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CHAN Ching Hsiang Adrian

Graduate of BBA (Hons) in Finance (2021)

Despite a tumultuous past two years caused by the unprecedented impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, I have completed a Bachelor's Degree in Finance.  When I first began studying at OUHK in 2017, I was unsure about how to make the most of my four years here. However, I knew that I wanted to develop my technical and interpersonal skills, as well as identify the career that I wanted to pursue.  

In my very first lecture at OUHK, Dr. Irene Siaw made me aware of the A-Team Student Development Programme along with the various competitions available for university students to demonstrate their abilities. These events also allow extensive networking with industry professionals.

I was inspired and I set a goal to achieve and maintain the GPA requirements to become part of the A-Team. Furthermore, I had the opportunity to gain access to several merit-based scholarships offered by the Hong Kong Government and OUHK.  These included the HKSAR Self-Financing Post-Secondary Scholarship Scheme Outstanding Performance Scholarship and the Talent Development Scholarship, as well as OUHK's Most Outstanding Student Award.

As part of the A-Team, many professors from the business school as well as my professional mentors, namely Dr. Rocky Tung and Mr. Donald Chan, continuously offered their support towards my pursuit for success during local and international competitions.  The results were impressive.  During my time at OUHK, I won multiple competitions including the HSBC/HKU Business Case Competition Hong Kong (2021), CFA Ethics Essay (2020), IEEE/GeS Computational Finance Competition (2018) and placing among the global finalists of the Credit Suisse x EquitySim Asia Pacific Investment Challenge (2019), in addition to the National Investment Banking Competition (2019/2020).

Through these experiences, especially participating in case competitions and professional networking opportunities, I have found the career path I want to pursue, improved key skills, and made life-long friends and mentors.  I would say my time at OUHK was a success in that I achieved the goals I set out to achieve here.




专业会计荣誉工商管理学士毕业生 (2021)


在大学三年级的时候,经商学院的安排下,我在立信德豪会计师事务所(BDO)的审计部门进行了为期三个月的春季实习。 BDO是全港第五大的会计师事务所,我在这里工作不但得到专业同事与上司的指导,而且能从处理大规模企业的审计工作中拓宽视野。这三个月的实习经验加深了我对审计程序的认知及对行业的了解,并且发掘了自己对这行业的浓厚兴趣。不论是接触不同行业的客户,或是运用逻辑批判思维去核数,都是我十分向往的事情。在实习期间,我参加了公司为实习生而设的「BDO最佳实习生奖学金比赛」,并且获得冠军,令我在毕业后获公司优先聘任,实在非常难得!




KALATHIYA Simran Sanjaybhai

Graduate of BBA in International Business (2021)

It is hard to tell you how fruitful my 3-year university life in only a few hundred words.

This year, I have the opportunity to be the President of OUHK Chapter in the Golden Key International Honour Society. As the first honour society in Hong Kong, we were delighted to introduce a new platform for business students' professional and personal development. The committee organised a series of online seminars including the “Study Tips & Tricks” seminar, in which the international Golden Key members and OUHK academics shared with students about the best techniques in achieving good grades in study, and the ways to deal with anxiety and stress before exams. I was excited to organise this useful online seminar for students during the pandemic.

As the Youth Ambassador of Hong Kong, I was also given the opportunity to visit Seoul, South Korea, to learn from youths across the world about how they deal with issues in their countries. Throughout the trip we were reminded that the youths are “the future of nation” who have the power to “ignite change and make a difference”. We joined a brainstorming workshop organised by the Home Affairs Bureau to experience the complicated process in setting government policies and present a report suggesting short-term and long-term policies at the end of the workshop. From the workshop, we have learnt how to research independently, think critically, and develop leadership skills.

With the encouragement of the school, I was glad to obtain the HSBC GBA Scholarship Award 2021. I am very thankful to OUHK for encouraging me to take part in different types of activities and competitions. I have truly seen a huge development, both professionally and personally, in myself. Thanks to OUHK and to my professors who have motivated me!

Advice to students:

Your professors teach you the necessary business knowledge, however, it is important to solidify your business acumen through participating in business competitions. Through competitions, you learn how different people think and the expectations of the judges (or your future employers). They    are great occasions for networking. Learning about the career journey from business professionals can also provide insight to your future career.

Moreover, do develop empathy and people skills through contributing back to our community. Community service sculpted my personal character and instilled the foundation of my ethics. Volunteering helps you introspect while bringing value to the community.

Say “Yes” to everything that comes your way…trust me and you won't regret!




