Dr. LAW Tsin Fung Angela

cwfa Dr. LAW Tsin Fung Angela

Dr. Law Tsin Fung Angela




Angela Law Tsin-fung is assistant professor and programme leader of Creative Writing and Film Arts in the School of Arts and Social Sciences, the Hong Kong Metropolitan University. She obtained B.A. in Chinese Language and Literature (minor in Gender Studies and Philosophy), M.A and PhD in Cultural Studies from the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Her research interests include Chinese modern literature, Chinese contemporary literature, cultural studies and film studies, creative and cultural industries studies. She specializes in global and Hong Kong film music and has published nine related books in Hong Kong and the Mainland China; these books employed a wide range of perspectives such as cultural studies, auteur theories and textual analysis to analyze film music.
Before joining the Hong Kong Metropolitan University, Angela Law worked in different creative positions across a range of media industries: she worked as a TV scriptwriter, feature reporter, magazine editor, and book editor. She currently teaches creative writing and film theory at the Hong Kong Metropolitan University.
In 2010, she obtained Award for Best Artist (Arts Criticism) from the Hong Kong Art Development Council and the Fellowship of the Asian Cultural Council (Lee Hysan Foundation) respectively. The fellowship grant supported her study and research on film art and film music in New York for six months. She was also a visiting scholar in New York University Tisch School of Arts in 2011. 

Teaching Areas & Research Interests

  • Film Studies
  • Film Music Studies
  • Creative and Cultural Industries Studies
  • Cultural Studies
  • Chinese Creative Writing
  • Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature

Selected Publications


  • The Sketch of Impermanence: Remembering Kieslowski. Guilin: Guangxi Normal University Press, 2016.
  • The Sketch of Impermanence: Remembering Kieslowski. Hong Kong: Kubrick, 2016.
  • Diegetic Music/ Sound. Hong Kong: Kubrick, 2014.
  • Non-Diegetic Music/ Sound. Hong Kong: Kubrick, 2014.
  • The Necessity of Silence: Film Composer Talk about the Art and Theory of Writing Music for Cinema. Beijing: Joint Publishing, 2011.
  • The Necessity of Silence: Film Composer Talk about the Art and Theory of Writing Music for Cinema. Hong Kong: Kubrick, 2011.
  • Notes Between Frames, 2nd edition. Guilin: Guangxi Normal University Press, 2014. 1st edition by the same press published in 2007.
  • Film x Music. 4th edition. Beijing: Joint Publishing, 2013, 326 pp. (4th edition, 2011, 3rd edition, 2007; 2nd edition, 2006; 1st edition, 2005)
  • Image x Music. Hong Kong: Joint Publishing, 2004.
  • HKinema.Vol.3:《香港電影音樂》Hong Kong Film Music. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Film Critics Society, 2008. (Edited Book)

Book Chapters

  • 〈王家衛電影音樂圖鑑〉in Wong Ain-ling, Lawrence Pun and Bono Lee, eds., The Panorama of Wong Kar-wai 《王家衛的映畫世界2015版》. Hong Kong: Joint Publishing, 2015, pp. 68-89..
  • 〈世俗情歌:關錦鵬的映畫主題曲〉in Esther M.K. Cheung, ed., In Critical Proximity: The Visual Memories of Stanley Kwan《關錦鵬的光影記憶》. Hong Kong: Joint Publishing, 2007, pp. 178-213.
  • 〈劉德華談暗戰及其他〉in Lawrence Pun, ed., Milkyway Image, Beyond Imagination《銀河映像,難以想像》. Hong Kong: Joint Publishing, 2006, pp. 152-165.
  • 〈鍾志榮談鎗火〉in Lawrence Pun, ed., Milkyway Image, Beyond Imagination 《銀河映像,難以想像》. Hong Kong: Joint Publishing, 2006, pp. 186-197.
  • 〈王家衛電影音樂圖鑑〉in Lawrence Pun & Bono Lee, eds., The Panorama of Wong Kar-wai 《王家衛的映畫世界》. Hong Kong: Joint Publishing, 2004, pp. 212-237.
  • 〈電影音樂──我的冷文學〉in Brain Cheung, ed., My Own Private Cinema《我和電影的二三事》. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Film Critics Society, 2005, pp. 153-160.
  • 〈2046:他們的主題曲〉in Pierre Lam, ed., 2004 Hong Kong Films Retrospective 《香港電影回顧2004》. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Film Critics Society, 2005, pp. 106-110.

Journal Articles

  • 〈藥〉in Fleurs Des Lettres《字花》(Hong Kong) Vol. 48 (2014): 43-45.
  • 〈好的電影音樂視它如何為電影服務──約翰.威廉姆斯訪談〉, Film Art《電影藝術》(Beijing) Vol 3 (2012): pp.72-75.
  • 〈以電影音符貼近生命──訪貝拉.塔爾〉, Film Appreciation Journal《電影欣賞》(Taipei) Vol. 136 (2008): pp.57-59.

Selected Professional & Community Services

  • Alumni of the Asian Cultural Council
  • Member of the Hong Kong Film Critics Society