Mr. Kenny WONG 黄智铨先生

人文社会科学院 学与教 驻校作家/艺术家/科学家 Mr. Kenny WONG 黄智铨先生

黄智铨先生 Mr. Kenny WONG

驻校艺术家 Artist-in-Residence
课程: 影像设计及数码艺术 (Imaging Design and Digital Art)
BFA (Hons) in Imaging Design and Digital Art programme from the Department of Creative Arts, invites an active artist to the department for the artist-in-residence programme with the aims to:

• To improve and enhance arts and design education
• To promote ideas exchanges among the artist with the department and IDDA programme
• To facilitate collaboration with artistic activities
• To engage in academic seminars and talks

This project is intended to invite the practising artist in town to Hong Kong Metropolitan University, Department of Creative Arts with the aim of collaboration in education, experience and insights sharing in a series of seminars with a focus on digital art and technology. With the involvement of the artist who is actively engaged in the field, this aimed to provide the platform to exchange new ideas and experiences among the students, faculty and artist for promoting the atmosphere of art and design creation and research development.