专业会计荣誉工商管理学士毕业生 (2021)

在大学三年级的春季学期时,学校安排同学到不同的公司进行实习。 我很荣幸得到四间会计师事务所的实习机会,当中包括安永会计师事务所(EY)、罗兵咸永道会计师事务所(PwC)、立信德豪会计师事务所(BDO)和国卫会计师事务所(HLB)。当时,我选择了安永会计师事务所,并完成了为期三个多月的实习。我十分感激学校安排同学在夏季暑假补课,好让我们安心参与实习,不用担心延期毕业。

在短短三个月的实习期内,我在金融服务审计部门工作,为银行及上市证券公司提供审计服务。我参与了一系列的审计程序,包括证实分析性程序、抽样检查、向第三方索取确认函,以及审视客户的工作流程和准备审计报告等等。在疫情下,我获公司安排在家工作。由于没有上司一直从旁协助,每当遇到问题,我需要先尝试自行解决,令我的解难能力和独立工作能力得以提升。同时,我亦得到与客户单独会面的机会。透过与客户的紧密沟通,我学习到如何更有效率地取得审计所需的文件及资讯,对日后完成审计工作有莫大的帮助。此外,我对银行的日常运作有了更深入的了解,例如如何为银行报税,以及银行如何评估潜在客户的信誉。在实习完结时,我很高兴获经理的赏识,向合伙人推荐我,最后亦获得了聘任录取通知书 (return offer) ,令我在毕业后可重回安永会计师事务所,继续从事审计工作。



TAM Shu Kiu Michelle

Graduate of Bachelor of International Hospitality and Attractions Management (2021)

Time flies. It felt like yesterday when I first joined The Open University of Hong Kong. I have gained a lot of precious experiences and memories throughout my four years of University life.

Studying International Hospitality and Attractions Management provided me the opportunity to join the Management Trainee Programme. I completed my internship in Mira Moon and The Mira Hong Kong in Year 1 and Year 2 respectively. Apart from studying from books, these were precious opportunities for me to know the hotel industry better. I was able to learn about the operation and work flow of the food and beverage department and the front office department.

During the pandemic, the School arranged an internship opportunity called “Career Headstart Programme” for us. I interned in a new hotel, The Hari Hong Kong. This was a valuable yet challenging opportunity as we were part of the pre-opening team of the hotel. I assisted in the Human Resources Department during the internship, and provided support to the team which established workplace policies, rules and regulations for the staff. This experience definitely enabled me to gain invaluable insight into the workings of the hotel industry.

Another memorable experience in my study was when I set up a new student society at OUHK, namely “Hospitality and Tourism Management Society”. I was honoured to be the President and to take the initiative to establish this new society for all students who study hospitality and tourism-related programmes. I learnt a lot throughout the process, especially when organizing activities and liaising with students of different backgrounds. My leadership and communication skills have been significantly improved.

To conclude, don't be shy and join more school activities. Treasure every chance that comes your way, for you to learn and grow. Don’t hesitate to ask, and all the teachers are willing to help. I am really glad that I was given so many opportunities to join various internships and activities during my university life in OUHK.




Graduate of BBA (Hons) in Business Intelligence & Analytics (2020)

I finally did it! Despite the breaks due to social unrest and pandemic Covid-19, I completed my Bachelor's in Business Intelligence and Analytics. In 2016, when I joined OUHK, I was skeptical about my decision in choosing this course even though I had an interest in technology. However, after spending four years, I equipped myself with more advanced skills and became more confident.

I enjoy using technology to analyze the business situations,. Its power I have experienced in the programme has consolidated my interest in becoming a data analyst/ data scientist. Undoubtedly, the major driving factor was my professors who helped me in gaining not only skills, but also a thorough understanding of the industry.

In addition, being a part of 'to A-Team Student Development Programme provided me with further guidance and assistance through various activities including extra training and seminars and meetings with mentors from professional sectors. All these have contributed much to my professional knowledge, networking skills and personal growth. In fact, I am still in touch with my first mentor from CFA Institute, who encouraged me to attend CFA seminars to understand the finance world better.

Internship: A steppingstone to gain first-hand insights

Last summer, I was offered an internship in 'Holiday in -Asia Miles' as a finance intern through school after intensive and highly competitive rounds of interview. This gave me a chance to see the financial world.  The practical courses at OUHK enables my competence in picking up the job duties quickly with confidence. During my internship, I helped Holiday Inn with auditing duties, creating balance sheets and reports, and analysing the financial models.. This internship was a valuable experience for me as it not only gave me a first-hand experience but also helped me in understanding whether finance is something I want as my career.

