Bachelor of Computing (BCOMPU)/ Bachelor of Computing with Honours in Internet Technology (BCITH)

School of Science and Technology Computing Programmes Part-time Programmes Undergraduate Programmes 3 credit-unit Bachelor of Computing (BCOMPU)/ Bachelor of Computing with Honours in Internet Technology (BCITH)

Bachelor of Computing (BCOMPU)/
Bachelor of Computing with Honours in Internet Technology (BCITH)

Distance Learning Mode Part-time

This programme aims at providing students with an all-rounded understanding and practical training in computing as an encompassing and dynamic discipline.

The BCOMPU programme provides students with the breath of understanding of theories and practices in the field of computing, while the honours programme further enhances students’ knowledge and skills in developing applications on and for the Internet.

On successful completion of the BCOMPU programme, students should be able to:

  • Identify, formulate, and solve computing problems in a professional context
  • Utilize computer programming for problem-solving
  • Analyze critically the computing needs in various contexts in the society
  • Design and develop computing solutions with techniques in relational databases, object-oriented programming, computing theories, and computer system design
  • Apply, independently and collaboratively, software engineering methods for developing software systems to meet practical budgetary, operational, cultural and social constraints
  • Demonstrate proficiency in language communication and information literacy
  • Elaborate current issues in computing by keeping abreast of professional knowledge and techniques in the global context
  • Recognize the need for life-long learning in the computing sector

In addition to the above, BCITH graduates should be able to:

  • Utilize knowledge and skills of advanced areas in Internet Technology and demonstrate awareness of the important issues as a professional in the field
  • Apply specialized knowledge and skills in Internet technologies for developing computing solutions for complex problems
  • Multi-exits for reaping your rewards quicker
  • Credit exemption allowing a shorter time to get a degree
  • Entry pathways for students with a computing Higher Diploma and Associate Degree to complete an ordinary degree with as few as 33 credits
  • Distance learning study mode allowing greater flexibility in studying
  • Open education policy allowing admission of anyone 17 years of age and with a HK local address
Programme Structure

Bachelor of Computing (BCOMPU)

To be eligible for the award of the Bachelor of Computing, a student shall:

  • obtain 90 credit-units as prescribed below, of which no more than 30 credit-units shall be at 1000-level, and at least 24 credit-units shall be at 3000-level and/or 4000-level:
    • 18 credit-units from courses labelled FD in Table 1;
    • 42 credit-units from courses labelled CM and CD in Table 1;
    • 12 credit-units from course labelled EM or EL in Table 1;
    • 3 credit-units from any courses at 1000/2000/3000/4000-level offered by the University;
    • 6 credit-units of University English courses labelled UE in Table 1;
    • 9 credit-units of University Core courses labelled UC in Table 1; and
    • attain the CGPA for graduation as prescribed in the Regulations for the Award of Undergraduate Degrees

Bachelor of Computing with Honours in Internet Technology (BCITH)

To be eligible for the award of the Bachelor of Computing with Honours in Internet Technology, a student shall:

  • obtain 120 credit-units as prescribed below, of which no more than 30 credit-units shall be at 1000-level, and at least 24 credit-units shall be at 3000-level and 24 credit-units at 4000-level:
    • 18 credit-units from courses labelled FD in Table 1;
    • 42 credit-units from courses labelled CM and CD in Table 1;
    • 36 credit-units from course labelled EM or EL in Table 1;
    • 9 credit-units from any courses at 1000/2000/3000/4000-level offered by the University with no more than 3 credit-units at 1000-level;
    • 6 credit-units of University English courses labelled UE in Table 1;
    • 9 credit-units of University Core courses labelled UC in Table 1; and
    • attain the CGPA for graduation as prescribed in the Regulations for the Award of Undergraduate Degrees

The programme regulations and the courses on offer are subject to revisions.

Follow the requirements exactly. Email us for consultation.

Table 1.

Course CodeCourse TitleCredit-unitsCourse labelEarliest Term Available*
IT 1010SEDIntroduction to Information and Communications Technology6FD2023 Autumn
IT 1230SEDIntroduction to Internet Services and Applications6FD2023 Autumn
MATH 1210SEDA Foundation in Pure Mathematics6FD2023 Autumn
COMP 2010SEDComputing Fundamentals with Java6CM2024 Autumn
COMP 2580SEDComputer Programming and Problem Solving6CM2023 Autumn
COMP 2600SEDComputer Architecture and Operating Systems6CM2023 Autumn
COMP 3590SEDRelational Databases: Theory and Practice6CM2024 Autumn
COMP 3630SEDDiscrete Structures6CM2023 Autumn
COMP 3110SEDAdvanced Java Programming and Mobile Application Development6CD2024 Autumn
COMP 4560SEDSoftware Engineering and Project Management6CD2024 Autumn
IT 2340SEDWeb Site Design6EM2024 Autumn
COMP 2120SEDNetwork Programming and Design6EM2023 Autumn
COMP 4500SEDApplied Computing Project6EL2024 Autumn
COMP 4680SEDNetworks and Distributed Systems6EL2024 Autumn
COMP 4910SEDMachine Learning and Applications6EL2024 Autumn
ELEC 3320SEDComputer Networks6EL2024 Autumn

University Core Courses
UNI 1001ABWUniversity Core Values2UC2024 Spring
UNI 1011ABWSocial Responsibilities1UC2024 Autumn
UNI 2001BEWEffective Communication and Teamwork3UC2024 Autumn
UNI 3001BEWEntrepreneurial Mindset and Leadership for Sustainability3UC2025 Spring

University English Courses
ENGL 1101AEDUniversity English: Reading and Writing3UE2023 Autumn
ENGL 1202EEDUniversity English: Listening and Speaking3UE2024 Spring


* Students are required to take the course in/after the mentioned academic year and term.

Admission Requirement

Admission is open to anyone in Hong Kong over the age of 17.

Course Scheduling

Most computing core courses are offered in the Autumn term, and a few are offered in the Spring term. Refer to the following links for the details.

Credit Exemption

Students with recognized qualifications such as Higher Diploma or Associate Degree may be granted credit exemption.

  • Holders of local recognized HD/AD in computing should apply through the BCITH1/BCOMPU1 pathways. [link to be updated]
  • Holders of other qualifications including partially completed qualifications should apply through advanced standing.