Master of Business Administration (through Pathway 1)

Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration Programme Information Master of Business Administration (through Pathway 1)

Programme Information for New Students

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Master of Business Administration (through Pathway 1)
Programme description
Programme requirements
Choosing the first courses to get started

Programme description

This programme is designed for practising managers who want to enhance their ability and skills as they prepare for senior managerial positions. This programme helps students develop the strategic perspective, analytical skills and state-of-the-art knowledge in the main functional areas of business and management that are essential for managing organizations operating in increasingly dynamic and complex environments. This programme features courses adapted from the highly-regarded MBA offered by the Open University (UK), and purpose-designed, locally-developed courses focusing on business issues in Hong Kong and China.

Programme intended learning outcomes

  1. Critically review the development and logic behind the main ideas, frameworks and theories of business and management.
  2. Critically evaluate basic analytical tools of management and apply these tools to make informed judgements.
  3. Make contributions as a leader and member in a team setting and communicate effectively as a business executive with people from diverse backgrounds.
  4. Use a strategic perspective to manage an organization effectively within the internal and external environment, taking into account of ethical and sustainability issues.

Programme requirements

Programme-specific entry requirement:

A recognized Master's Degree in business or a related area (or its equivalent).

Students pursuing this programme must successfully complete at least 40 credits as follows:

30 credits from:
Course code
(Click the course
code for details)
Course title Credits Level
BUS B859 Applied Business Project 20 Postgraduate
MGT B820 Strategy 10 Postgraduate
(b) 10 credits from courses:
Course code
(Click the course
code for details)
Course title Credits Level
ACT B861 Accounting for Corporations  5 Postgraduate
ACT B864 Tax Framework 5 Postgraduate
ACT B865 Strategic Management Accounting 5 Postgraduate
BUS B899 Business and Entrepreneurship Project 10 Postgraduate
CGV B898 Issues in Corporate Governance 10 Postgraduate
FIN B862 Treasury and Financial Management 5 Postgraduate
IB B890 International Management Strategy 10 Postgraduate
IB B891 International Marketing Strategy 10 Postgraduate
IB B893 Strategic Issues for Management in the Asia Pacific Region 10 Postgraduate
Corporate Law
5 Postgraduate
For details of Professional recognition, click here.

Choosing the first courses to get started

Students taking the Master of Business Administration programme are advised to start with MGT B820 Strategy.



For enquiries about the programmes, please contact:

Tel: 2768 6940

Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration website

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