Competitions: Believing in yourself

With the help of the school I was able to join numerous business competitions. I was in top 20 for the HKCPA – HK and Macau business case study competitions and the finalist in 'Classified Post Hackathon- 2019' in which we were required to build a solution to a real-life business problem within 24 hours. I am grateful for the extra training and guidance the school provided all the way for themultiple case studies. Though I could not win the business competition, these experiences helped me identify my weaknesses and understand how I should transform them into strengths. I am glad I did not give up trying, believed in myself and worked harder to ensure that my ideas were well delivered and professionally presented.  I did have a vision and confidence in my start-up ideas! As a result, I won the 'Best- FinTech Startup Idea' award both in the Hong Kong and International Blockchain Olympiad 2020.

Scholarships: Recognizing the talent

Apart from taking part in competitions, I have also joined a numerous local and international Chess tournaments. I received an internationally recognized title of 'Chess Master' in the World Chess Olympiad 2018. For my passion about chess and past achievements, part of the travel expenses for the competition was covered by “Hong Kong Chiu Chow Chamber of Commerce Ltd. – Winnie Ko Student Exchange Fund”.

Overall, my four years in OUHK is memorable as I gained job skills, improved my networking skills, met amazing people and made life-long friends. I feel I am fully ready for the challenges ahead.



WONG Wai Yee Amy

Graduate of BBA(Hons) in Professional Accounting (2020)

It is the most treasurable gift as a part of OUHK.

After the four years of study in OUHK, knowledge and practical experiences have been gained through the lecturing by the fabulous professors and the internship opportunities. Thanks go to the school for granting me two internship opportunities in two audit firms which are HLB Hodgson Impey Cheng and RSM Hong Kong. Opportunities come to those who are prepared. The internship strengthened my foundation in accounting knowledge and built my practical work experience for better preparing me to thrive in the rapidly changing world. I am very glad to be granted a return offer from RSM and I feel I am fully ready for developing an audit career in RSM. All thanks go to the instructions and guidance given by all professors and tutors.

OUHK has helped me not only build my career path, but also nurture my all-round development. He that travels far knows much. Thanks to the school scholarship schemes, I had the opportunity to go to England and France. The study tour has broadened my horizons. I would also like to thank the professors and tutors for their guidance and support , without which I would not have won the  second runner-up in Tax Debate Competition. It was my honour to represent OUHK in an open competition. The joy and smiley faces of the professors and teammates at that moment are still vividly remembered. I am grateful for everything OUHK has given me.

The years spent at OUHK have been the most meaningful time of my life. Thank you once again, all the wonderful professors and tutors. Your love and support have made my life complete. The end is just the beginning of a new journey. I hope all graduates will become all-rounded and socially responsible individuals, and with all they have learnt achieve their life goals. Best wishes to all graduates, teachers, and OUHK.



CASINO Abigail Hilario

Graduate of BBA (Hons) in Global Business and Marketing (2020)

The cliché is true – time flies. I remember my first day on campus as if it were just yesterday.

The past four years was a series of highs and lows. There were days that felt like workload from assignments and presentations kept piling up and would never end. Other times, it would be better with some school and business activities like the ACCA annual dinner and A-team leadership training camp. As the years passed, the days got busier but being busy is often a blessing. All the challenges in academic work and maintaining a balance between part-time work and school ultimately taught me resilience, diligence and focus.

My summer internship at CFA Institute is one of the most fruitful and experiential events in my university life. As a marketing intern, it was exciting to finally be able to apply theories from the lecture halls to my actual work – Suddenly, all the lectures made sense! Additionally, my interpersonal skills and time management have been most definitely improved thanks to my busy schedule and deadlines. I was also able to expand my network and better understand what I wanted to do in my career.

During my final year, lectures and classes went online– a new and unique experience for everyone. Despite the difficulties, all my professors were very understanding and patient toward us. Just like every year, the professors guided us through and were always willing to help during consultation hours. Sometimes they even seemed a lot more like friends than teachers. Thank you!

Truthfully, I genuinely enjoyed my four years more than I expected. Looking back, if I were to advise any new students, I would tell them not to underestimate OUHK. Seize any opportunity that is thrown your way and make the best of it! You would never know how much you would enjoy a learning experience until it happens! Who knows? – It might even be a big part of your journey.




