Open for Learning TV programmes - ICOIE and IROPINE

Office for Advancement of Learning and Teaching TV broadcast programmes Open for Learning TV programmes - ICOIE and IROPINE
Social Media Knowledge Activities: Opportunities for Learning across Formal and Informal Settings   Social Media Knowledge Activities: Opportunities for Learning across Formal and Informal Settings
(Dr Vanessa Dennen)

Educational Data Analytics for Supporting Teaching and Learning in Online Education   Educational Data Analytics for Supporting Teaching and Learning in Online Education
(Prof Demetrios Sampson)

Wicked Problem!? Towards Policy for Learning Analytics   Wicked Problem!? Towards Policy for Learning Analytics
(Prof Dragan Gašević)

Critical Dimensions for Maximizing Impact of Learning Analytics   Critical Dimensions for Maximizing Impact of Learning Analytics
(Prof Dragan Gašević)

E-Learning and Innovative Education – Strategies of Adding Innovations and Values to Educational Research   E-Learning and Innovative Education – Strategies of Adding Innovations and Values to Educational Research
(Prof Gwo-Jen Hwang)

Development of a MOOC for Teacher Professional Development in Mathematics Education   Development of a MOOC for Teacher Professional Development in Mathematics Education
(Prof. Siu Cheung Kong)

Social Learning at Massive Scale   Social Learning at Massive Scale
(Prof. Mike Sharples)

Bridging Learning Analytics to Learning Design through a Pattern Language Based Learning Design Studio   Bridging Learning Analytics to Learning Design through a Pattern Language Based Learning Design Studio
(Prof. Nancy Law)

ICOFE 2016 and IROPINE Opening Ceremony   ICOFE 2016 and IROPINE Opening Ceremony

ICOFE 2016 and IROPINE Opening Ceremony   Open and Flexible Pedagogies: The Changing Role of Teachers in the 21st Century
(Prof. Lee Wing-on)

ICOFE 2016 and IROPINE Opening Ceremony trans Open Horizons and Global Citizenship: The Disruptive Innovation of Collaborative Pedagogy
(Dr Alan Bruce)

The Story of 'Open'   The Story of 'Open'
(Prof. Alan Tait)

Learning Analytics for the Social Media Age   Useful Databases and Analytical Tools: Learning Analytics for the Social Media Age
(Prof. Anatoliy Gruzd)

Success Factors in Mobile Learning Research   Success Factors in Mobile Learning Research
(Dr John Traxler)

Enhancing Computer-based Instruction in Higher Education with Applied Psychological Research and Theory   Enhancing Computer-based Instruction in Higher Education with Applied Psychological Research and Theory
(Prof. Robert Tennyson)