Staff Profile

School of Arts and Social Sciences People Staff Profile
Dr. Leung Mo Ling Rebecca 梁慕靈博士
Associate Dean
Associate Professor
School of Arts and Social Sciences


Dr Rebecca Leung Mo-Ling is currently the Associate Professor of the School of Arts and Social Sciences at the Hong Kong Metropolitan University, Associate Dean and the Director of the Tin Ka Ping Centre of Chinese Culture. She received her BA, MPhil, and PhD in Chinese from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and obtained Postgraduate Certificate in Education from the University of Hong Kong. She has also been a visiting scholar at the Institute of Modern History at Academia Sinica in Taipei. Her research interests primarily revolve around Chinese modern literature, Chinese contemporary literature, cultural & film theory and creative writing studies. She has published numerous papers in renowned journals such as Bulletin of the Institute of Chinese Literature and PhilosophyTsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies, Bulletin of the Department of Chinese Literature National Chengchi University, Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies, and Chinese Modern Literature. She also published books titled Chinese Creative Writing Studies; Chinese Creative Writing Studies: Theory, Pedagogy and Practice; Chinese Creative Writing and Multimedia in Practice; Imagination and Shaping: The Newspaper Coverage of Eileen Chang in Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Taiwan; and Visuality, Gender and Power: The Imaginations in Novels from Liu Na'ou, Mu Shiying to Eileen Chang etc. Apart from academic research, she is also enthusiastic about creative writing. She obtained the prestigious “Unitas Award for New Novelists” in Taiwan in 2002. Her novel A Lover's Discourse: Fragments 02.21 was published by Linking Publishing Company in Taiwan in 2021.



Teaching Areas & Research Interests

  • Chinese Modern Literature
  • Chinese Contemporary Literature
  • Cultural & Film theory
  • Creative Writing

Academic & Professional Experience

Academic Experiences

Visiting Scholar, Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, 2023



以〈故事的碎片〉獲得臺灣《聯合文學》第十六屆小說新人獎短篇小說首獎(Unitas Award for New Novelists) (2002)

以論文〈創意寫作的未來──香港公開大學創意寫作課程設計之跨學科發展方向〉獲第六屆世界華文創意寫作大會暨2020年中國創意寫作高峰論壇優秀論文二等獎 (2020年)



Grants and Funding

Project Grant Holder, HKMU, Quality Enhancement Measures Funding, "HKMU Creative Arts Production Project", HK$ 3, 200, 000, 2023-2026. (PI: Dr Rebecca Leung, Co-I: Mr Malcolm Liu, Mr Cheng Sei Hong, Mr Walter Wong, Mr Vincent Mak)

Project coordinator, Education Bureau, Enhancement and Start-up Grant Scheme for Self-financing Post-secondary Education, “Upgrading Teaching and Learning Facilities and Resources to Support Creative Arts Programmes in Interactive Music and Virtual Production Technology”, HK$ 33,000,000, 2023-2026.

Project Grant Holder, Research Matching Grant (by donation), Research Grant Council, “Teaching and Learning in Digital Humanities: A Study of Enhancing the Experiences of Chinese Literature and Culture through Interactive”, HK$3,005,000, 2022-23. (PI: Dr Rebecca Leung, Co-I: Dr William Lai, Dr Lee Lok Man, Mr Walter Wong, Mr Vincent Mak)

Project Grant Holder, HKMU, Faculty Advancement Fund, “Visiting Scholar, Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica, Taiwan and/or conducting research and development activities at The Chinese University of Hong Kong”, HK$190,000, 2022-2023.

Principal investigator, Research and Development Grant, FDS project, "Shaping and Being Shaped by Multiple Cultural Fields: An Analysis of Newspaper Coverage of Eileen Chang in China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan", Research Grants Council, HK$496, 900 (Ref. no: UGC/FDS16/H02/17), 2017-2018. 

Principal investigator, Grant for Publication, " An Alternate Imagination of China: From Liu Na'ou, Mu Shiying to Eileen Chang", Hong Kong Arts Development Council, HK$36,400, 2016-2017. (withdrawn)

Principal investigator, Self-financing Post-Secondary Education Fund, Quality Enhancement Support Scheme (QESS), " Developing Language Proficiency for Post-Secondary Students: Online Assessment and Self-learning of Putonghua through gamification and automation", Education Bureau, HK$1,995,284 (PI: Dr. Leung Mo Ling Rebecca; Co-I: Prof. Cheung Kwong Yue and Ms Lau Wai), 2013-2014.