专业会计荣誉工商管理学士毕业生 (2020)


在大学第三年的下学期,有幸得到老师的帮忙和鼓励,参加秋季实习计划,当中有过百名同学被分配到不同的知名会计师楼,进行为期四个月的实习,体验会计师楼在高峰期工作的滋味。当时,我被分发到中瑞岳华会计师事务所(RSM HK)的审计部门实习,在短短四个月的实习,可为一些大型公司提供服务,当中也学会了很多事情,由刚到公司对审计行业一无所知,到最后能够处理不同的审计工作。




桂凌青 (来自江西九江)

商业管理学荣誉工商管理学士毕业生 (2020)





专业会计荣誉工商管理学士毕业生 (2019)





商业智能及分析学荣誉工商管理学士毕业生 (2019)




企业管治荣誉工商管理学士毕业生 (2018)




企业管治荣誉工商管理学士毕业生 (2018)

光阴似箭,我从公开大学毕业至今已三年了,但踏入大学的一点一滴仍然历历在目。有幸得到导师们谆谆教导,令我不论在知识上或是技能上都获益良多。在大学期间,学校给我多元的学习机会,让我装备好自己,在毕业后随即加入卓佳集团旗下的Tricor Services Limited 发展自己的事业。集团全球共有47个办事处,为世界各地超过50,000多个客户提供专业证券登记业务、商业管理及企业秘书服务等。我十分庆幸在开展职业生涯的时候加入这间极具规模的公司,得到很多宝贵的机会接触不同的公司客户(当中更包括大型上市企业),从而扩阔自身的眼界。



Alumni of BBA(Hons) in Business Management (2014)

Born and raised in Hong Kong, I received an offer through JUPAS in 2011 to study Business Management at OUHK. Today, I work at UBS as a Business Manager within the APAC Regional President's Office supporting our Group COO – where I get to work with stakeholders in driving the implementation of cross-divisional initiatives and the region's priorities. As you all are about to start your university life, I hope you find my sharing and views both helpful and empowering.

Below are 3 things I did consistently throughout my university life. They have not only brought me to where I am today but continue to be actions I remember to follow as I climb the career ladder.

  1. Explore & Reflect: Spend a lot of time thinking not only about your dream profession after graduation but ultimately who you want to be, and how you will serve others. As someone who has interviewed and worked with interns before, the answers to those questions are far more important than you can ever imagine. I've never asked interns in interviews to explain a test score. Instead, they have to show the kind of person they are by answering questions like “Are you a hard worker?”, “Are you reliable?”, “Are you open to other viewpoints?”,  “Have you stepped outside of your comfort zone before?”.
  2. Show Up: A large amount and varieties of programs are constantly available at our University – from competitions to workshops to exchange programs. You have a lot of flexibility and freedom during study – I managed my time well and showed up to almost every single event I came across. To name a few – I was part of The Shanghai Open University International Students Exchange Program, the HK Outstanding Business Student Award, HSBC Asia-Pacific Business Case Competition etc. It was never about winning, it was about showing up and having something to take away. My takeaways were either being awarded the competition prize, expanding my network by meeting more people or learning more about the industry I wanted to get into. Show up and it'll be worth it.
  3. Plan, Plan & Plan: Always have a game plan on how you're going to get to your destination and ensure you have back up plans too. Outline every possible action you'll need to take – e.g. researching on companies and their opportunities, following dates of internship/graduate trainee applications, CV and interview preparations etc. It is very normal to feel demoralized when you face rejections and it's fine if you want to spend time being upset about it but know that afterwards you'll have to pull up your socks, look at your plan and switch gears to your back up option. Despite all the efforts, I did not have a job offer when I just graduated but I did have an Internship lined up that summer with Ernst & Young (won this through a competition) and I focused my efforts on making that experience count and planning my next steps.

Looking back at my journey, I'm grateful for the ups and downs, rejections, pushbacks, hurdles and how they've shaped me. By showing up no matter what and planning ahead – I've proved that with a strong motivational drive you can turn your situation around. A working career is some 75,000 hours at a desk – I strongly suggest doing something you enjoy. To all new students, I wish you all the success. Enjoy your days in university. Make your journey count!



CHAN Ching Hsiang Adrian

Alumni of BBA (Hons) in Finance (2021)

Despite a tumultuous past two years caused by the unprecedented impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, I have completed a Bachelor's Degree in Finance.  When I first began studying at OUHK in 2017, I was unsure about how to make the most of my four years here. However, I knew that I wanted to develop my technical and interpersonal skills, as well as to identify the career that I wanted to pursue.  

In my very first lecture at OUHK, Dr. Irene Siaw made me aware of the A-Team Student Development Programme along with the various competitions available for university students to demonstrate their abilities. These events also allow extensive networking with industry professionals.

I was inspired and I set a goal to achieve and maintain the GPA requirements to become part of the A-Team. Furthermore, I had the opportunity to gain access to several merit-based scholarships offered by the Hong Kong Government and OUHK.  These included the HKSAR Self-Financing Post-Secondary Scholarship Scheme Outstanding Performance Scholarship and the Talent Development Scholarship, as well as OUHK's Most Outstanding Student Award.

