Election of Executive Committee (2023/24)

Alumni Election of Executive Committee (2023/24)

Hong Kong Metropolitan University Alumni Association (HKMUAA)
Announcement of election of the 2nd session of Executive Committee (2023/24)

Hong Kong Metropolitan University Alumni Association (HKMUAA) was officially established by the University on 1 September 2022 to fostering closer ties with alumni and strengthening alumni networks. There is an Executive Committee (ExCom) formed by alumni members to undertake the actual operations of the HKMUAA. Term of service of the first session will expire on 31 August 2023, and the second session shall be elected by HKMUAA members. All eligible members of the alumni community are cordially invited to form a cabinet to run for the election, whilst affiliated members of the HKMUAA (alumni groups) are welcome to nominate representatives to run for the seats.

Electoral qualifications
Ordinary Members or Life Members of the HKMUAA shall have candidature eligibility and the right to vote in the election.

Composition of ExCom
Each session of the ExCom will consist of no more than 18 Ordinary Members or Life Members, which include:

  • Cabinet of seven office bearers: President, two Vice Presidents, Secretary of the ExCom, Finance Director, Director of Membership, and Director of Public Relations
  • A maximum of six representatives elected by Affiliated Members
  • Immediate past President
  • A maximum of four members invited by the elected ExCom

Term of office
The elected members will be appointed to serve for a term of one year commencing from 1 September 2023 to 31 August 2024.

Election procedure
The election shall be conducted based on cabinet system. Interested eligible alumni are invited to form a cabinet of seven and submit the registration form in person or by email before 6:00pm on 7 August 2023. Alumni groups are also invited to nominate an eligible representative and submit the nomination form by the same closing date.

If there is only one cabinet candidate or no more than six nominees from Affiliated Members, the cabinet candidate and all the nominees will be declared elected with no voting required. If there are more than one cabinet candidates or more than six nominees from the Affiliated Members, voting shall take place in electronic form. Ordinary Members and Life Members of HKMUAA will receive an election notice with the link to the designated voting platform.

Upon confirmation and verification of the election result by the Board of Directors and completion of relevant procedures, Development and Alumni Affairs Office shall announce the result via email, website and social media platform.

Hong Kong Metropolitan University Alumni Association

5 July 2023

Deadline for application_ENG