Research Issues in Translation Studies

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Course Guide
Research Issues in Translation Studies


Course Guide

Research Issues in Translation Studies

Course Start Date
Course Level
Length in Terms
Fees ($) (including lab fees)
Future Terms
Quota and Schedule
Course Start Date
Course LevelLength in TermsCredits
Fees ($) (including lab fees)
Future Terms

Course Coordinator: Dr Antony Huen, BA (CUHK), MA (Bham), PhD (Ebor)

The course aims to familiarize students with fundamental research concepts and methods in language studies and translation. They will explore and acquire techniques and methodologies in conducting research in language studies, translation theories and text analyses. Towards the end of the course, students will be able to design a small-scale research, apply appropriate research methods and identify language / translation patterns through critical analyses.


  • Introduction to translation research
  • Designing research topics
  • Reviewing research design
  • Research consulting and research practice I
  • Referencing rules
  • Writing literature review
  • Style for research writing
  • Research consulting and research practice II
  • Case studies
  • Research clinic

Learning Support
The course is divided into three phases:

  1. In the first preparatory phase, students will be introduced to different research concepts and methods. They will have the chance to explore trends and possible topics in language and translation studies before designing their own topics.
  2. In the second practical phase, they will be guided to review and revise their topics, data collection, theoretical framework as well as data analysis. During this phase students will also have the chance to hone their referencing skills, writing ability and analytical thinking.
  3. In the last conducting phase, students will have to refine their proposed studies, present their research and organize their findings in a critical and systematic manner.


  1. Class attendance and participation

  2. Research proposal
    Students are required to generate a research proposal covering justification of the topic, literature review, theoretical framework and sample data.

  3. Research presentation
    Students have to present their research design based on the feedback from their graded research proposals.

  4. Final essay
    Students have to write a 5000-word essay based on the feedback and refinement of the previous two assignments.

Students are required to submit assignments via the Online Learning Environment (OLE).

Set Book(s)
There are no set books for this course, and all teaching and learning materials will be available on the OLE platform.


Baker, M (1992) In Other Words: A Coursebook on Translation, London, New York: Routledge.

Baker, M (ed.) (2011) The Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies,2nd edn,London: Routledge.

Bassnett, S (1980) 'The problems of translating theatre texts', Theatre Quarterly. 10 (38). 47-55.

Bassnett, S and André L (1998) Constructing Cultures: Essays on Literary Translation, Clevedon: Mutilingual Matters Ltd.

Boase-Beier, J (2006) Stylistic Approaches to Translation, Manchester: St. Jerome.

Bogucki, L. (2013) Areas and Methods of Audiovisual Translation Research, New York, Peter Lang.

Gentzler, E (2001) Contemporary translation theories, 2nd edn,Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.

Cheung, M P Y and Lai J C C (eds.) (1997) An Oxford Anthology of Contemporary Chinese Drama, Hong Kong; New York: Oxford University Press.

Classe, Olive (ed.) (2000) Encyclopedia of Literary Translation into English, Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers.

Denicolo, P and Becker, L (2012) Developing Research Proposals, London: Sage.

Ehrensberger-Dow, M, Göpferich, S and O’Brien, S (2015) Interdisciplinarity in Translation and Interpreting Process Research, Amsterdam; Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.

Gottlieb, H. (1995) 'Subtitling' in Chan Sin Wai and David E. Pollard (eds). An Encyclopedia of Translation, Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press.

Hermans, T (2002) Crosscultural Transgressions: Research Models in Translation Studies II: Historical and Ideological Issues, Manchester: St. Jerome.

McCormack, J and Slaght, J (2005) English for Academic Study: Extended Writing and Research Skills (course book), Reading: Garnet Publishing Ltd.

Newmark, P (1995) Approaches to translation, New York: Phoenix.

Oliver, P (2008) Writing your thesis, London: Sage.

Olohan, M and Hermans, T (2000) Research Models in Translation Studies I: Textual and Cognitive Aspects, Manchester: St. Jerome Pub.

Saldanha, G and O'Brien, S (2013) Research Methodologies in Translation Studies, Manchester: St. Jerome.

Venuti, L (ed.). (2004) The Translation Studies Reader, 2nd edn,London: Routledge, St. Jerome Publishing.

Wallwork, A (2011) English for Writing Research Papers, New York: Springer.

Williams, J and Chesterman, A (2002) The Map: A Beginner's Guide to Doing Research in Translation Studies, Manchester: St. Jerome.