
人文社会科学院 课程与科目 学士学位及副学位课程(兼读制) 中英语文文学士及荣誉文学士


IntroductionLearning OutcomesCareer ProspectsEntry RequirementProgramme Structure and Content For enquiriesSchool of Arts & Social Sciences

I. Introduction#1

English, Spanish and Chinese are the three most popular languages spoken worldwide, of which English has gained the status of global language. In the East Asian region, English and Chinese serve as the lingua franca in government, business and education. The trend of globalization and the rise of China in the world have also increased both the international and regional demand for knowledgeable bilinguals in Chinese and English who can work in bilingual and bicultural settings that require advanced skills in bilingual communication. The programme is designed to meet the growing market demands by giving students a broad training in different areas related to Chinese and English. Its emphasis on bilingual and bicultural skills as well as Chinese and English literatures will enable students to choose courses relevant to their study needs and career plans. The programme is structured to allow students to specialize in either Chinese or English.
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The programme aims at helping students to:
Achieve bilingual competence
(ii) Cultivate awareness of Chinese and Western literary traditions
(iii) Develop ability in critical thinking
(iv) Master the skills for work in Chinese and English cultural settings; and
Acquire the generic qualities and skills of a humanities student.

II. Learning Outcomes #2

Upon graduation, students should be able to:

Use Chinese and English language skills for creative and critical purposes;
(ii) Evaluate Chinese and Western literary works critically in intercultural and/or international settings;
(iii) Illustrate Chinese and Western cultural elements and function in various contemporary social contexts; and
(iv) Analyze local and global perspectives by means of both Chinese and English languages; and
Acquire the generic qualities and skills of a humanities student.

III. Career Prospects #3

Graduates of the proposed programme may proceed to postgraduate study in Hong Kong or overseas. Other graduates move mainly into careers such as:

(i) civil service
(ii) administration
(iii) teaching
(iv) translation
(v) journalism and publishing
(vi) mass communication and media writing
(vii) public relations
(viii) advertising and marketing
(ix) tourism and hospitality

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IV. Entry Requirement #4

The BAHCE, BACE and AACE programmes are distance learning programmes with open admission to anyone over the age of 17.

V. Programme Structure and Content#5

Click here for programme regulations

VI. For enquiries #8

唐梓彬博士(Dr. Benson Tong) btong@hkmu.edu.hk / Tel: 2768 5750