Computing Fundamentals with Java

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Course Guide
Computing Fundamentals with Java


Course Guide

Computing Fundamentals with Java

Course Start Date
Course Level
Length in Terms
Fees ($) (including lab fees)
Future Terms
Quota and Schedule
Course Start Date
Course LevelLength in TermsCredits
Fees ($) (including lab fees)
Future Terms

Course Coordinator: Mr. Kevin Tse, BEng (Hons), MEng, MPhil (CITYU)

Course Developer: Herbert Shiu

This course provides a solid foundation in the fundamentals of computing and is suitable for those who do not have prior experience in programming. The problem solving aspect of computing will be emphasized. The main focus is to learn an object-oriented programming language (Java) and use it to solve problems. The software development cycle will also be introduced and current technologies such as the Internet will be used. This course replaces the course COMP S210.

This course aims to:

  • Provide students with a sound foundation in software development and deployment models;
  • Provide students with a sound foundation in object-oriented programming;
  • Enable students to analyse problems and produce software designs to handle these problems using object oriented programming methodology;
  • Develop students' knowledge and understanding of the fundamental concepts in developing Java programs.

The course covers the following topics:

  • Computer concepts and skills
  • Problem solving through objects
  • Java programming
    • Classes and objects
    • Control structures
    • Arrays
    • Advanced control structures
    • More on classes
    • Basic input/output
    • Graphical user interface
    • Data structures

* The course will be updated and some of the content may be changed.

Learning support
There will be about ten tutorial meetings spread throughout the course.

There are four assignments and an examination. They contribute 30% and 70% to the final grade respectively. Students are required to submit assignments via the Online Learning Environment (OLE).

Online requirement
This course is supported by the Online Learning Environment (OLE). You can find the latest course information from the OLE. Through the OLE, you can communicate electronically with your tutor and the Course Coordinator, as well as other students. To access the OLE, students will need to have access to the Internet. The use of the OLE is required for the study of this course.

A PC-compatible computer ready for connecting to the Internet is essential. The minimum configuration of the computer is:

  • PC with an x86 CPU or equivalent
  • 1GB RAM
  • Hard disk
  • Sound card with speakers

You need to be familiar with the basic use of a computer including keyboard, mouse and word processing software. Experience in using email, the Internet and the WWW is also essential.

You should have Windows with Microsoft Word. Other software will be downloaded from the Internet. You may need to use OpenOffice to prepare assignment answers.

Set book(s)
There are no set books for this course.

Students with disabilities or special educational needs
The audio and visual components of this course may cause difficulties for students with an audio or visual handicap. You are encouraged to seek advice from the Course Coordinator before enrolling on the course.