Getting started with iBookcase (For iPhone/iPad users)

Office for Advancement of Learning and Teaching HKMU iBookcase Getting started with iBookcase (For iPhone/iPad users)
User Guide for iBookcase users (For iPhone / iPad users)
Getting started with iBookcase

Once you have logged in to iBookcase, the courses that you have enrolled in will be automatically downloaded, enabling you to access your course materials and information anytime, anywhere. The following video clips explain how to download your iBookcase course materials so you can gain access to them offline.

Download and access course materials

For full time students


For part time students


Receive course notifications
Once you have logged in the app using your OUHK username and single password, you will receive system alerts from the app with course information. Notifications are mainly about assignment due dates, examination dates and venues, etc. Full-time students will also receive notifications of class times and venues.

For iPhone and iPad users


Modified Date: Jan 05, 2021