Alumni HKMU Me&U


A new and exciting chapter has begun! The University is now officially retitled Hong Kong Metropolitan University (HKMU). The Alumni Affairs Unit is thrilled to celebrate this important milestone and a 'HKMU Me&U' online game has been launched for our fellow alumni. Check your HKID card now to see if any letters in your name matches any letters of 'HKMU'*, and you will be eligible to win HKMU souvenirs by completing three simple steps. The more letters you match, the more souvenirs you will win! Souvenirs are only available while stock lasts. Act now and win home specially designed HKMU souvenirs!


Step 1: Like Facebook page of “HKMUAAU

Step 2: Share this post

Step 3: Fill in the online form

Closing date: 11:59pm, 15 September 2021

 *Duplicated letters will only be counted once. Taking 'Chan Mei Mei' as an example, the two 'M's will be counted once. In this case, 'H' and 'M' in the name match with those in 'HKMU', bringing about two souvenirs.


Terms and Conditions

  • If there is any dispute about the souvenirs received by the winners, the University reserves the right to make the final decision.

  • The rules of the game and the final interpretation of this provision belong to the University, and participants shall not object to any of the arrangements including suspension, termination or change of any details without prior notice.



Ms Cheung, Public Affairs Office

Tel:2768 6381