
人文社會科學院 課程與科目 全日制本科生課程 政治及公共行政榮譽社會科學學士 (課程編號: JS9003) - 簡介 都會大學雲南義教暨文化體驗團

This six-day tour to Yunnan combines volunteer service and cultural exchange activities. It aims to enhance students' understanding of China's development and social problems as well as their appreciation of the Chinese culture.


Students participate in voluntary services, visits, and help the people in need during the trip. The targets of voluntary service are the children of rural migrants (隨遷兒童) studying in a privately-run (民辦) primary school in Kunming. Students conduct voluntary teaching, experience culture in Yunnan, and participate in daily communication with local residents.


Through lectures and services, students' devotion to helping the less fortunate people can also be nurtured. The trip can also sharpen the students' leadership skills and creativity through participating in the voluntary service.

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To facilitate students' learning experience in this trip, we have sought cooperation with the Hong Kong Red Cross's International Humanitarian Service Leadership Programme. The Hong Kong Red Cross has provided mentors who are experienced in supervising the service trip and conduct trainings to the students before and during the trip.

In these six days, students have had a memorable teaching experience in the migrant school and their preparation before the trip paid off. They have also gained a lot from the home visits to migrants' home, and greatly improved their understanding on contemporary China. The trip has also resulted in a good collaborative relationship between the HKMU and the Hong Kong Red Cross.