Dr. SHAO Dong Shawn

cwfa Dr. SHAO Dong Shawn

Dr. Shao Dong


BA(NJU), Mphil (HKU), PhD (HKU)


Dr Shawn Shao received his BA degree from Nanjing University, MPhil, and PhD degree in Chinese from The The University of Hong Kong. He is currently acting as Research Assistant Professor of the School of Arts and Social Sciences at OUHK. His research interests lie in Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature, Sinophone Literature, Film Studies and Nanshe Studies. He has published several papers in peer reviewed journals such as Chung Wai Literary QuarterlyTwenty-First Century, and Literature in ChineseHe has published his first academic monograph The Silver Screen among Pages: A study of Yingxi Fiction in Early Republican China in 2017. He is also the member of the Society of Chinese Theories in Literature and Arts.

As the member of The Union of Hong Kong Writers, Dr Shawn Shao has been awarded 9th Global Contest in Chinese Creative Writing 1st prize(2017), Lin Yutang Literary Awards 1st prize(2016), HK Youth literary Awards short story excellent prize(2015) during recent years. He is also a Columnist of Initium Media and The Paper News. His first book of selected Short stories, named Air Guitar, will come off press in 2019.

Teaching Areas & Research Interests

  • Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature
  • Hong Kong Literature
  • Film and Cultural Studies
  • Creative Writing
  • Urban Studies
  • Sionphone Studies

Academic & Professional Experience


9th Global Contest in Chinese Creative Writing 1st prize (2017) “文學與人”第九屆華語文學原創大賽首獎

Lin Yutang Literary Awards short story 1st prize (2016) 林語堂文學獎首獎(短篇小說)

HK Youth literary Awards short story excellent prize (2015) 香港青年文學獎

HK University Literature Awards (2015) 大學文學獎

Nominated For Li Ka Shing Awards for Outstanding RPG Students 2014 香港大學李嘉誠優秀學術論文提名獎

Creative Writing

<西營盤> 《上海文學》2019年第10期


<走馬燈>《特區文學》2018年第6期; 轉載收錄於《小說月報》2019年第1期

<鑽石山> 《萌芽》2018 年2 月號

<濤濤的冰箱> 《香港作家》2018 年第一期

<防疫糖丸> 《大公報》2017 年6 月18 日

<陌生的孩子> 《雨花》2011 年第7 期

<拼車> 《翠苑》2011 年10 月

Selected Publications


  • 《紙上銀幕:民初的影戲小說》(The Silver Screen among Pages: A study of Yingxi Fiction in Early Republican China)(台北:秀威經典,2017.08)
  • 《空氣吉他》(Air Guitar)(廣州:廣東人民出版社,2019)

Book Chapters

  • <電影與通俗文學的初次結合——試論“影戲小說”的產生>,載朱壽桐主編《論漢語文學與文化》(澳門:銀河出版社,2015 年),216-228。
  • <影戲小說”的衝突性:小說新舊範式以及圖文轉換>,载张夷主编《第二屆中華南社學壇論文集:啟蒙·革命與現代性的追尋》(北京:團結出版社, 2014 年)

Journal Articles

  • <旅行的珀涅羅珀——周潔茹小說中的女性史詩>(The Travel of Penelope: The Female Epics in Zhou Jieru's Fiction),《世界華文文學論壇》(Forum for Chinese Literature of the World.) 2019年(CSSCI,北大核心,Referred,快將出版)
  • <感時憂台:魏德聖電影中的抵抗姿態與殖民書寫>(Obsession with Taiwan:The Resistance Posture and Colonialism Narration in Wei Desheng's Movies.),《中外文學》(Chung Wai Literary Quarterly) 2016 年第3 期,159-194。(THCI Core; ESCI )
  • <五四新文學場域與劉半農的思想轉向>(The New Literary Field of the May Fourth Movement and the Ideological Reorientation of Liu Bannong),《二十一世紀》(The Twenty-First Century )2019年第2期,103-120.(Referred)
  • <張愛玲《少帥》中的時空觀與成書問題>(The setting and Space-time Spectacle of Ailing Chang's The Young Marshal),《香港文學》(Hong Kong Literary)2019年第一期,56-61。
  • <身體的發現、新道德與視覺政治:民初小說中的人體模特事件>(The Discovery of Body, New morality and Visual Politics: Figure Models in Fiction during Early Republican China),《二十一世紀》(The Twenty-First Century )2018年4 月,46-59. (Referred)
  • <巴洛克與裸命:劉以鬯處女作流亡的安娜·芙洛斯基述評>(The Bare Life in Baroque Style:“Lost Anna Flosky”as Liu Yichang's Literary Debut),《香港文學》(Hong Kong Literary)2018 年第7 期,56-58;
  • <時空盡頭的漫遊者:周潔茹的香港小說簡論>(The Wanderer at The End of Time and Space:A Brief Summary on Zhou Jieru's Fiction),《香港文學》(Hong Kong Literary)2015 年第3 期,82-86;2017 年5 月號《創作與評論》轉載(CSSCI)
  • <秘密花園與時間的金屬嘴:周潔茹《島上薔薇》述評>(The Secret Garden and Metal Mouth of Time:Book Review on Zhou Jieru's Roses of Islands)《城市文藝》(Hong Kong Literature Bimonthly)2017年第2期.36-39.
  • <時光兔窟:張愛玲《少帥》中的封閉空間與時間意識>(The Rabbit Warren:The Enclosed Space and The Sense of Time in Ailing Chang's The Young Marshal),《常州工學院學報(社會科學版)》( Journal of Changzhou Institute of Technology)2017 年第一期,35-38。
  • <敘事的零度:《賽德克巴萊》中的反日殖敘事>(Narrative Degree Zero:The Resistance Posture against Japanese Colonialism in The Warriors of Raibow),《常州大學學報》(Journal of Changzhou University)2016 年第4 期,79-84
  • <情慾的試煉:太虛幻“鏡”下的賈寶玉與賈瑞>(The Lust Trial:Jia Baoyu and Jia Rui's Land of Illusion),《曹雪芹研究》(Studies of Cao Xueqing)2016 年第3 期,168-177。(Referred)
  • <亦中亦西的現代文學嘗試:民國影戲小說簡論>(Modern Literary Attempts, Chinese and Western: A Brief Look at the Film Fiction in the Republic of China,),《華文文學》(Literature in Chinese) 2015 年第1 期,22-29。(CSSCI,北大核心)
  • <無我原非你:文本內的釵黛合一>(With or Without You:the Textual Analysis of “Chai Dai as One),《紅樓》(Honglou),2011 年第4 期,29-34。

Selected Professional & Community Services

  • Member, The Union of Hong Kong Writers(香港作家聯會)
  • Member, The Society of Chinese Theories in Literature and Arts(中國文藝理論學會)