Cabinet candidate

Alumni Hong Kong Metropolitan University Alumni Association (HKMUAA) Cabinet candidate

Cabinet candidate (1)

Proposed President

  • Name: CHOU Sai-kit
  • Year of graduation and programme completed at HKMU:
    Bachelor of Arts in Chinese Humanities, 2008 (Distance Learning)
HKMUAA_EC Election_MA Weina

Proposed Vice President

  • Name: MA Weina
  • Year of graduation and programme completed at HKMU:
    Bachelor of English Language Studies with Honours, 2017 (Full-time)

Proposed Vice President

  • Name: AU Hiu-fung
  • Year of graduation and programme completed at HKMU:
    Bachelor of Business Administration in Management, 2014
    (Distance Learning)

Proposed Secretary of the Executive Committee

  • Name: KWAN Ching-man Queenie
  • Year of graduation and programmes completed at HKMU:
    – Higher Diploma in Nursing, 2016 (Distance Learning)
    – Bachelor of Nursing, 2018 (Distance Learning)

Proposed Finance Director

  • Name: TIAN Yujia
  • Year of graduation and programme completed at HKMU:
    Bachelor of Computing with Honours in Internet Technology, 2018

Proposed Director of Membership

  • Name: CHOU Kanny
  • Year of graduation and programme completed at HKMU:
    Bachelor of Social Sciences with Honours, 2003 (Distance Learning)

Proposed Director of Public Relations

  • Name: CHEUNG Ka-sin
  • Years of graduation and programmes completed at HKMU:
    Bachelor of Nursing with Honours in General Health Care, 2022 (Full Time)

Aims and goals:

I am Jet Chou Sai-kit, graduated from Hong Kong Metropolitan University (HKMU) in 2008. I am honoured to be running together with other alumni to participate in the Election of Hong Kong Metropolitan University Alumni Association (HKMUAA) Executive Committee.

Our cabinet candidates come from diverse industries. We believe our respective professional backgrounds can provide the University with a wider range of opinions and suggestions, promoting better connection and collaboration between the alumni and the University.

Given that the University has recently become the first University of Applied Sciences in Hong Kong, there is an even greater need to build a strong alumni network. This will enable us to listen to industry perspectives and understand societal needs, ensuring the University's development better aligns with real-world requirements and benefits the community.

As a group of alumni with aspirations and ambitions, we hope to contribute to our alma mater, the alumni community, and society. We will actively expand the HKMUAA by connecting with more alumni and enabling their participation in the future development of the University.

We plan to organise and promote meaningful workshops and webinars on entrepreneurship, parenting, and health issues. We also intend to host alumni exchange and social activities, such as chess competitions and Homecoming Day, to strengthen the bonds between alumni and the alma mater.

Through these initiatives, we aim to deepen connections within the alumni community, allowing them to engage in the University's development and give back, making greater contributions as a whole. I sincerely invite all of you to support our Cabinet and create a better future together.