As part of the A-Team, many professors from the business school as well as my professional mentors, namely Dr. Rocky Tung and Mr. Donald Chan, continuously offered their support towards my pursuit for success during local and international competitions.  The results were impressive.  During my time at OUHK, I won multiple competitions including the HSBC/HKU Business Case Competition Hong Kong (2021), CFA Ethics Essay (2020), IEEE/GeS Computational Finance Competition (2018) and placing among the global finalists of the Credit Suisse x EquitySim Asia Pacific Investment Challenge (2019), in addition to the National Investment Banking Competition (2019/2020).

Through these experiences, especially participating in case competitions and professional networking opportunities, I have found the career path I want to pursue, improved key skills, and made life-long friends and mentors.  I would say my time at OUHK was a success in that I achieved the goals I set out to achieve here.


專業會計榮譽工商管理學士畢業生 (2021)






KALATHIYA Simran Sanjaybhai

Alumni of BBA in International Business (2021)

It is hard to tell you how fruitful my 3-year university life in only a few hundred words.

This year, I have the opportunity to be the President of OUHK Chapter in the Golden Key International Honour Society. As the first honour society in Hong Kong, we were delighted to introduce a new platform for business students' professional and personal development. The committee organised a series of online seminars including the “Study Tips & Tricks” seminar, in which the international Golden Key members and OUHK academics shared with students about the best techniques in achieving good grades in study, and the ways to deal with anxiety and stress before exams. I was excited to organise this useful online seminar for students during the pandemic.

As the Youth Ambassador of Hong Kong, I was also given the opportunity to visit Seoul, South Korea, to learn from youths across the world about how they deal with issues in their countries. Throughout the trip we were reminded that the youths are “the future of nation” who have the power to “ignite change and make a difference”. We joined a brainstorming workshop organised by the Home Affairs Bureau to experience the complicated process in setting government policies and present a report suggesting short-term and long-term policies at the end of the workshop. From the workshop, we have learnt how to research independently, think critically, and develop leadership skills.

With the encouragement of the school, I was glad to obtain the HSBC GBA Scholarship Award 2021. I am very thankful to OUHK for encouraging me to take part in different types of activities and competitions. I have truly seen a huge development, both professionally and personally, in myself. Thanks to OUHK and to my professors who have motivated me!

Advice to students:

Your professors teach you the necessary business knowledge, however, it is important to solidify your business acumen through participating in business competitions. Through competitions, you learn how different people think and the expectations of the judges (or your future employers). They    are great occasions for networking. Learning about the career journey from business professionals can also provide insight to your future career.

Moreover, do develop empathy and people skills through contributing back to our community. Community service sculpted my personal character and instilled the foundation of my ethics. Volunteering helps you introspect while bringing value to the community.

Say “Yes” to everything that comes your way…trust me and you won't regret!


專業會計榮譽工商管理學士畢業生 (2021)

在大學三年級的春季學期時,學校安排同學到不同的公司進行實習。 我很榮幸得到四間會計師事務所的實習機會,當中包括安永會計師事務所(EY)、羅兵咸永道會計師事務所(PwC)、立信德豪會計師事務所(BDO)和國衛會計師事務所(HLB)。當時,我選擇了安永會計師事務所,並完成了為期三個多月的實習。我十分感激學校安排同學在夏季暑假補課,好讓我們安心參與實習,不用擔心延期畢業。

在短短三個月的實習期內,我在金融服務審計部門工作,為銀行及上市證券公司提供審計服務。我參與了一系列的審計程序,包括證實分析性程序、抽樣檢查、向第三方索取確認函,以及審視客戶的工作流程和準備審計報告等等。在疫情下,我獲公司安排在家工作。由於沒有上司一直從旁協助,每當遇到問題,我需要先嘗試自行解決,令我的解難能力和獨立工作能力得以提升。同時,我亦得到與客戶單獨會面的機會。透過與客戶的緊密溝通,我學習到如何更有效率地取得審計所需的文件及資訊,對日後完成審計工作有莫大的幫助。此外,我對銀行的日常運作有了更深入的了解,例如如何為銀行報稅,以及銀行如何評估潛在客戶的信譽。在實習完結時,我很高興獲經理的賞識,向合夥人推薦我,最後亦獲得了聘任錄取通知書 (return offer) ,令我在畢業後可重回安永會計師事務所,繼續從事審計工作。



TAM Shu Kiu Michelle

Alumni of Bachelor of International Hospitality and Attractions Management (2021)

Time flies. It felt like yesterday when I first joined The Open University of Hong Kong. I have gained a lot of precious experiences and memories throughout my four years of University life.

