The creative industries have become more and more important in Hong Kong, not only for the territory's economic growth, but also for its cultural revitalization. The “Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Creative Writing and Film Arts” is a programme focusing on training creative talents for Hong Kong's cultural industries, especially in filmmaking, advertising, creative writing and publishing. Students will learn various aspects of the creative industries and related practices. Courses offered include creative/literary writing, screenwriting, film history, film studies, film production, publication, advertising, broadcasting, radio play and drama.
General Description of the Programme
This is a 4-year programme offered by the School of Arts and Social Sciences in the face-to-face teaching mode. The programme provides students with an in-depth education and professional training in Creative Writing and Film Arts. Students will be assessed continuously on the quality of assignments, projects, essays, presentations and/or examinations. Programme facilities include film/TV production studios, film editing labs, computer graphics labs, arts studios and sound studios.
Graduates of the programme will be fully equipped to work in a range of jobs in the media and creative industries, such as script writer, director, cinematographer, editor, reporter, copywriter, film critic, novelist and multimedia writer. They can also further their studies in the area of film studies, film making, literature, media and cultural studies, or other related subjects.
Aims and Objectives
Upon completion of the programme, students should be able to:
(a) Master the skills in novel writing, screen writing and film criticism;
(b) Produce critiques on creative writings of different genres;
(c) Put into practice the knowledge learned in the history, theory and aesthetics of world cinema; and
(d) Master the techniques and skills in film and video production.
Programme Coverage
Students in this programme will receive an in-depth education and holistic training in both creative writing and film arts. Key areas of study and training are:
(1) History, theory and aesthetics in creative writing and film arts;
(2) Critical and creative thinking;
(3) Presentation and storytelling skills;
(4) Creative and professional writing skills; and
(5) Film production and postproduction techniques.
During the four years of study, students will need to complete at least 160 credits of courses, of which 120 credits are for core courses, and 40 credits are for general education, English language enhancement and outside discipline. No more than 40 credits should be taken at the Foundation Level.
The core courses in the first two years of study cover a wide variety of subjects in aesthetics, literature, history, art direction and media production. In the later two years, students will learn how to put theory into practice in film production and advanced projects.