Newly Released Book Volume on Chinese Creative Writing Studies: Theory, Pedagogy and Practice

School of Arts and Social Sciences Newly Released Book Volume on Chinese Creative Writing Studies: Theory, Pedagogy and Practice

Newly Released Book Volume on Chinese Creative Writing Studies: Theory, Pedagogy and Practice

Edited by Dr. Rebecca Leung Mo-Ling, this book primarily investigates the trends and developments of Chinese creative writing from a global perspective. It encompasses theoretical research on Chinese creative writing, an analysis of creative writing pedagogy at Hong Kong Metropolitan University, discussions on cross-media practices, poetic thinking, and therapeutic writing. Additionally, the volume incorporates international voices through interviews, broadening the horizons of Chinese creative writing’s development. The book’s focus on the diversity of creative writing is not only inspiring but also intriguing. The contributing scholars combine theoretical insights with practical awareness, exploring the present and future of Chinese creative writing from various perspectives.


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