Studying International Hospitality and Attractions Management provided me the opportunity to join the Management Trainee Programme. I completed my internship in Mira Moon and The Mira Hong Kong in Year 1 and Year 2 respectively. Apart from studying from books, these were precious opportunities for me to know the hotel industry better. I was able to learn about the operation and work flow of the food and beverage department and the front office department.

During the pandemic, the School arranged an internship opportunity called “Career Headstart Programme” for us. I interned in a new hotel, The Hari Hong Kong. This was a valuable yet challenging opportunity as we were part of the pre-opening team of the hotel. I assisted in the Human Resources Department during the internship, and provided support to the team which established workplace policies, rules and regulations for the staff. This experience definitely enabled me to gain invaluable insight into the workings of the hotel industry.

Another memorable experience in my study was when I set up a new student society at OUHK, namely “Hospitality and Tourism Management Society”. I was honoured to be the President and to take the initiative to establish this new society for all students who study hospitality and tourism-related programmes. I learnt a lot throughout the process, especially when organizing activities and liaising with students of different backgrounds. My leadership and communication skills have been significantly improved.

To conclude, don't be shy and join more school activities. Treasure every chance that comes your way, for you to learn and grow. Don’t hesitate to ask, and all the teachers are willing to help. I am really glad that I was given so many opportunities to join various internships and activities during my university life in OUHK.


Alumni of BBA (Hons) in Business Intelligence & Analytics (2020)

I finally did it! Despite the breaks due to social unrest and pandemic Covid-19, I completed my Bachelor's in Business Intelligence and Analytics. In 2016, when I joined OUHK, I was skeptical about my decision in choosing this course even though I had an interest in technology. However, after spending four years, I equipped myself with more advanced skills and became more confident.

I enjoy using technology to analyze the business situations,. Its power I have experienced in the programme has consolidated my interest in becoming a data analyst/ data scientist. Undoubtedly, the major driving factor was my professors who helped me in gaining not only skills, but also a thorough understanding of the industry.

In addition, being a part of 'to A-Team Student Development Programme provided me with further guidance and assistance through various activities including extra training and seminars and meetings with mentors from professional sectors. All these have contributed much to my professional knowledge, networking skills and personal growth. In fact, I am still in touch with my first mentor from CFA Institute, who encouraged me to attend CFA seminars to understand the finance world better.

Internship: A steppingstone to gain first-hand insights

Last summer, I was offered an internship in 'Holiday in -Asia Miles' as a finance intern through school after intensive and highly competitive rounds of interview. This gave me a chance to see the financial world.  The practical courses at OUHK enables my competence in picking up the job duties quickly with confidence. During my internship, I helped Holiday Inn with auditing duties, creating balance sheets and reports, and analysing the financial models.. This internship was a valuable experience for me as it not only gave me a first-hand experience but also helped me in understanding whether finance is something I want as my career.

Competitions: Believing in yourself

With the help of the school I was able to join numerous business competitions. I was in top 20 for the HKCPA – HK and Macau business case study competitions and the finalist in 'Classified Post Hackathon- 2019' in which we were required to build a solution to a real-life business problem within 24 hours. I am grateful for the extra training and guidance the school provided all the way for themultiple case studies. Though I could not win the business competition, these experiences helped me identify my weaknesses and understand how I should transform them into strengths. I am glad I did not give up trying, believed in myself and worked harder to ensure that my ideas were well delivered and professionally presented.  I did have a vision and confidence in my start-up ideas! As a result, I won the 'Best- FinTech Startup Idea' award both in the Hong Kong and International Blockchain Olympiad 2020.

Scholarships: Recognizing the talent

Apart from taking part in competitions, I have also joined a numerous local and international Chess tournaments. I received an internationally recognized title of 'Chess Master' in the World Chess Olympiad 2018. For my passion about chess and past achievements, part of the travel expenses for the competition was covered by “Hong Kong Chiu Chow Chamber of Commerce Ltd. – Winnie Ko Student Exchange Fund”.

Overall, my four years in OUHK is memorable as I gained job skills, improved my networking skills, met amazing people and made life-long friends. I feel I am fully ready for the challenges ahead.

WONG Wai Yee Amy

Alumni of BBA(Hons) in Professional Accounting (2020)

It is the most treasurable gift as a part of OUHK.

