
人文社會科學院 教職員 職員簡介
Dr. Huen Pak Hang Antony 禤柏衡博士
BA CUHK, MA Bham, PhD Ebor


Antony Huen holds a PhD in English from the University of York, where he was a doctoral fellow at the Humanities Research Centre. He specializes in contemporary poetry and creative writing and has taught a wide range of English literature and language courses. In the School of Arts and Social Sciences (A&SS), Antony is Senior Lecturer in English Language and Culture.

Apart from Hong Kong Metropolitan University (HKMU), he has taught at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU), the Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK), and the University of York. He received his BA in English from CUHK and MA in Creative Writing from the University of Birmingham.

As a teacher at HKMU, Antony was selected for the President's Awards for Excellence in Inspirational Teaching 2023. As a researcher, he won the 2021 Wasafiri Essay Prize and came second for the inaugural Women Poetry Prize, awarded by Women: A Cultural Review. He has been awarded a grant of HK$694,470 by the Hong Kong Research Grant Council (RGC) for an ongoing project on Hong Kong Anglophone poetry.

His work is published in international journals and books, including English: Journal of the English AssociationHong Kong Review of Books, Poetry WalesPN ReviewState of Play: Poets of East & Southeast Asian Heritage in Conversation (Out-Spoken, 2023), Where Else: An International Hong Kong Poetry Anthology (Verve, 2023), Wasafiri: International Contemporary WritingWomen: A Cultural ReviewWorld Literature Today, and Writing Chinese: A Journal of Contemporary Sinophone Literature.

He is reworking a poetry pamphlet, shortlisted for the inaugural pamphlet prize of Poetry London. He is also working on a monograph on contemporary British poetry.


Awards & Honours

  • President's Awards for Excellence in Inspirational Teaching, HKMU (2023)
  • Pamphlet Prize (shortlisted), Poetry London (2023) 
  • Women Poetry Prize - Runner-up, Women: A Cultural Review (2023)
  • Outstanding Research Publication Award - Bronze Prize, Katie Shu Sui Pui Charitable Trust, HKMU (2023)
  • Research Achievement Award, HKMU (2022-23)
  • Essay Prize, Wasafiri: International Contemporary Writing (2022) 
  • Doctoral Fellowship, Humanities Research Centre, University of York
  • International Postgraduate Scholarship, University of Birmingham

Funded Research Projects

  • Ekphrasis in Hong Kong Poetry in English: Late 1970s to Early 2020s. Principal Investigator, Faculty Development Scheme, Research Grants Council, 01/2023-12/2024, UGC/FDS16/H02/22. [HKD694,470]
  • The Institutionalization of Creative Writing in English in Hong Kong. Principal Investigator, Research and Development Funding for the School of Arts and Social Sciences, HKMU, 2022, R1054. [HKD59,988]

Funded Teaching and Learning Projects

  • Enhancing English Proficiency through Creative Writing: Competition, Masterclasses, Anthology, and Exhibition. Principal Investigator, Quality Enhancement Measures (QEM), HKMU, 2024-2027. [HKD513,512]
  • Expanding the Academic Vocabulary of University Students: An eLearning Initiative. Co-investigator, Courseware Development Grant, Academic IT Steering Committee (AITSC), CUHK, 2013-14. [HKD85,000]

    Feature Stories

    • "Unveiling the Cultural Interplay in Contemporary British Poetry: Hong Kong and Mainland China through the Lens of Ekphrasis". Research Achievements of HKMU Scholars, 4 May 2023, hkmu.edu.hk/ora/knowledge-transfer/research-achievements-of-hkmu-scholars.
    • "Wasafiri Wonders: Antony Huen". Wasafiri, 2 Aug. 2022, www.wasafiri.org/article/wasafiri-wonders-antony-huen.




    • Contemporary British poetry
    • Hong Kong literature in English
    • Poetry, ekphrasis, and the visual arts
    • Creative writing in multilingual contexts
    • English language teaching and learning



    • Huen, Antony, and Jason Eng Hun Lee. 'Institutional and Communal Creativity: Local Discourse and English-Language Creative Writing in Hong Kong.' Hong Kong Discourse, edited by Magdalen Ki and Wayne Liang, Brill, forthcoming.
    • Quah, Helen, and Antony Huen. 'Common Ground.' State of Play: Poets of East & Southeast Asian Heritage in Conversation, edited by Eddie Tay and Jennifer Wong, Out-Spoken, Oct 2023, pp. 65-82.
    • Huen, Antony. 'Texts for Teaching Poetry Writing for Language Learning.' Exploring Creative Writing, edited by Graeme Harper, Cambridge Scholars, 2016, pp. 133-146.