Creative Writing





















Selected Publications


  • Leung, Rebecca, Mo-ling ed. Chinese Creative Writing Studies: Theory, Pedagogy and Practice. Singapore: Springer Nature, 2024, print.
  • Leung, Rebecca, Mo-ling ed. Chinese Creative Writing Studies. Singapore: Springer Nature, 2023, print.
  • 梁慕靈主編:《華文創意寫作與跨媒體實踐》,臺北:新銳文創,2022年8月出版。(240頁)
  • 梁慕靈編著:《想像與形塑──上海、香港和台灣報刊中的張愛玲》,台北:秀威資訊科技, 2022年。(378頁)
  • 梁慕靈:《戀人絮語02.21》,新北:聯經出版事業股份有限公司,2021年。(288頁)
  • 梁慕靈:《視覺、性別與權力:從劉吶鷗、穆時英到張愛玲的小說想像》,新北:聯經出版事業股份有限公司,2018年。(544頁)
  • 劉文英、梁慕靈、黃樹基編:《博物館的變與不變:香港和其他地區的經驗》,香港:香港公開大學數碼文化與人文學科研究所,2018年。
  • 譚國根、梁慕靈、黃自鴻編:《數碼時代的中國人文學科研究》,台北:秀威資訊科技,2018年。

Book Chapters

  • Leung, Rebecca, Mo-ling. 'Beyond Writing: Exploring Pedagogies for Nurturing “Artistic Writers” in Creative Writing Training at Hong Kong Metropolitan University' In Leung, Rebecca, Mo-ling ed. Chinese Creative Writing Studies: Theory, Pedagogy and Practice. Singapore: Springer Nature, 2024.
  • Leung, Rebecca, Mo-ling. “Radio Drama Creation and the Development and Training of Related Industries.” In Leung, Rebecca, Mo-ling ed. Chinese Creative Writing Studies. Singapore: Springer Nature, 2023.
  • 梁慕靈:〈論廣播劇創作於中國的發展潛力――兼論香港都會大學創意寫作課程中廣播劇創作的培訓〉,梁慕靈主編:《華文創意寫作與跨媒體實踐》(臺北:新銳文創出版社,2022年8月),頁22-28。
  • 梁慕靈:〈視覺文化時代創意寫作發展的路徑探索——以香港公開大學創意寫作教育為例〉,許道軍主編:《中國創意寫作研究(2020)》(北京:高等教育出版社,2021年),頁115-119。
  • 梁慕靈:〈個人與國族:論郁達夫小說的疾病書寫〉,香港公共圖書館編:《第十二屆香港文學節研討會論稿匯編》,香港:香港公共圖書館,2020年,頁7-17。
  • 梁慕靈:〈從中國言情小說傳統看大陸網絡小說特色──以桐華《步步驚心》為例〉,譚國根、梁慕靈、黃自鴻編:《數碼時代的中國人文學科研究》,台北:秀威資訊科技,2018年,頁163-182。
  • 梁慕靈:〈中國文學與歷史文化史料的展示和數碼化建設的思考──以北京人藝戲劇博物館和首都博物館為例〉,劉文英、梁慕靈、黃樹基編:《博物館的變與不變:香港和其他地區的經驗》,香港:香港公開大學數碼文化與人文學科研究所,2018年,頁36-43。
  • 梁慕靈:〈從上海到香港:論穆時英筆下的原鄉與他鄉〉,香港公共圖書館編:《第十一屆香港文學節研討會論稿匯編》,香港:香港公共圖書館,2017年,頁177-198。
  • 梁慕靈:〈論張愛玲的離散意識與晚期小說風格〉,劉石吉等主編:《遷徙與記憶研討會論文集》,高雄:國立中山大學人文研究中心、國立中山大學文學院,2013年12月,頁89-111。
  • 梁慕靈:〈從《行雲集》看周瘦鵑遊記散文的變化和意義〉,張雙慶、余濟美編:《行走的愉悅──第三屆世界華文旅遊文學國際學術研討會論文集》,香港:香港中文大學聯合書院、明報月刊、世界華文旅遊文學聯會聯合出版,2013年11月,頁235-248。