After the four years of study in OUHK, knowledge and practical experiences have been gained through the lecturing by the fabulous professors and the internship opportunities. Thanks go to the school for granting me two internship opportunities in two audit firms which are HLB Hodgson Impey Cheng and RSM Hong Kong. Opportunities come to those who are prepared. The internship strengthened my foundation in accounting knowledge and built my practical work experience for better preparing me to thrive in the rapidly changing world. I am very glad to be granted a return offer from RSM and I feel I am fully ready for developing an audit career in RSM. All thanks go to the instructions and guidance given by all professors and tutors.

OUHK has helped me not only build my career path, but also nurture my all-round development. He that travels far knows much. Thanks to the school scholarship schemes, I had the opportunity to go to England and France. The study tour has broadened my horizons. I would also like to thank the professors and tutors for their guidance and support , without which I would not have won the  second runner-up in Tax Debate Competition. It was my honour to represent OUHK in an open competition. The joy and smiley faces of the professors and teammates at that moment are still vividly remembered. I am grateful for everything OUHK has given me.

The years spent at OUHK have been the most meaningful time of my life. Thank you once again, all the wonderful professors and tutors. Your love and support have made my life complete. The end is just the beginning of a new journey. I hope all graduates will become all-rounded and socially responsible individuals, and with all they have learnt achieve their life goals. Best wishes to all graduates, teachers, and OUHK.

CASINO Abigail Hilario

Alumni of BBA (Hons) in Global Business and Marketing (2020)

The cliché is true – time flies. I remember my first day on campus as if it were just yesterday.

The past four years was a series of highs and lows. There were days that felt like workload from assignments and presentations kept piling up and would never end. Other times, it would be better with some school and business activities like the ACCA annual dinner and A-team leadership training camp. As the years passed, the days got busier but being busy is often a blessing. All the challenges in academic work and maintaining a balance between part-time work and school ultimately taught me resilience, diligence and focus.

My summer internship at CFA Institute is one of the most fruitful and experiential events in my university life. As a marketing intern, it was exciting to finally be able to apply theories from the lecture halls to my actual work – Suddenly, all the lectures made sense! Additionally, my interpersonal skills and time management have been most definitely improved thanks to my busy schedule and deadlines. I was also able to expand my network and better understand what I wanted to do in my career.

During my final year, lectures and classes went online– a new and unique experience for everyone. Despite the difficulties, all my professors were very understanding and patient toward us. Just like every year, the professors guided us through and were always willing to help during consultation hours. Sometimes they even seemed a lot more like friends than teachers. Thank you!

Truthfully, I genuinely enjoyed my four years more than I expected. Looking back, if I were to advise any new students, I would tell them not to underestimate OUHK. Seize any opportunity that is thrown your way and make the best of it! You would never know how much you would enjoy a learning experience until it happens! Who knows? – It might even be a big part of your journey.


專業會計榮譽工商管理學士畢業生 (2020)


在大學第三年的下學期,有幸得到老師的幫忙和鼓勵,參加秋季實習計劃,當中有過百名同學被分配到不同的知名會計師樓,進行為期四個月的實習,體驗會計師樓在高峰期工作的滋味。當時,我被分發到中瑞岳華會計師事務所(RSM HK)的審計部門實習,在短短四個月的實習,可為一些大型公司提供服務,當中也學會了很多事情,由剛到公司對審計行業一無所知,到最後能夠處理不同的審計工作。




桂淩青 (來自江西九江)

商業管理學榮譽工商管理學士畢業生 (2020)





專業會計榮譽工商管理學士畢業生 (2019)





商業智能及分析學榮譽工商管理學士畢業生 (2019)




企業管治榮譽工商管理學士畢業生 (2018)




企業管治榮譽工商管理學士畢業生 (2018)

光陰似箭,我從公開大學畢業至今已三年了,但踏入大學的一點一滴仍然歷歷在目。有幸得到導師們諄諄教導,令我不論在知識上或是技能上都獲益良多。在大學期間,學校給我多元的學習機會,讓我裝備好自己,在畢業後隨即加入卓佳集團旗下的Tricor Services Limited 發展自己的事業。集團全球共有47個辦事處,為世界各地超過50,000多個客戶提供專業證券登記業務、商業管理及企業秘書服務等。我十分慶幸在開展職業生涯的時候加入這間極具規模的公司,得到很多寶貴的機會接觸不同的公司客戶(當中更包括大型上市企業),從而擴闊自身的眼界。



Alumni of BBA(Hons) in Business Management (2014)

Born and raised in Hong Kong, I received an offer through JUPAS in 2011 to study Business Management at OUHK. Today, I work at UBS as a Business Manager within the APAC Regional President's Office supporting our Group COO – where I get to work with stakeholders in driving the implementation of cross-divisional initiatives and the region's priorities. As you all are about to start your university life, I hope you find my sharing and views both helpful and empowering.

Below are 3 things I did consistently throughout my university life. They have not only brought me to where I am today but continue to be actions I remember to follow as I climb the career ladder.

  1. Explore & Reflect: Spend a lot of time thinking not only about your dream profession after graduation but ultimately who you want to be, and how you will serve others. As someone who has interviewed and worked with interns before, the answers to those questions are far more important than you can ever imagine. I've never asked interns in interviews to explain a test score. Instead, they have to show the kind of person they are by answering questions like “Are you a hard worker?”, “Are you reliable?”, “Are you open to other viewpoints?”,  “Have you stepped outside of your comfort zone before?”.
  2. Show Up: A large amount and varieties of programs are constantly available at our University – from competitions to workshops to exchange programs. You have a lot of flexibility and freedom during study – I managed my time well and showed up to almost every single event I came across. To name a few – I was part of The Shanghai Open University International Students Exchange Program, the HK Outstanding Business Student Award, HSBC Asia-Pacific Business Case Competition etc. It was never about winning, it was about showing up and having something to take away. My takeaways were either being awarded the competition prize, expanding my network by meeting more people or learning more about the industry I wanted to get into. Show up and it'll be worth it.
  3. Plan, Plan & Plan: Always have a game plan on how you're going to get to your destination and ensure you have back up plans too. Outline every possible action you'll need to take – e.g. researching on companies and their opportunities, following dates of internship/graduate trainee applications, CV and interview preparations etc. It is very normal to feel demoralized when you face rejections and it's fine if you want to spend time being upset about it but know that afterwards you'll have to pull up your socks, look at your plan and switch gears to your back up option. Despite all the efforts, I did not have a job offer when I just graduated but I did have an Internship lined up that summer with Ernst & Young (won this through a competition) and I focused my efforts on making that experience count and planning my next steps.

Looking back at my journey, I'm grateful for the ups and downs, rejections, pushbacks, hurdles and how they've shaped me. By showing up no matter what and planning ahead – I've proved that with a strong motivational drive you can turn your situation around. A working career is some 75,000 hours at a desk – I strongly suggest doing something you enjoy. To all new students, I wish you all the success. Enjoy your days in university. Make your journey count!

Jess Yip

A mind that has her grit to sprout through experience

Jess Yip considers herself “lucky” to be offered a Compliance Officer position at HSBC amid fierce competition in 2016 after graduating from the University. Indeed, what had set her apart from other candidates was her diligence, receptiveness and determination.

Having a major in Business Management, Jess gained extensive exposure to various business-related subjects, which she finds transcend time, “The up-to-date business knowledge offered by the Business School undoubtedly boosted my confidence in setting out a banking career after graduation.”

After joining HSBC, she had the chance to work in the team of Private Banking. Despite the significant amount of work she had to handle at that time, she accomplished them all. Jess also managed to make most out of the intense on-job training since university. She recalls getting those overwhelming assignments, group projects, and tests done was no mean feat, but she was able to push her limit, which in return grew her analytical skills, people skills and time management skills.

Be a SPONGE that Absorbs as Much Knowledge as You Can

Back in the day, Jess treasured internship opportunities. She took up internships and part-time jobs in several companies, including Disneyland, Zara, and Marc by Marc Jacobs. The frontline roles she once had at banks exposed her to bank environments. Such experience helped her land her first job upon graduation at HSBC. Looking back, Jess found her schedule productive and fulfilling. “I gained much hands-on experience and expanded my social network. It definitely broadened my perspective.”

Being either overconfident in their knowledge or afraid of asking the wrong questions halts people from seeking advice. That said, Jess does not fall into these two kinds. She always takes the chance to ask and seek advice from people at work and her teachers. She has built rapport with colleagues and unlocked key pieces of advice from them for her future planning. She took their words along the way she developed her career, “I believe it is rewarding to ask more and get to know more.”

Be a STONE that Has the Strength of Conviction

Today, Jess works as a Risk Analyst at Credit Suisse. She comes across people from all walks of life during her work; as she describes, “Banks serve as the conduits of our economy.” She finds her momentum in life through working in the banking sector. “While helping my clients from different sectors, I am inspired by them. I realise how I want my life to be and how to live my life.”

When Jess has achieved a goal, she sets the next one and sets it high. She has prepared to pursue further study. “Having a master degree would not put you at a more privileged position at the start of your career; nevertheless, it gives you an edge in job promotion.” She does not settle for the status quo. She is determined to achieve more in her career. She said, “Never let yourself be too comfortable… Find your passion and purpose, and always set goals. Never stop until you get there.”