recognition of Health Hazards in Industry: A Review of Materials and Processes, 2nd edn, John Wiley & Sons.
BOHS Technical Committee (1993) Sampling Strategies for Airborne Contaminants in the Workplace, BOHS Technical Guide No.11, Leeds: H and H Sci Consultants.
Dickert, T G and Domeny, K R (eds) (1974) Environmental Impact Assessment: Guidelines and Commentary, Berkeley: The Regents of the University of California.
DiNardi, S R (ed.) (2003) The Occupational Environment: Its Evaluation, Control and Management, 2nd edn, AIHA
Five Steps to Risk Assessment. OSHC. (Source: Occupational Safety and Health Council Library)
Grantham, D (2001) Simplified Monitoring Strategies: A Guidebook on How to Apply NOHSC's Exposure Standards for Atmospheric Contaminants in the Occupational Environment, Tullamarine: AIOH.
Hansen, D J (1991) The Work Environment, Vol. 1, Occupational Health Fundamentals, Lewis Publishers.
Health and Safety Executive (1989) Quantified Risk Assessment: Its Input to Decision Making, HMSO Publications C40 7/89. (Source: Occupational Safety and Health Council Library)
Health and Safety Executive (2005) Monitoring Strategies for Toxic Substances, HSG173, 2nd edn, HSE Books.
ILO (1983) Occupational Safety and Health in the Iron and Steel Industry, 1st edn, ILO Codes of Practice. (Source: Occupational Safety and Health Council Library)
ILO (1994) Protection of Workers from Power Frequency Electric and Magnetic Fields, Occupational Safety and Health Series No. 69, International Labour Organization.
ILO (2005) Encyclopedia of Occupational Safety and Health, 4th edn, Safework book shelf, ILO.
CoVan, J (1995) Safety Engineering, A Wiley-Interscience Publication. (Source: Library of City University of Hong Kong)
Labour Department, HKSAR (2002) Code of Practice on Control of Air Impurities (Chemical Substances) in the Workplace.
Labor Occupational Health Program (1996) Health and Safety Training Kits: Protecting Workers from Job Hazards; How Chemicals Affect the Body, UC Berkeley and the Southwest Network for Environmental and Economic Justice.
Harms-Ringdahl, L (1993) Safety Analysis Principles and Practice in Occupational Safety, Elsevier Applied Science Publishers. (Source: Library of City University of Hong Kong)
Management Extra: Managing Health, Safety and Working Environment (2009), Elsevier Science and Tehnology Books.
Mohan, D and Tiwari, G (2000) Injury Prevention and Control, Taylor & Francis. (Source: Library of the University of Hong Kong)
National Safety Council, Occupational Safety and Health Series: Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene, Monitoring for Health Hazards at Work, NSC.
Ness, S (1991) Air Monitoring for Toxic Exposure — an integrated approach, New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold.
Richardson, M L (ed.) (1986) Toxic Hazard Assessment of Chemicals, Kent: Royal Society of Chemistry.
Richardson, M R (1997) Managing Worker Safety and Health for Excellence, Van Nostrand Reinhold, A Division of International Thomson Publishing. (Source: Library of City University of Hong Kong)
Stellman, J and Henifin, M S (1983) Office Work Can Be Dangerous to Your Health, 1st edn, New York: Pantheon Books. (Source: Library of Department of Community Medicine, CUHK)
The Building Employers Confederation, UK (1994) Construction Safety, vols 1 and 2.
Tsin, T W (1994) 'Chemical hazard and information management in Hong Kong', Journal of the Hong Kong Medical Association, 46(1): 37-41.
Tsin, T W (2006) 'The development and implementation of occupational exposure limits in Hong Kong', Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, 46(March): 114-19.
Thomas, C E (2007) Process Technology: Safety, Health and Environment for Process Technicians, 2nd edn, Thomson Delmar Learning.
von Holst, H, Nygren, A and Thord, R (1997) Transportation, Traffic Safety and Health, The New Mobility Springer-Verlag Berlin. (Source: Library of the University of Hong Kong)
Willis, N (1988) Hazards at Work, TUC Guide to Health and Safety.
Woodside, G (1997) Environmental, Safety and Health Engineering, John Wiley & Sons.
Supplementary readings
Excerpts from the following sources will be integrated into the ENVR S411 course materials as core readings:
Bassett, W (2003) Clay's Handbook of Environmental Health, London: E&F Spon.
Brauer, R L (2006) Safety and Health for Engineers, John Wiley & Sons.
Ericson, C A (2005) Hazard Analysis Techniques for System Safety, John Wiley & Sons.
Gustin, J F (2008) Safety Management: A Guide for Facility Managers, Fairmont Press.
Jeynes, J (2007) Managing Health and Safety: Learning Made Simple, Elsevier Science and Technology Books.
Smoley, C K (1999) Dictionary and Thesaurus of Environment, Health and Safety, Lewis Pub.
Sterner, O (1999) Chemistry, Health, and Environment, Wiley.
Yu, M H (2005) Environmental Toxicology: Biological and Health Effects of Pollutants, Boca Raton: CRC Press.
Electronic references
The course materials will encourage you to seek out and use information contained in various important websites. Ideally, you should have access to a modern IT system giving full access to the Internet and the World Wide Web. The HKMU Computer Laboratory offers you this access.
The following webpages are useful for learning more about occupational health and safety and environmental management:
Hong Kong Law:
ILO: International Programme Chemical Safety: International Chemical Safety Cards (ICSCs):
Hong Kong SAR Government, Labour Department publications:
WHO (2004) Guidelines on the Prevention of Toxic Exposures: Education and Public Awareness Activities:
SKC Inc., for air sampling instruments and methods: