Staff Profile

Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration Key Staff Staff Profile
Mr. Kwok Chun Ming Louis 郭俊明先生
BBA(Hons) CityU
Senior Lecturer
Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration



Louis has extensive experience in tertiary education, academic management, and quality assurance in higher education. Before joining HKMU, he was the programme leader of a programme at a leading tertiary institute in Hong Kong, where he oversaw multiple projects of programme accreditation and revalidation, new programme development, and programme leadership. Before joining tertiary education, he worked as an HR professional in training & development, performance management, and talent management from various sizable companies.

Teaching Areas & Research Interests

  • Human Resource Management
  • Training & Talent Management
  • Talent Analytics

Academic & Professional Experience

Working in the tertiary education field for more than 15 years, he experienced a fruitful and meaningful career providing training to and accompanying business administration and human resource management students. Louis has awarded the Inspirational Teaching Award in 2023 from Sheffield Hallam University for his passionate to students. He successfully trained many students where they acquired the academic achievement to have better personal and career development. Louis is well-trained to be student-centered, caring, assertive, and innovative to enrich the effectiveness of the class delivery.

Selected Publications

Journal Articles

  • Hong Kong Job Market Magazine (17 May 2024): 港漂實錄:文化篇
  • Hong Kong Job Market Magazine (1 December 2023): 大灣區職場有沒有「進修增值」這回事?
  • Hong Kong Job Market Magazine (14 July 2023): 重新起步:年輕人投身大灣區工作之途徑
  • Hong Kong Job Market Magazine (9 December 2022): 不同年齡層員工如何「因材施教」?

Selected Professional & Community Services

  • Fellow Member of Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management (HKIHRM)
  • Professional Member & Co-opt Member of Hong Kong People Management Association (HKPMA)
  • Member of Institute of Training Professionals (ITP)

Modified Date: 22 May, 2024
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