    • Huen, Antony, and Felix Chow. 'Cosmopolitan Hybridity, Cultural Memory and Curation in Hong Kong Poetry'. Writing Chinese: A Journal of Contemporary Sinophone Literature, vol. 2, no. 1, 2023, pp. 34-65. White Rose University Press, doi: 10.22599/wcj.43.
    • Huen, Antony. 'Transculturalism, Transformation and the Visual Arts in Contemporary British Women's Poetry'. Women: A Cultural Review, vol. 33, no. 4, 2022 (published in Mar. 2023), pp. 414-431. Taylor & Francis, doi: 10.1080/09574042.2023.2183623. [The Women Poetry Prize] [ESCI]
    • Huen, Antony. 'The Hong Kong Moment: A Diasporic Poetics with the British Poetics'. PN Review, vol. 49, no. 3, Jan-Feb 2023, pp. 59-63. ProQuest, proquest.com/scholarly-journals/hong-kong-moment-diasporic-poetics-within-british/docview/2781734550/se-2.
    • Havolli, Dan, Antony Huen, and Sarah Pyke. Review of Patrick Collier's Teaching English Literature in the Real World (Bloomsbury). English: Journal of the English Association, vol. 71, no. 273, Jul. 2022, pp. 175-187. Oxford Journals, doi: 10.1093/english/efac014. [English Roundtable Book Review] [AHCI]
    • Huen, Antony. Review of Painting Words: Aesthetics and the Relationship between Image and Text (Routledge). Early Popular Visual Culture, vol. 20, no. 1, Jul. 2022, pp. 85-87. Taylor & Francis, doi: 10.1080/17460654.2021.2001735. [AHCI]
    • Huen, Antony. 'Chinese and City Aesthetics: A Conversation with Jennifer Wong'. World Literature Today, vol. 96, no. 3, May 2022, pp. 49-53. Project Muse, doi: 10.1353/wlt.2022.0121. [AHCI]
    • Huen, Antony. 'The 'Old Hong Kong' and 'A Gold-Sifting Bird': Hong Kong and Chinese Ekphrasis in Contemporary British Poetry.' Wasafiri, vol. 37, no. 1, Feb. 2022, pp. 13-21. Taylor & Francis, doi: 10.1080/02690055.2022.1999653. [winner of the inaugural Wasafiri Essay Prize] [AHCI]
    • Huen, Antony. 'Cantonese Songs of Experience.' Hong Kong Review of Books, Sept. 2021, hkrbooks.com/2021/09/29/hkrb-cantonese-songs-of-experience.
    • Huen, Antony. 'Odes to Touch.' The Oxonian Review, Aug. 2020, oxonianreview.com/articles/odes-to-touch.
    • Huen, Antony. 'Photographs, Photography and the Photographer: A Conversation with George Szirtes.' Wasafiri, vol. 34, no. 3, Aug. 2019, pp. 59-63. Taylor & Francis, doi: 10.1080/02690055.2019.1613016. [AHCI]
    • Huen, Antony. 'Tamar Yoseloff as Ekphrasist, and Her Hidden Sweetheart.' Humanities, vol. 8, no. 2 (Article 77), Apr. 2019, pp. 1-10. MDPI, doi: 10.3390/h8020077. [featured in the special issue: The Sister Arts Since 1900: Poetry and the Visual Arts] [ESCI]
    • Huen, Antony. 'Questions of the PhD.' Hong Kong Studies, vol. 1, no. 2, Sept. 2018, pp. 179-183, cup.cuhk.edu.hk/chinesepress/journal/HKS1.2/HKS1.2_179-183.pdf.


    • Adjudicator - Sing Tao Inter-School Debating Competition (2013-Present); ELTU Creative Writing Competition (2022, 2023); Hong Kong Arts Symposium Competition (2023)
    • Consultant - United College Toastmasters Club, CUHK (2012-Present); Department of Literature and Cultural Studies, the Education University of Hong Kong (2021)
    • Examiner - Hong Kong Arts Development Council (HKADC) (2023-Present)
    • Guest Speaker - Cúirt International Festival of Literature (2017); Dialogues for Artists in a Changing World (2021); Hong Kong International Literary Festival (2021, 2023); One City One Book Hong Kong (2020); Poetics of Home – A Chinese Diaspora Poetry Festival (2021); National Association of Writers in Education Conference (2023)
    • MA Supervisor - Department of English, CUHK (2020-2022)
    • Peer Reviewer - Textual Practice [AHCI]; Wasafiri [AHCI]; Hong Kong Studies
    • Review Committee Member - The European Conference on Arts & Humanities – London (2023)
    • Workshop Speaker - Hoi Ping Chamber of Commerce Secondary School (2013); Maryknoll Convent School (2018); St. Mark's School (2018); Law Ting Pong Secondary School (2019)



    Modified Date: 15 Jul, 2024
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