Staff Profile

Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration Key Staff Staff Profile
Dr. Li Chi Keung Kevin 李志強博士
BBA (Hons) HKUST, MSc HKUST, DBA Macquarie University
Assistant Professor
Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration


Dr. Kevin Li received his BBA (1st Class Hons) in Accounting and MSc in Economics from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and Doctor of Business and Administration from the Macquarie Graduate School of Management (MGSM) of the Macquarie University. Before joining HKMU, he had worked in the industry on financial/ management accounting, auditing and business analysis.

His research interests include portfolio management, financial analysis, financial accounting and reporting, management accounting and corporate governance.

Teaching Areas & Research Interests

  • Financial Accounting, Management and Cost Accounting
  • Taxation
  • Corporate Governance
  • Portfolio Management
  • Investment and Financial Management

Academic & Professional Experience

Member, Beta Gamma Sigma (HKUST Chapter)

Selected Publications

Journal Articles

  • Ho, A. W. M., & Li, K. C. K. (2023). Big Data Measures of Environmental Concern. The Journal of Applied Business and Economics, 25(6), 42-46.
  • Chi Keung Li, K., Wai Ming Ho, A., & Hing Chuen Poon, A. (2021). The Effects of Independent Non-Executive Directors (INED) on Company Performance. Journal of Applied Business & Economics, 23(6).
  • Tsui, C. S. K., & Li, K. C. K. (2021). IPO Underpricing and Prospectus Readability: A Machine Learning Approach. The Journal of Applied Business and Economics, 23(7), 151-159.
  • Ho, A. W. M., & Li, K. C. K. (2020). The Effects of Financial Regulation on Cost Efficiency: Evidence From the Hong Kong Banking Industry. Journal of Applied Business & Economics, 22(12).
  • Chi-Keung Li, K., Ng, E. C., & Wai-Ho Leung, B. (2020). The Role of Recession Forecasts and F-score in Predicting Credit Risks. Journal of Accounting & Finance (2158-3625), 20(6).
  • Li, K. C.-K., Wong, T. M.-H., & Leung, B. W.-H. (2019). The Application of the Further Enhanced Permanent Portfolio in the Long Term Investment and Retirement Scheme. Journal of Accounting and Finance, 19(6)
  • Li, K. C.-K., & Wong, T. M.-H. (2018). The application of permanent portfolio in financial management and retirement scheme. GSTF Journal on Business Review (GBR), 5(3).
  • Wong, T. M.-H., & Li, K. C.-K. (2018). Can we make the permanent portfolio even better by rebalancing more frequently or by changing the rebalancing day? The Jounral of Accounting and Finance, Volume 18 (4), 7.
  • Li, K. C.-K. and B. W.-H. Leung (2018). The application of the further enahanced permanent portfolio in the long term investment and retirement scheme. IIBG- Conference on Ethics, Responsible Business & Sustainable Development, OUHK, Institute of International Business & Governance (IIBG) of The Open University of Hong Kong 2: 14.
  • Wong, T. M.-H. and K. C.-K. Li (2015). A Portfolio for All Seasons: Does it Make Sense? International Conference on Accounting and Finance (AT). Proceedings, Global Science and Technology Forum: 15.

Selected Professional & Community Services

  • ACCA HK Student Affairs sub-committee member

Modified Date: 18 Jul, 2024
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