Distinguished Professors (2016-2018)

School of Arts and Social Sciences Research Distinguished Professors (2016-2018)

Distinguished Professors (2016-2018)

A&SS Distinguished Professors (2016-2018)

We are honoured to have the following international scholars as Distinguished Professors (DP) in A&SS. The DPs are not only outstanding scholars in their own disciplines, but also friends of OUHK who are supportive and willing to provide help for the academic development of our University. They will provide consultancy on research, including helping faculty members to formulate ideas for grant proposals, and to give lectures during their visits.
Image result for Julie Holledge
Professor Julie Holledge
Professor Emeritus Julie Holledge, Flinders University, is an internationally recognised award-winning academic and theatre director. Author of 3 scholarly books, 4 edited books, and numerous other publications, she has directed 22 professional theatre productions in the UK and Australia. She pioneered research in feminist theatre historiography and in digital technologies in global theatre research.  She has received grants from the ARC and Australian and British Councils for the Arts, and research funding from Norway, Korea, and Japan. She made a major contribution to the discipline as the lead CI of AusStage and won a Carrick award for her teaching.
Image result for Prof. Michael Keane
Professor Michael Keane
Michael Keane is Professor of Chinese Media and Cultural Studies at Curtin University. He is Program Leader of the Digital China Lab. http://ccat-lab.org/program/digital-china-lab/ Michael's key research interests are digital transformation in China; East Asian cultural and media policy; and creative industries and cultural export strategies in China and East Asia. Michael is editor of the Handbook of the Cultural and Creative Industries in China (Edward Elgar 2016). His single authored publications are China's Television Industry (Palgrave 2015), Creative Industries in China: Art, Design and Media (Polity 2013), China's New Creative Clusters: Governance, Human Capital and Regional Investment (Routledge 2011), and Created in China: the Great New Leap Forward (Routledge 2007).
Image result for Professor Michael Lackner
Professor Michael Lackner
Sinologist and Chinese historian, Director of the International Consortium for Research in the Humanities, Professor and Director of the Institute of Chinese Studies, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany.  He received his PhD in Chinese Studies from Ludwig-Maximillians University Munich in 1985. Prof Lackner has a wide range of interests covering Song Chinese history, Chinese prognostication, Chinese language and literature. He speaks fluent Putonghua and several other European languages.
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Professor Kosaku Yoshino

Sociologist specializing in cultural nationalism and identity studies. He received his PhD in Sociology from the London School of Economics in 1986 and is currently Professor of Sociology at Sophia University, Tokyo. He has taught at the University of Tokyo and was promoted to full professor there in 2005. His publications are mostly in English. He has published widely on nationalism, identity, and Englishization of education.



Distinguished Professors Public Lecture Series

Date  & TimeDetails SpeakerLanguageVenue
28 Nov 2017
4:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Ibsen and Acting: reading subjective interiority through the performing body (New!)
Professor Julie Holledge
Professor Emerita of Theatre Studies, Flinders University, Adelaide
EnglishC0712, 7/F, OUHK Ho Man Tin Campus
24 March 2017
2:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Traditional China: Rational or Superstitious?
Two Western Narratives and a Possible Answer
(迷信或理性? 從不同西方觀點看傳統中國)
Professor Michael Lackner
Professor and Director of the Institute of Chinese Studies, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
EnglishE0311, 3/F, OUHK Jockey Club Campus
20 March 2017
1:30 – 3:00 p.m.
Beyond Nationalism: For You, Through Twilight
(超越民族主義: 透視不確定的未來)
Professor Kosaku Yoshino
Professor of Sociology, Sophia University, Tokyo
EnglishC0910, 9/F,
OUHK Ho Man Tin Campus
29 Nov 2016
5:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Multifaceted Images: China and the Chinese in European Comics and Cartoons
(This event is co-organised by OUHK Tin Ka Ping Centre of Chinese Culture)
Professor Michael Lackner
Professor and Director of the Institute of Chinese Studies, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
EnglishE0313, 3/F, OUHK Jockey Club Campus
16 Nov 2016
4:00 – 5:00 p.m.                
The New Chinese Dream: Everyone is Creative!
(This event is co-organised by OUHK Tin Ka Ping Centre of Chinese Culture)
Professor Michael Keane
Professor of Chinese Media and Cultural Studies, Curtin University, Perth
EnglishE0311, 3/F, OUHK Jockey Club Campus
14 Nov 2016
11:00 a.m. – 12:00 n.n.
Nationalism/Patriotism and Globalization: Looking into their Interfaces
Professor Kosaku Yoshino
Professor of Sociology, Sophia University, Tokyo
EnglishD0819, 8/F, OUHK Jockey Club Campus
24 Oct 2016
4:30 – 5:30 p.m.
Tarantellas Between Cultures
Professor Julie Holledge
Professor Emerita of Theatre Studies, Flinders University, Adelaide
EnglishD0808, 8/F, OUHK Jockey Club Campus