Forming an Affiliated Member

Alumni Hong Kong Metropolitan University Alumni Association (HKMUAA) About Affiliated Members Forming an Affiliated Member

Your most cherished university life won't just end after graduation. You are encouraged to stay connected with your alma mater, teachers and schoolmates by forming an Affiliated Member. The University welcomes enthusiastic alumni to form Affiliated Members based on years, Schools, academic programmes, study modes, geographical connections and so on. It will undoubtedly be a benefit to you, your schoolmates, and upcoming graduates to gather regularly with fellow alumni having similar educational backgrounds, interests, and social networks. The Affiliated Member you form will also contribute to your alma mater's continuous development.

Alumni groups that desire to adopt the title of ‘Hong Kong Metropolitan University’ must comply with the Policies and Guidelines for HKMUAA Affiliated Members (Chinese version only) and apply as Affiliated Members of HKMUAA#.

#Currently, applications for affiliated membership of HKMUAA are only open to local alumni groups. Mainland and overseas alumni groups will not be admitted.

How to form a new Affiliated Member

  1. Think about the name and objectives of the Affiliated Member.
  2. Form an Executive Committee with at least five members*, including:
    •  Chairperson
    •  Secretary
    •  Finance Director
    •  Director of Membership
    •  Director of Public Relations
    *All Executive Committee members must be an Ordinary Member, Life Ordinary Member or Associate Member of HKMUAA. Those who are not yet members should first apply to join HKMUAA.
  3. Please read the Policies and Guidelines for HKMUAA Affiliated Members (Chinese version only) carefully and submit an application with the documents listed in the Policies and Guidelines to the University through HKMUAA. For the preparation of documents and details of the application procedures, please contact Development and Alumni Affairs Office at 2768 6381 or email
  4. After receiving the written approval for the usage of the 'Hong Kong Metropolitan University' title from the University, the alumni group should then register with EITHER  (a) the Hong Kong Police's Societies Office to set up a Society; OR (b) the Companies Registry to form a Company limited by guarantee.

    Contact information of the Hong Kong Police's Societies Office:
    Tel: 2860 3573
    Fax: 2180 9135
    Website: click here

    Contact information of the Companies Registry:

    Tel: 2234 9933
    Fax: 2596 0585
    Website: click here

  5. Upon submission of (a) the written approval of the University and (b) the document of successful registration as a Society or Company limited by guarantee to HKMUAA, the alumni group concerned will become an Affiliated Member of HKMUAA.

Kind reminder: points to consider before forming an affiliated member

While it takes only a few steps to form an Affiliated Member, it is a long term commitment to your alma mater and fellow alumni. We suggest that you consider the following:

  • Am I an HKMU (or previous OUHK) alumnus/ alumna#?
  • Do I have enough time to manage the Affiliated Member?
  • Do I have alumni friends with a common cause and who are willing to commit and contribute to the Affiliated Member?
  • Can I come up with a feasible plan to ensure the sustainable growth of the Affiliated Member; for example, how to recruit new members?

#HKMU alumni are graduates of our University proper programmes, or those who have obtained at least three credits from any University proper programmes and currently not studying in HKMU.

Should there be any enquiries, please check the FAQs or contact the Development and Alumni Affairs Office.

Enquiry:2768 6381/