FAQs for alumni groups

Alumni Hong Kong Metropolitan University Alumni Association (HKMUAA) About Affiliated Members FAQs for alumni groups

For those who wish to set up a local group to connect non-local alumni, they can submit an application following the procedures and guidelines. For those who wish to set up a group outside Hong Kong, please contact the Development and Alumni Affairs Office.

No, these posts can only be taken up by alumni.

Currently there is no membership fee for affiliated members and no membership card in any forms will be issued to them.

All alumni groups should be financially independent and self-financing. No subsidy will be provided by the University.

Upon joining as Affiliated Members, alumni groups can organize activities without the prior approval of HKMUAA on the condition that the activities comply with the Policies and Guidelines for HKMU Alumni Groups.

Alumni groups are required to inform HKMUAA and the University within one month after completion of the procedure should there be any substantial changes such as changes in the structure of the Executive Committee and its composition, as well as amendments to the constitution. Concerned documents should also be submitted. If the amendment to the constitution will or may violate the Policies and Guidelines for HKMU Alumni Groups, prior approval from the Board of Directors of HKMUAA should be sought.

To a fundraising activity, alumni groups must comply with the ordinances and guidelines concerned and send an application to HKMUAA for seeking approval from the Board of Directors beforehand.

Existing alumni groups

No. The existing groups should submit applications by the closing date (Click here for details). Otherwise, they will no longer be recognized by the University.

Yes, HKMU will not recognize any groups using the former title or identity of the University.

Currently, only local alumni groups are eligible to join as Affiliated Members. Please contact the Development and Alumni Affairs Office should there be any queries.