Happy Share

Alumni Communication & Support Alumni Linkage Past Issues June 2023 Issue Happy Share
You are welcome to share your good news and achievements in the Alumni Linkage with fellow alumni. Please click here to give us the details.

Alumna published book and put a life in words

Lau Mei-wan, Elisa

Bachelor of Arts in Chinese Humanities

After retirement, Elisa embarked on HKMU study for an honours degree in Chinese Humanities. She keeps writing after finishing the programme, having her experiences put into words.


Alumnus took part in art exhibition again

Or Yan-wai

Bachelor of Business Administration

Alumnus Or Wai-yan’s art piece ‘Thinking of’ was displayed in an art exhibition titled ‘Memory of Touch’. Or wished to bring out the complex emotions among men and women through his painting and hoped that the audience could remember the special memories that touched their hearts. He was glad to enjoy the networking opportunities with other artists and using his knowledge gained from HKMU.