Staff Profile

Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration Key Staff Staff Profile
Dr. Lee Yee Sum Louisa 李綺芯博士
BSc (Hons) PolyU, MPhil PolyU, PhD James Cook University
Certified Hospitality Educator (CHE)
Head of Global Business and Marketing
Associate Professor
Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration


Dr. Louisa Yee Sum Lee holds the position of Associate Professor and Head of Global Business and Marketing at the Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration, Hong Kong Metropolitan University. She earned her Ph.D. in Tourism Management from James Cook University, Australia as well as her M.Phil. and undergraduate degrees from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Before joining academia, Louisa gained valuable industry experience working at a business hotel in Hong Kong and at the Pacific Asia Travel Association in Thailand. She also provided consultancy services to Tourism Port Douglas and Daintree, Australia. These experiences inspired her research interests, which centre on tourists' experiences and cultural heritage management. Her work has been published in reputable journals and has received a competitive research grant from the Hong Kong Research Grants Council. Since 2018, she has been serving on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Tourism Futures and is a technical advisor (Tourism) of the Employees Retraining Board in Hong Kong. Louisa is also a board member for The Asia-Pacific Council on Hotel, Restaurant & Institutional Education (APacCHRIE) and a Certified Hospitality Educator awarded by the American Hotel and Lodging Association Educational Institute.
Louisa is currently a Visiting Academic Fellow at the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom. 

Teaching Areas & Research Interests

  • Cultural Heritage Management
  • Urban Tourism
  • Service Quality

Academic & Professional Experience

Research Grants

Are city tourism destinations prepared for the touristification of their intangible cultural heritage? (Principal Investigator) – Funded HK$540,600 by Faculty Development Scheme (FDS) of Research Grants Council (RGC), January 2019  – June 2021.


Book Chapter

Lee, L.Y.S. & Pearce, L.P. (2021). Creating an enabling tourism development environment: The future of Bangkok. In Dieke, P., King, B., & Sharpley, R. (Eds). Tourism in Development: Reflective Essays (pp.147-158). Wallingford, United Kindgom: CABI International.


Selected Publications

Journal Articles

  • Lee, L.Y.S. (2023). Fashioning tourism future for visiting large cities. Journal of Tourism Futures, 9(3), 381-392.
  • Lee, L.Y.S. (2022). Community of practice: The making of knowledge dynamic in intangible cultural heritage. International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 17(3), 338-350.
  • Prideaux, B., Lee, L.Y.S., & Tsang, N. (2018). A comparison of photo-taking and online-sharing behaviors of mainland Chinese and Western theme park visitors based on generation membership. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 24(1), 29-43.
  • Tsai, H., Hsu, C.H., & Lee, L.Y.S. (2017). A casino-induced satisfaction of needs: scale development and its relationship with casino customer loyalty. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 34(7), 986-1000.
  • Lee, L.Y.S. (2016). Hospitality industry web-based self-service technology adoption model: A cross-cultural perspective. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 40(2), 162-197.
  • Tsang, N., Lee, L.Y.S., & Qu, H. (2015). Service quality research on China's hospitality and tourism industry. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 27(3), 473-497.

Selected Professional & Community Services

  • Technical Advisor (Tourism), Employees Retraining Board
  • Board member, The Asia-Pacific Council on Hotel, Restaurant & Institutional Education
  • Editorial board member, Journal of Tourism Futures
  • Ad hoc reviewer for Tourism Management, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research and Journal of China Tourism Research
  • Youth Tourism Professional, Pacific Asia Travel Association

Modified Date: 21 Jun, 2024
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