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10 May 2022

HKMU's sports initiatives during the pandemic

4 May 2022

護理系學生安老院舍工作之體會 (in Chinese)

28 March 2022

HKMU sets up support centre for Hospital Authority's COVID-19 hotline

23 March 2022

HKMU conducts fit test of N95 mask for over 400 frontline workers

22 March 2022

都大商學院舉辦青少年暑期課程 助中學生在疫境中規劃未來 (in Chinese)

21 March 2022

HKMU provides vaccination service for children and elderly

10 March 2022

都大辦暑期網上學堂 自製教材助千名小學生在家學習 (in Chinese)

1 March 2022

HKMU joins the frontline against the COVID-19 pandemic