French Film Screening: Suprêmes
To celebrate the Francophonie day on 20 March 2024, Dr Emilie Tran, Assistant Professor of the School of Arts and Social Sciences, collaborated with Consulate General of France in Hong…
To celebrate the Francophonie day on 20 March 2024, Dr Emilie Tran, Assistant Professor of the School of Arts and Social Sciences, collaborated with Consulate General of France in Hong…
The first HKMU Festival, organised by the School of Arts and Social Sciences, was held on 22 March 2024 at the Jockey Club Campus. Under the supervision of Professor Octavian…
香港都會大學舉辦Hong Kong Metropolitan University——都大師生x周耀輝:音樂、電影、生活座談會A Public Talk on Music, Film and Life with Prof. Chow Yiu Fai2024年1月31日,香港三大填詞人之一周耀輝教授應邀出席香港都會大學師生座談會,同學們十分踴躍參與本次活動。On January 31, 2024, Prof. Chow Yiu Fai, one of Hong Kong’s most renowned lyricists,…
Edited by Dr. Chi Sum Garfield Lau and Dr. Kelly Kar Yue Chan, this book volume The Poetics of Grief and Melancholy in East–West Conflicts and Reconciliations is compiled to examine…
不少來自嶺南的傳統工藝、表演藝術,民間習俗,還是飲食文化,今天均已列入為香港非物質文化遺產清單或代表作名錄,彰顯著香港的深厚地域文化底蘊。我們將會帶大家一同探索香港非物質文化遺產(非遺)的嶺南風物,揭開這個城市獨特而豐富的文化面紗。 香港都會大學人文社會科學院透過搜集各種檔案、文獻及口述故事,撰寫名為《再現嶺南:香港非物質文化遺產的地域文化》的著作,向大眾分享香港非遺的嶺南地域特徵。 為與公眾第一時間分享出版成果,並細說各種香港非遺的嶺南地域特徵,香港都會大學人文社會科學院將籌劃兩場新書發布會,歡迎公眾參與。座位有限,煩請登記以作現場安排,額滿即止。 日期:2024年2月17日(星期六) 時間:下午3時正至5時正 地點:香港尖沙咀漆咸道南100號香港歷史博物館地下演講廳 名額:80人 講者:羅樂然博士(香港都會大學人文社會科學院助理教授) 主持/對談:劉繼堯博士(香港理工大學中國歷史及文化學系專任導師) 報名詳情: 聯絡:2768 6129(香港都會大學人文社會科學院羅博士)
25th January 2024, Ho Sik Yee Library In an effort to foster collaboration in the academic publishing realm, A&SS, in collaboration with the HKMU Library, organized a highly informative Sharing…
The School of Arts and Social Sciences at Hong Kong Metropolitan University (HKMU) recently established collaborative partnerships by signing Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) with two esteemed schools of universities in…
The Department of Humanities, Language and Translation organised the “Film and Life Series” (2023 Autumn Term) in October and November 2023. Curated by Professor Eva Man and Dr Timmy Chen,…
On Monday 4th December 2023, with the generous support of the School of Arts and Social Sciences, the Department of Humanities, Language and Translation hosted a seminar entitled ‘Changing Contexts,…