About IIBG

李兆基商業管理學院 研究 Institute of International Business and Governance About IIBG

Funded by the Research Grants Council's Institutional Development Scheme, the Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration (B&A), Hong Kong Metropolitan University (HKMU), established the Institute of International Business and Governance (IIBG) in January 2016.


  • To amplify institutional research strengths in the fields of international business, governance and ethics;
  • To broaden academics' knowledge and international connections to stimulate new research ideas and possibilities;
  • To promote research culture;
  • To encourage collaborative research and development of clusters for cascading research knowledge and networks, thereby forming a research backbone for capacity building;
  • To enhance research output which makes scholarly contribution to the academic communities with a view to advising and influencing the development of local and international professional bodies, government organizations and business communities; and
  • To provide platforms for academics to gain insights and up-to-date information about the latest developments in the relevant business fields to benefit teaching.


  • To provide new research outputs, business analytic tools and data for studying the areas of innovation, sustainability, entrepreneurship and the future of work and living that can be transferred as inputs and foundation in further multidisciplinary research projects;
  • To investigate and understand how multinational corporations capitalize on big data in international business;
  • To examine the impact of China's outward foreign direct investment on the dynamics of international business and its theoretical and practical implications;
  • To address the issues of governance in organisations under the influence of globalisation; and
  • To explore how spiritual orientation, cultural values, and ethical development affect the governance and management of organisations.

How Can IIBG Contribute to Business Communities?

Nowadays both profit-making and non-profit making organisations are faced with ever-growing challenges from the trend of globalization. The call for stringent governance from various stakeholders, such as shareholders, regulators and consumers, demands organisations to embrace forward-looking perspective in corporate governance in order to minimise risks and grasp opportunities arising from globalisation. IIBG focuses on research of the latest trends and business implications in the areas of international business and governance, and shares important findings with various members of business communities. By doing so, IIBG aims to facilitate organisations to develop appropriate business strategies so as to tap into the growing opportunities in international business, and to observe the increasing demand in business governance.

Through participation in international conferences, seminars, workshops and public lectures organised by IIBG, the members of business communities can:

International Business

  • Gain the latest knowledge and insights for international business development and global business strategies;
  • Understand and appreciate recent issues in foreign direct investment and their implications for business expansion in international markets;
  • Keep abreast of the theories and applications of big data in the context of global business opportunities and market development; and
  • Stay competitive in the ever-changing global economy.


  • Be aware of the importance of governance to an organisation for sustainable growth in the 21st century, particularly in the context of responsible investment;
  • Learn the latest knowledge and insights to address issues related to human resources management, organisational spirituality, and business ethics for both immediate and long-term solutions to meet and satisfy social concerns;
  • Understand how to lead an organisation to responsible business, thereby satisfying the growing demand for corporate social responsibilities; and
  • Develop the capability to identify defective organisational governance and thus create possible solutions to the identified problems.

Director and Deputy Director of IIBG


Director of Institute

Professor Alan Au

Associate Director of IIBG

Deputy Director of Institute

Dr Matthew Yeung

Inauguration Ceremony of the IIBG cum Public Lecture

The inauguration ceremony of IIBG was held on 12 December 2016, officiated by the Non-executive Chairman of MTR Corporation Limited Prof. Frederick Ma Si-hang, Deputy Chairman of HKMU Council Mr Silas Yang Siu-shun, HKMU President Prof. Yuk-Shan Wong, and Dean of HKMU Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration Prof. Alan Au Kai-ming.

Following the ceremony was a public lecture entitled “How to Embed Sustainable Thinking in Corporate Strategies of Government-owned Public Companies in Hong Kong” given by Prof. Ma at which he shared with participants his years of experience in corporate management.