Staff Profile

School of Arts and Social Sciences People Staff Profile
Dr. Yu Wenhan Marvin 余文翰博士
BA FJNU, MA (Distinction) CityU, PhD CityU
Assistant Professor
School of Arts and Social Sciences


Dr. Marvin Yu received his BA degree from the Fujian Normal University, MA, and PhD degree from the City University of Hong Kong. He is currently an Assistant Professor and the programme leader of Master of Arts in Creative Writing in the School of Arts and Social Sciences. His research interests lie primarily in creative writing, modern and contemporary Chinese literature, Hong Kong literature, and contemporary literary theory and criticism. He published several papers in peer-reviewed journals such as Literature in ChineseSouthern Cultural Forum, and Chung-Wai Literary Quarterly. And Dr. Yu also won the City Literary Award (2014) and Awards for Creative Writing in Chinese (2018) in recent years.

Teaching Areas & Research Interests

  • Creative Writing
  • Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature
  • Hong Kong Literature
  • Contemporary Literary Theory and Criticism

Academic & Professional Experience


  • The First Prize of Excellent Paper, Thesis "Hong Kong Experience from Literary Landscape to Literary Tourism"(〈從文學地景到文學觀光的香港經驗〉), The 7th  Annual Conference of Chinese Creative Writing(第七屆中國創意寫作年會), 2022.
  • The First Prize of Excellent Paper, Thesis "Creativity and Writing of Contemporary Taiwan Poetry"(〈台灣當代詩歌的「創意」與「寫作」〉), The 6th International Conference on Creative Writing in Chinese (第六屆世界華文創意寫作大會暨2020年中國創意寫作高峰論壇), 2020.
  • Awards for Creative Writing in Chinese (中文文學創作獎), Leisure and Cultural Services Department of Hong Kong, 2018.
  • Champion, “Thinking of the Asian Community” Academic Essay Contest (「思考亞洲一體化」學術論文比賽), City University of Hong Kong, One Asia Foundation, 2016.
  • City Literary Award (城市文學創作獎), City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Arts Development Council, 2014.

Creative Writing

  • 〈指令〉,《聲韻詩刊》2023年總第71期。
  • 〈魚湯〉,《聲韻詩刊·十年選》2021年總第61期。
  • 〈迴旋處〉,賽馬會ifva影像嘉年華互動藝術展,2020年11月1-30日。
  • 〈不以離別為題〉,《草堂》2020年第2期。
  • 〈雪(外三首)〉,〈詩二首〉,〈落在時光之外(組詩)〉,《香港文學》2021年3月號,2020年4月號,2019年1月號。
  • 〈詩二首〉,《字花》2020年總第85期。
  • 〈山火之後〉,《聲韻詩刊》2020年總第52期。
  • 〈複製與粘貼〉,〈出神〉,《虛詞》2019年12月24日。
  • 〈詩十首〉,《中西詩歌》2019年第1期。
  • 〈道旁〉,《水母與搖滾——字花十年選詩歌卷》,香港:水煮魚文化,2017年。
  • 〈余文翰的詩〉,《2015-2016中國新詩年鑒》,北京:金城出版社,2017年,頁58-59。

Selected Articles

  • 〈喪家幽靈的徘徊:「我漂故我在」的北島與《歧路行》〉,《聲韻詩刊》總第67期(2022年11月)。
  • 〈抒情的困難及其自覺——談廖偉棠組詩《困難的愛》〉,《草堂》2022年08卷。
  • 〈朝向「南方以南」的寫作——兼及一個非虛構的「南方」〉,《廣州文藝》2022年第4期。
  • 〈假寐者深藏自我——青年詩人趙目珍詩歌論〉,《名作欣賞》2021年第5期。
  • 〈創意寫作課程的「非創意」教學〉,《田家炳中華文化中心通訊》2021年第7期。
  • 〈漫談詩的兩個「當代」〉,《草堂》,2020年5月21日,。
  • 〈讀臧棣詩集:詩歌作為特殊的知識〉,《文藝報》,2019年11月13日。
  • 〈在現實中記取詩歌的聲音〉,《羊城晚報》,2019年9月22日。
  • 〈生命的纜繩,歲月的卷筆刀:吳耀宗詩集《逐想像而居》讀後〉,《作家》,2016年第11期。

Selected Publications

Book Chapters

  • 余文翰:〈文學闡釋的書寫有效性——以當代新詩批評及沈奇的詩學觀為例〉,劉福春編《沈奇詩與詩學研究》,西安:陝西人民教育出版社,2020年,頁332-348。
  • 余文翰:〈一枝紅梅兩世情〉,香港文學館編《「木每雙生」文學視藝的再世紅梅》,香港:香港文學館,2020年,頁77-85。
  • 余文翰:〈風景是怎樣煉成的——當城市詩不再為題材詩〉,吳耀宗、林學忠編《文史長河的初渡——年輕學人集》,香港:匯智出版有限公司,2017 年,頁273-290。