Journal Articles

  • 梁慕靈:〈從臺灣IG詩作的文學生產看數位詩的範式轉移〉(A Study of Paradigm Shift of Electronic Poetry by the Examination on the Literary Production of Instapoetry in Taiwan),《文化研究》第38期(2024年春季號)(Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies),頁93-130。(THCI Core and TSSCI Core)。
  • 梁慕靈:〈「吃人與禮教」和「吃人的禮教」──論魯迅〈狂人日記〉的詮釋化過程〉('Cannibalism and Feudal Ethics' and 'the Cannibalistic Nature of Feudal Ethics' – An Examination of the Process of Interpreting Lu Xun's “A Madman's Diary”),台灣中央研究院中國文哲研究所:《中國文哲研究集刊》(Bulletin of the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy)2023年3月,頁37-80。(THCI Core Grade A,ACI,CSSCI南大)
  • 梁慕靈:〈從報刊看1943年至1949年上海文化場域中的「張愛玲想像」〉,江蘇省社會科學院:《世界華文文學論壇》2023年第4期(2023年12月),頁74-83。
  • 梁慕靈:〈「創意寫作不只寫作」:香港都會大學創意藝術課程「寫作藝術」人才培養模式考察〉,《中國創意寫作研究(第九輯)》(2022年12月),頁111-118。
  • 梁慕靈:〈論1952-2016年香港和台灣文學場域中報刊對張愛玲及其作品的想像和形塑之異同和意義〉,臺灣書目季刊社:《書目季刊》(Bibliography Quarterly ),第55卷三期(2021年12月),頁73-88。
  • 梁慕靈:〈創意寫作的未來──香港公開大學創意寫作課程設計之跨學科發展方向〉,武漢大學:《寫作》 (2021年2月第1期),頁30-34。
  • 梁慕靈:〈論1970-1999年台灣文學場域中報刊對張愛玲及其作品的想像和形塑〉(Imagination and Shaping of Eileen Chang and Her Works from Newspapers in the Taiwan Literary Fields (1970-1999)),國立臺北教育大學台灣文化研究所,《文史台灣學報》第14期(2020年9月),頁93-123。
  • 梁慕靈:〈論1943-1949年上海文學場域中報刊對張愛玲及其作品的想像和形塑〉(Examination of How Newspapers in the Shanghai Literary Fields (1943-1949) Imagined and Shaped Eileen Chang and Her Works),國立臺北大學中國文學系,《臺北大學中文學報》第28期(2020年9月),頁459-518。
  • 梁慕靈:〈大學生創意寫作能力培訓──以香港公開大學創意寫作課程為例〉(Developing University Students' Creative Writing Skills as Exemplified by the Creative Writing Curriculum at the Open University of Hong Kong),武漢大學,《寫作》(2020年1期),頁48-58。
  • 梁慕靈:〈論全球化視野下大學中國文學課程對張愛玲的接受和塑造〉(Globalized Vision: Recognition and Construction of Eileen Chang in Chinese Literature Courses at Universities),武漢大學,《寫作》(2019年5期),頁109-115。
  • 梁慕靈:〈論解嚴後江文瑜詩作中女性意識的轉變〉 (Transformation of Feminist Consciousness in Chiang Wen-yu's Poems),臺灣詩學季刊雜誌社,《臺灣詩學學刊》(Bulletin of Taiwan Poetics) 第33期(2019年5月) ,頁143-182。
  • 梁慕靈:〈論《牡丹亭》、〈遊園驚夢〉及〈古典愛情〉中個體意識的演變〉 (Evolution of Individual Consciousness: An Analysis of The Peony Pavilion, “Wandering in the Garden, Waking from a Dream,” and “Classical Love”),香港中國語文學會,《文學論衡》(Journal of Chinese Literary Studies) 總33期(2018年12月),頁66-71。
  • 梁慕靈:〈秩序的維持與破壞:論村上春樹《1Q84》中的倫理、記憶與後現代性〉(Preservation and Destruction of Order: An Analysis of Ethics, Memory, and Postmodernism in Murakami Haruki's 1Q84),遼寧大學日本研究所,《日本研究》(Japan Studies) 總166期(2018年第3期),頁90-96。
  • 梁慕靈:〈大學創意寫作教學的設計與果效──以香港大專院校為例〉(Teaching Creative Writing at University Level: A Discussion of Recent Developments in Hong Kong),湘潭大學,《湘潭大學學報(哲學社會科學版)》(Journal of Xiangtan University (Philosophy and Social Science)) 第40卷第1期(2016年1月),頁93-96。
  • 梁慕靈:〈女性離散者的自我論述:論張愛玲後期作品中的離散意識〉(Self-Narration of a Female Diaspora: An Examination of Diaspora Consciousness in Eileen Chang's Late Works),北京大學中國語言文學系及香港中文大學中國語言及文學系,《中國文學學報》 (Journal of Chinese Literature)第6期(2015年12月),頁227-256。
