Mr. Tommy LI 李永铨先生

人文社会科学院 学与教 驻校作家/艺术家/科学家 Mr. Tommy LI 李永铨先生

李永铨先生 Mr. Tommy LI

驻校艺术家 Artist-in-Residence
课程: 创意广告及媒体设计 (Creative Advertising and Media Design)
创意艺术学系创意广告及媒体设计课程邀请了本地知名品牌设计师李永铨先生 (Tommy Li)担任驻校艺术家。有关计划于2022年12月至2023年4月期间举行,李先生主持了讲座和工作坊,并跟同学一起进行实地考察和参观活动,让同学亲身了解行业发展和机遇。经此计划,创意广告及媒体设计课程学有更多机会与业界领袖交流互动。

To equip students with hands-on workplace knowledge and industry exchange, the Creative Advertising and Media Design programme of the Department of Creative Arts invited Mr Tommy Li, an award-winning designer to be the Artist-in-Residence. The programme was held from December 2022 to April 2023, Mr Li hosted seminars and workshops for CAMD students, and joined fieldwork and visits together with them. The programme provides students with a chance to meet industry leaders and professionals.