Material Delivery Schedule (2024 Autumn Term) School of Arts and Social Sciences

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Material Delivery Schedule (2024 Autumn Term) School of Arts and Social Sciences
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CHIN 1001ACD 中國文學概論
CHIN 1003ACD 中國思想概論
CHIN 1005ACD 應用文
CHIN 1006ACD 語文通論
CHIN 2001ACD 傳播理論與中文傳意
CHIN 2007ACD 現代語法(二)
CHIN 2008ACD 詩選
CHIN 2012ACD 秦至隋之興替
CHIN 3001ACD 歷代文選
CHIN 3004ACD 新聞寫作
CHIN 3006ACD 當代中國文藝與社會
CHIN 3013ACD 晚清史
CHIN 3015ACD 香港史
CHIN 4008ACD 古典短篇小說
CHIN A163C 中國人文學科基礎課程(二):思想與信仰
CHIN A171C 應用文
CHIN A172C 語文通論
CHIN A202C 當代中國文化
CHIN A213C 香港歷史(1842-1997)
CHIN A264C 歷代散文
CHIN A270C 中國文學與文化導論
CHIN A273C 詩詞選
CHIN A281C 中國中古史
CHIN A293C 中國古代哲學思想
CHIN A360C 新聞、編輯及廣告
CHIN A361C 中國人文學科研究方法及文獻目錄學
CHIN A383C 中國近代史(1840-1949)
CHIN A384C 宋元明清社會經濟史
CHST A304C 中國當代史
ECON 2001AED Introduction to Microeconomics
ECON A202C 當代中國經濟發展
ECON A203 Hong Kong Economy
ECON A231C 微觀經濟學導論
ECON A232 Introduction to Macroeconomics
ECON A312 Intermediate Macroeconomics
ECON A313 Introductory Econometrics
ENGL 1101AED University English : Reading and Writing
ENGL A090 English Speaking and Listening Skills
ENGL A101 University English Writing Skills
ENGL A122 Presentation Skills
ENGL A131 Introduction to English Fiction
ENGL A200 Analysing English Grammar
ENGL A202 The Structure of Modern English
ENGL A231 English Literature in the Modern World
ENGL A337 Critical Approaches to Literature
LANG 3329AED Semantics
LANG A330 Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics
LANG A331 Language and Society in Hong Kong
LANG A332 Stylistics and Discourse Analysis
LESM 2001AED Hong Kong Criminal Justice System
LESM 3002AED Public Order Management
LESM A202 Police and Society
LESM A204 Security Practice and Management
LESM A305 Major Issues in Criminology and Penology
POLS 2011AED Government and Politics of Hong Kong
POLS A201C 政治學導論
POLS A211 Government and Politics of Hong Kong
PSYC 2027AED Positive Psychology
PSYC 2028AED Introduction to Psychology
PSYC 3030AED Developmental Psychology
PSYC A227 Positive Psychology
PSYC A228 Introduction to Psychology
PSYC A230 Developmental Psychology
PSYC A319 Theories of Personality Psychology
PSYC A320 Cognitive Psychology: Theories and Applications
PTH A200C 普通話II
PUAD 2003AED Introduction to Public Policy
PUAD 3001AED Public Sector Management in Hong Kong
PUAD A203 Introduction to Public Policy
PUAD A301 Public Sector Management in Hong Kong
SOCI 2018AED Understanding Digital Societies
SOCI A208 Welfare, Crime and Society
SOSC 1012AED Understanding Economics and Politics
SOSC 1021ACD 社會科學基礎課程:心理學
SOSC 1022AED Understanding Sociology
SOSC 2001AED Mathematics for Social Sciences
SOSC A112 Understanding Economics and Politics
SOSC A112C 社會科學基礎課程:經濟學及政治學
SOSC A121 Psychology for Everyday Life
SOSC A122 Understanding Sociology
SOSC A122C 社會科學基礎課程:社會學
SOSC A313 Research Methods in Social Sciences
TRAN 2251ACD 翻譯導論 (一)
TRAN 3251ACD 翻譯語言結構
TRAN 3354ACD 譯文研究
TRAN A251C 翻譯導論
TRAN A335 Culture and Translation
TRAN A351C 實用翻譯1(法律及商業)
TRAN A352C 實用翻譯2(公共行政及傳播媒介)
TRAN A354C 高級傳譯
UNI 1001ABW 大學核心價值
UNI 1011ABW Social Responsibilities
UNI 2001BEW Effective Communication and Teamwork