If you have not yet joined HKMUAA or you are not an Ordinary/Life Member of HKMUAA, please contact the Development and Alumni Affairs Office (DAAO) via email at alumni@hkmu.edu.hk three working days before your entry to the campus with the following details:
- Your Full Name (in both Chinese and English, if applicable)
- Your student number / Alumni ID / last three digits of your HKID Card number (including the digit in brackets)
- The campus(es) that you would like to visit
- The date that you would like to visit
- The timeslot that you would like to visit
- Whole Day: 08:00-22:00
- Day Time: 08:00-18:00
- Night Time: 18:00-22:00 - Your email address
- Your contact phone number
- Valid reasons for visiting the campus(es)
After assessing your request, DAAO will help generate a visitor QR code for your campus visit.