
Alumni Hong Kong Metropolitan University Alumni Association (HKMUAA) Nominee(s)

Name: AU-YONG Bik Christine

  • Year of graduation and programme completed at HKMU:
    Master of Business Administration, 2006 (Distance Learning)
  • Affiliated Members representing on behalf of:
    The MBA Association of Hong Kong Metropolitan University Ltd.
  • Aims and goals:
    The MBA Association of Hong Kong Metropolitan University Ltd. was established in 1996, with the aim of bringing together all the master’s graduates from the School of Business and Administration, and promoting the connection between alumni and their alma mater, which aligns with the mission of the HKMUAA.

    As the Chairperson of this Association, I will recruit more alumni to join the HKMUAA, actively expand the membership network, and strengthen the interactive exchange among members.

    In addition, I hope to utilize the professional expertise and influence of the members of the HKMUAA, actively participate in the endeavours of the University, encourage alumni to give back to our alma mater and contribute to the society.

Name: WONG Kwan-chung

  • Year of graduation and programme completed at HKMU:
    Bachelor of General Studies, 1994 (Distance Learning)
  • Affiliated Members representing on behalf of:
    Hong Kong Metropolitan University Past Student Network
  • Aims and goals:
    Hong Kong Metropolitan University Past Student Network was established in 1997, while the University was still at its Open Learning Institute period.

    We aim to leverage the HKMUAA platform to bring together alumni from different eras, enabling the alumni community to develop in a more enduring and stable manner, and strengthening its overall influence. Furthermore, we will actively organise and participate in various activities hosted by the HKMUAA, in order to promote closer ties between alumni and the alma mater, and deepen alumni’s understanding and sense of belonging towards the University.

    As the representative of the Hong Kong Metropolitan University Past Student Network, I am participating in the third session of Executive Committee of HKMUAA election, with the aspiration to contribute my efforts towards the HKMUAA development and share experiences with other committee members.