  • 梁慕靈:〈性別與視覺:從穆時英到張愛玲小說的「視覺性」變化〉(Gender and Gaze: The Transformation of Visuality From Mu Shiying's Novels to Eileen Chang's Novels),台灣中國現代文學學會,《中國現代文學半年刊》(Modern Chinese Literature)第27期(2015年6月),頁183-208。
  • 梁慕靈:〈混種文化翻譯者的凝視──論劉吶鷗對殖民主義文學的引入和轉化〉(The Gaze of a Hybrid-cultural Translator: A Discussion on Liu Na'ou's Introduction and Transformation of Colonial Literature),國立清華大學出版社,《清華學報》(Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies)新44卷第3期(2014年9月),頁459-502。
  • 梁慕靈:〈張愛玲小說的版本問題:以《第一爐香》、《第二爐香》和《茉莉香片》為例〉,載臺灣書目季刊社,《書目季刊》(Bibliography Quarterly )第48卷第1期(2014年6月),頁87-107。
  • 梁慕靈:〈想像中國的另一種方法:論劉吶鷗、穆時英和張愛玲小說的「視覺性」〉(An Alternative Imagination of China: A Study of 'Visuality' in Liu Na'ou, Mu Shiying and Eileen Chang's Fictions),國立政治大學中文系,《政大中文學報》(Bulletin of the Department of Chinese Literature National Chengchi University)第19期(2013年6月),頁219-260。
  • 梁慕靈:〈「陰性」的恐懼與迷戀:論莫言小說中的創傷記憶與歷史暴力〉('Feminine' Fear and Obsession: A Discussion on Traumatic Memory and Historical Violence in Mo Yan's Novels),台灣中國現代文學學會,《中國現代文學半年刊》(Modern Chinese Literature)第22 期(2012年12月),頁233-252。
  • 梁慕靈:〈論劉吶鷗、穆時英和張愛玲小說的「電影視覺化表述」〉(A Discussion on “Visual Expression” in the Novels of Liu Na'ou, Mu Shiying and Eileen Chang),台灣中央大學文學院,《中央大學人文學報》(National Central University Journal of Humanities)第50期(2012年4月),頁73-130。
  • 梁慕靈:〈從《沉淪》看郁達夫的個體及國家意識〉,華東師範大學中國現代文學資料與研究中心,《現代中文學刊》「郁達夫研究專輯」,2011年10月第5期,頁39-43。
  • 梁慕靈:〈他者‧認同‧記憶──論張愛玲的香港書寫〉(The Other, Identification, and Memory: A Discussion on Eileen Chang's Writings about Hong Kong),台灣中國現代文學學會,《中國現代文學半年刊》(Modern Chinese Literature)第19期(2011年7月),頁47-75。
  • 梁慕靈:〈「張看」戲曲:論張愛玲作品與中國傳統戲曲的關係〉,載台灣國文天地雜誌社,《國文天地》2010年11月號,第306期,頁57-69。
  • 梁慕靈:〈「反媚俗」:論張愛玲電影劇作對通俗劇模式的超越〉(“Anti-Kitsch”: Discussion on How Zhang Ailing's Movie Scripts Transcend the Patterns of Melodrama),載台灣中央大學文學院,《中央大學人文學報》(National Central University Journal of Humanities)第40期(2009年10月),頁173-238。
  • 梁慕靈:〈從「講故事」到「小說」──論張愛玲小說中的記憶轉化〉(From 'Storytelling' to 'Novel': an examination of memory transformation in Zhang Ailing's novels),載台灣中央大學文學院,《中央大學人文學報》(National Central University Journal of Humanities)第39期(2009年7月),頁99-152。

Selected Professional & Community Services

  • Associate Editor of Editorial Board of Humanities & Social Sciences Communications (the field of Chinese Literature) (Springer Nature)
  • Generic Skills Technical Advisor of the Employees Retraining Board
  • Advisor of the Committee of Literature and Arts, Hong Kong Arts Development Council
  • Examiner of Literary Arts, Hong Kong Arts Development Council
  • Member of the Judge Panel of the “He Jianming” China Creative Writing Awards
  • Executive Director and Deputy Secretary-General of the World Chinese Creative Writing Association
  • The Master and Mentor for gifted students of the Hong Kong Gifted Apprentice Programme Voluntary Service mentorship programme

Modified Date: 07 Jun, 2024
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