International Management Strategy

Home Admissions Course Information International Management Strategy

IB B890F

Course Guide
International Management Strategy

IB B890F

Course Guide

International Management Strategy

Course Start Date
Course Level
Length in Terms
Fees ($) (including lab fees)
Future Terms
Quota and Schedule
Course Start Date
Course LevelLength in TermsCredits
Fees ($) (including lab fees)
Future Terms

Course Coordinator:

Dr Chen Jie, BSc (Fudan, Shanghai); MSc (KTH, Stockholm); DSc (LUT, Lappeenranta); BKO UTP

Excluded Combinations

IB B890; IB B890CF; MKT B890

Courses Not Allowed to be Taken Again

IB B890; MKT B890


The course aims to offer students a comprehensive understanding of the management and strategies involved in international business. It provides students with the necessary knowledge and tools to achieve success in the realm of international business. Moreover, the course builds upon students' existing knowledge of strategy and functional management, integrating and expanding upon these concepts within an international context. Additionally, the course sheds light on the modern challenges and issues confronted by international managers and imparts strategic methods to effectively manage these complexities.


The course covers the following topics:

  • The challenging context of international business
  • Political and trade forces
  • Sociocultural forces
  • Economic and financial forces
  • International competitive strategies
  • International markets: Assessment and entry modes
  • International marketing and operations
  • International human resources and leadership; knowledge transfer management
  • International organisational design, decision making and control; open innovation management
  • Current issues of international management

Learning Support

A total of 48 contact hours across one term, including 11 three-hour lectures and five three-hour tutorial classes. Students are also required to complete six additional self-study hours to prepare for the in-class assessment.


The course is assessed entirely through continuous assessment, including two assignments (each accounting for 30% of the course mark), an in-class assessment (10%), class participation (10%) and a compulsory oral presentation (20%). Students are required to submit assignments via the Online Learning Environment (OLE).

Set book(s)

IB B890F International Management Strategy (a custom textbook).

Course Coordinator: To be announced

The course aims to provide students with a contemporary overview of the management and strategies of international business, and equips them with the knowledge and tools that underpin international business success. Additionally, the course reinforces and integrates students' existing knowledge of strategy and functional management, and extends its use to an international context. The course also enlightens students on the contemporary challenges and issues faced by international managers, and guides them to manage these issues strategically.

The course covers the following topics:

  • The challenging context of international business
  • Political and trade forces
  • Sociocultural forces
  • Economic and financial forces
  • International competitive strategy
  • International markets: assessment and entry modes
  • International marketing and operations
  • International human resources and leadership
  • International organizational design, decision making and control
  • Current issues of international management

Contact hours
A total of 48 contact hours across one term, including 11 three-hour lectures and five three-hour tutorial classes. Students are also required to complete six additional self-study hours to prepare for the in-class assessment.

The continuous assessment portion of the course accounts for 100% of the total course score. It consists of two written assignments (60%), an in-class assessment (10%), class participation (10%), and a compulsory oral presentation (20%). Students are required to submit written assignments via the Online Learning Environment (OLE).

Set book(s)
IB B890F International Management Strategy (a custom textbook).