Journal Articles

  • 余文翰:〈20世紀90年代中國詩歌的文化交際與精神認同〉(“Cultural Communication and Spiritual Identity in Chinese Poetry of the 1990s”),《詩探索》理論叢刊(Poetry Exploration),2024年第1輯,頁17-35。【CSSCI】
  • 余文翰:〈《0檔案》的反詩實驗及其爭議〉(“The Anti-Poetry Experiment of File 0 and its Controversy”),《詩探索》理論叢刊(Poetry Exploration),2023年第3輯,頁48-59。【CSSCI】
  • 余文翰:〈從文學地景到文學觀光的香港經驗〉(“Hong Kong Experience from Literary Landscape to Literary Tourism”),許道軍主編《中國創意寫作研究(第十輯)》(Chinese Creative Writing Studies 10th Issue),上海:上海大學出版社,2023年,頁245-256。
  • 余文翰:〈個體詩學的內涵與建構——以臧棣為例〉(The Connotation and Construction of "Individual Poetics": Taking Zang Di as an Example),《海峽人文學刊》(Journal of Humanities across the Straits),2023年第3期,頁96-103。
  • 余文翰:〈從「靈感」轉入「角度」的創意寫作教學設計〉(“From 'Inspiration' to 'Pespective': Teaching Design on Creative Writing”),許道軍主編《中國創意寫作研究(第九輯)》(Chinese Creative Writing Studies 9th Issue),上海:上海大學出版社,2022年,頁127-133。
  • 余文翰:〈當代詩的觀念寫作:以夏宇的詩學與實踐,及其主編的《現在詩》第九期為例〉(The Conceptual Writing of Contemporary Poetry: Taking the Ninth Issue of Poetry Now and the Poetics and Practice of Its Editor Hsia Yu as Examples),《中外文學》(Chung-Wai Literary Quarterly),2022年第2期,頁97-135。【THCI core, ACI, ESCI】
  • 余文翰:〈小說作為方法——周潔茹的小說與別樣的女性意識〉(“Fiction as Method: Zhou Jieru's Fictions and a Different Sort of Feminist Consciousness”),《世界華文文學論壇》(Forum for Chinese Literature of the World),2022年第1期,頁58-64。
  • 余文翰:〈文學闡釋的書寫有效性——以當代新詩批評及沈奇的詩學觀為例〉(“Validity in Writing of Literary Interpretation: Taking Contemporary New Poetry Criticism and Shen Qi's Poetics as Examples” ),《寫作》(Writing),2020年第5期,頁56-64。
  • 余文翰:〈90 年代口語詩歌的精神結構及其「應用」問題〉(“The Spiritual Structure of the Spoken Poetry in the 1990s and Its 'Application'”),《南方文壇》(Southern Cultural Forum),2019 年第5期,頁74-79。【CSSCI】
  • 余文翰:〈消費時代的香港詩意——香港新詩的特異性與可能性〉(“Hong Kong Poetry in the Age of Consumption: On the Particularity and Possibility of New Poetry in Hong Kong”),《華文文學》(Literature in Chinese),2019 年第2 期,頁74-84。【CSSCI】
  • 余文翰:〈「70 後」詩歌與時代的對話——兼論以年齡劃分代際的合法性〉(“The Dialogue between Post-70s Poetry and the Times”),《長沙理工大學學報(社會科學版)》(Journal of Changsha University of Science and Technology(Social Science)),2019年第5 期,頁73-80。
  • 余文翰:〈廖偉棠詩的「地理」與「身份」論〉(“On Geography and Identity of Liu Waitong's Poetry”),《詩探索•理論卷》(Poetry Exploration),2018 年第1輯,頁132-147。
  • 余文翰:〈中國新詩的「代際」書寫及其存在的問題〉(“Generation of Chinese New Poetry and Its Existing Problems”),《詩探索•理論卷》(Poetry Exploration),2017年第3 輯,頁14-24。
  • 余文翰:〈作為語言的詩——臧棣「叢書詩」的藝術歷險論〉(“Poetry as Language: Zang Di's Artistic Adventures on Book Series Poetry”),《詩探索•理論卷》(Poetry Exploration),2014年第1 輯,頁140-150。

Selected Professional & Community Services

  • Examiner at Hong Kong Arts Development Council in Arts Criticism and Literary Arts from 2023 to 2026.
  • Editorial Board member of Chinese Creative Writing Studies.(Journal)
  • Editorial Board member of Asian Voices: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Creative Writing. (Book series)

Modified Date: 11 Jun, 2024
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