Chan Yuen San, Wilson
Bachelor of Social Sciences with Honours in Applied Social Studies (2011)

Wilson Chan has a strong interest in both economics and politics. He enrolled in the OUHK after completing his Form 7 education. This year, he will graduate with a first-class honours social sciences degree in Applied Social Studies.
In the first year of his university studies, Wilson's only wish was to gain a degree. He gradually found university life very fruitful. The relatively small campus offered a close-knit atmosphere to facilitate a closer relationship between teachers and students. He always formed study groups with classmates and shared study tips and techniques. Apart from doing well academically, Wilson joined an internship programme with a political party, in which he helped organize activities for the community. Last summer, he also participated in the Auxiliary Undergraduate Scheme and is now an auxiliary police constable. Serving on the frontline, he has a few experiences in handling family disputes. He said he has improved his communication skills and developed a sense of justice through working as a police officer.
Wilson hasn't decided whether he would become an economic analyst or join the disciplinary forces ultimately. To better equip himself for the future, he will be pursuing further studies at the University of Warwick in the UK, where he will start a Master of Science in Economics and International Financial Economics programme in September 2011.
Lau Wing Tung, Suki
Bachelor of Social Sciences with Honours in Psychology (2010)

Suki Lau was an athlete in secondary school and she enjoyed doing voluntary work during leisure time. While visiting people in need with social workers, Suki came to learn that psychological counseling is as important as assistance in kind. She has since developed an interest in psychology.
Suki joined the OUHK after completing Secondary 7 and graduated with a First Class Honours social sciences degree in psychology in 2010. The winner of outstanding student awards for two consecutive years, Suki also actively participated in various extra-curricular activities and was the committee member of a number of student societies. She organized an exchange tour to Taiwan, writing the funding proposal and taking care of programme scheduling and liaison work. As an OUHK student ambassador, Suki took part in various events and activities, such as the alumni phonathon and roving exhibitions, which provided opportunities for her to get in touch with people from all walks of life.
Suki said her OUHK studies had helped her to see things from various perspectives and made her more prudent in tackling problems. She is a critical thinking trainer in a learning centre and is planning to study part-time for a master's degree.
Leung Ho Yi, Connie
Bachelor of Social Sciences with Honours (2009)
Connie Leung enjoyed her days at the OUHK very much and actively participated in various extra-curricular activities. She was the chair of the Christian Fellowship at the University for two consecutive years, and once joined an exchange tour to Taiwan. Having been a student ambassador, Connie was glad to have the opportunity to participate in various events and serve as emcee on important occasions like the anniversary banquet and the Campus Phase Two ground-breaking ceremony. A veteran in voluntary services, Connie worked part-time in an NGO during her studies so as to gain work experience. She received a job offer as a welfare worker immediately after graduation and planned to continue her studies for a master's degree.
Zhang Junli, Jossta
Bachelor of Social Sciences with Honours (2009)
Jossta Zhang enrolled in the OUHK's full-time programme in 2005, right after getting the permit to come to Hong Kong from mainland China to join her parents. She was then studying at Harbin Normal University where the medium of instruction was Chinese. Although the social sciences courses are mainly taught in English at the OUHK, she overcame the barrier by studying even harder and was awarded the HSBC Hong Kong Scholarship in 2008 and named an Outstanding Student this year. She was among the outstanding representatives from local universities selected to join the New York exchange tour of the Global Citizenship Programme organized by the Dragon Foundation in 2008. Jossta went to the University of Helsinki in Finland in September 2009 to study for a master's degree in social sciences.
Chiu Ka Yin, Andrew
Bachelor of Social Sciences (2007)
Andrew Chiu joined the full-time social sciences programme when it was launched in 2004. He became a socially-conscious person at University. He is currently the youngest elected District Councillor (Taikoo Shing West) with clear career goals to serve the community. He's the former external vice president and current advisor of the Student Society of Social Sciences (FTP). From his point of view, the university staff really care about students and their studies. The analytical skills and core values that he has developed in his university years are very useful to his work. He cherish very much those days at the University.
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Modified Date: Dec 06, 2013