Centre for Entrepreneurship

Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration Research Institute of International Business and Governance Centre for Entrepreneurship

The Centre for Entrepreneurship (CE) has been established under IIBG with the objective to strengthen the research capacity and consolidate research output in three selected strategic areas: 1) innovation; 2) sustainability; and 3) entrepreneurship which have an encompassing role in the innovation and corporate sustainability research of the Institute. The centre brings together the international research community, the business world, academia, and the other two research centres CIB and CRB to develop a research network to foster collaborations for conducting applied research. Both hardware and software have been developed to boost the research capability of the IIBG as follows:

A database comprising a broad range of data to facilitate and foster relevant research projects will be developed. Primary and secondary data on variables concerning global innovation for firms in Greater China are collected, emphasizing industries in IT, electronics and telecommunications.

Annual research activities such as seminars, workshops and focus groups are organized for companies to cultivate collaborations between academia and industry. Through all of the above activities, IIBG strengthens its connection with the business world to collect data, explore possible partnership, and form a network of panels of professionals and business executives.