About Business School Alumni Network (BSAN)

Established by the Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration (B&A School) of Hong Kong Metropolitan University (HKMU), Business School Alumni Network (BSAN) is dedicated to extending our support for HKMU business students beyond their graduation. We aim to:

Build alumni involvement to and engagement with B&A School through provision of services and support to alumni members.

Facilitate the personal and professional development of B&A students beyond graduation.

Serve as the communication bridge between the School's alumni and the University.

Create opportunities for alumni members to network with their peers and the School.

  • Build alumni involvement to and engagement with B&A School through provision of services and support to alumni members;
  • Facilitate the personal and professional development of B&A students beyond graduation;
  • Serve as the communication bridge between the School's alumni and the University; and
  • Create opportunities for alumni members to network with their peers and the School.